Thursday, January 21, 2016

B3 Ch5 Misae -part3

Midnight was dragged into a big courtyard, where a white tiger was ordering troops about. When he caught sight of the black cheetah, he frowned, and stepped forward to him.

Vulcan (white tiger): Now, what do we have here?

Knight 1 (white eagle): We caught this lad around the market place. Princess Misae ordered us to capture him on sight.

Vulcan: Is there a reason?

Knight 2 (grey wolf): Well, sire... he does look awfully like the black prince, son of your most hated enemy...

Midnight decided to play along, not wanting them to realize who he really was.

Midnight: Yes. I'm, uh... Prince Cole. Release me at once!

Vulcan: Not what I imagined, considering his parents... but if what he says is true, he could be useful.

The White King ordered a squire to fetch his scribe. A minute later, a fox came out of the castle, with a piece of paper and quill.

Scribe (orange fox): What is your command, honorable king?

Vulcan: Write a letter to Charon, telling him we have his brat of a son. If he doesn't call off his troops in the forest looking for us and the rebellion, we'll kill his son.

Midnight breathed in sharply at this, wondering if he should've told the truth. Well, too late for that now. The scribe grimly nodded and started writing on a piece of paper.

Midnight: Isn't that... a little cruel?

Vulcan: We've been at war for generations, neither side winning against the other... sometimes you have to go to drastic measures to get what you want. Including death...

Midnight tried to stay calm as he was led towards the dungeons. He was shoved into a prison cell, and the door closed behind him.

Knight 1: Sorry, boy. Nothing personal... You understand, don't you?

Midnight: Oh, yes. All too well...

The door locked with a loud click, and the guard walked away, leaving Midnight to himself.


Meanwhile, two black guards who witnessed the capture of what looked like a black cheetah, they quickly made haste towards King Charon's castle. But on their way, they ran into a group of worried teenagers.

Kurt (black giraffe): Hello! Is there a problem?

Ruby: Yes, we're looking for a black cheetah wearing a night blue jumper.. have you seen him?

The two guards looked at each other, then nodded.

Sandy (yellow wolf): Yes, we did. He got taken by some white knights just now.

One of the teenagers, a blue kangaroo, face palmed and groaned.

Sapphire: Idiot... I knew he wasn't the shiniest bolt in the box, but seriously?

Kurt: Is he your friend?

Sunshine: Yes, but-

Kurt: Then you'll have to come with us! Those knights will come for you if they find out you're in leagues with him!

Sandy: Please, let us take you to our castle for safety!

The red kangaroo (who seemed to be the leader) nodded in agreement.

Ruby: I guess it's for the best. Lead on, sir...?

Kurt: Kurtis. But please, call me Kurt.

The Black guards led them towards the black castle, where they hoped they would be safer.


The gang (including a puzzled Misae) followed Kurt through hallways and rooms, until at last they reached a huge door. The Black guard knocked, before opening it and stepped in.

Kurt: My lord, some guests have arrived...

Ruby looked around in awe at the room that they were in. A wolf was sitting behind a desk looked up as they approached, and raised an eyebrow.

Charon (black wolf): Ah, Kurtis... Who are these children, and why are they here? Do they have business with me?

Misae looked like she had a few words to say, but Sunshine led her into a corner, hoping she'd keep quiet. Sapphire stepped forward, getting straight to the point.

Sapphire: Our friend was arrested by some white knights, and we want him back.

The king took interest at this, and leaned forward.

Charon: Why was he arrested?

Ruby: We have no idea, your majesty...

Just then, the doors flung open, and Cole walked in. He stopped when he noticed Ruby and friends, though.

Cole: What the-...

Charon: Relax, son. They're my guests, so I suggest you behave like a prince should.

Cole said nothing, instead he waved his surprised greeting to them, before facing his father.

Cole: Father, I have something I need to ask you...

Charon: Can it wait, son? I've got a lot on my mind at the moment. Can't you ask your mother? You're personal guard?

Cole: I did...

Charon: Anyway, it'll have to wait.

Just then, a messenger ran in, carrying a letter. He bowed politely, but looked nervous.

Messenger: Lord Charon? A message from the white kingdom has arrived...

Charon: Oh? Read it aloud for me.

The messenger opened the sealed envelope, before reading it aloud.

Messenger: "King Charon. I have your son, Prince Cole of the Black Kingdom in my dungeons. If you retract your troops from the forest, I may spare his life. King Vulcan the Second of the White Kingdom"...

Charon looked closely at his son, and then at the messenger. Sapphire was trying hard not to chuckle, while Cole stared down at his feet.

Charon: ... Are you in the White King's dungeons, Cole?

Cole: I don't think so, father.

Charon: Alright then... You may leave, messenger.

The messenger bowed again before rushing out the door. Charon looked curiously at Ruby, before suppressed a sigh.

Charon: What does Vulcan think he's playing at, trying to trick me into thinking my son is in his dungeons?

Ruby: I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it's our friend who's in the dungeons...

Charon: So Vulcan is going to kill an innocent if I don't order back my troops out of FeatherDust Forest? Argh...

Cole: Are you going to do something, father?

Charon didn't answer for some time. He shook his head before looking down on his paperwork again.

Charon: No.

Cole: B-but father-

Charon: It's not worth my troops to go out on a rescue mission for this kid. More is at stake than his life.

Everyone stared back, shocked at his words. Sapphire was the first to recover, and she did so loudly.

Sapphire: Forgive me, My Lord... But you don't know what a mistake your making by-

Charon: I didn't ask for your opinion. Now, please leave. I've got work to do.

Ruby: But-

Charon: LEAVE. NOW!

Ruby sighed and left the room with Sunshine and Misae. Sapphire glared at Charon before following her cousin.

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