Thursday, January 28, 2016

B3 Ch6 Aunt Sunshine - part2

An hour earlier...

Barak was zooming across the sky, looking down on the busy world below him, when he noticed a blue hooded figure dashing through the crowds. Barak assumed this was Midnight.

He also noticed that two white guards moving in towards him. Midnight crashed into them, and they grabbed hold of him and started heading towards the White palace.

Naturally, Barak followed them.


After his spying mission, Barak flew off towards the Mist tavern as fast as he could. In fact, he went so fast he accidentally crashed through the front entrance and tumbled into Ruby's rented room.

Barak: Ruby! Midnight's in the dungeons-

Ruby: We know.

Barak: And he's going to be unalived-

Sapphire: Killed.

Barak: In two days-

Ruby: Yes, we know.

Barak: And Zelda's cooking extra chocolate chip muffins with salted caramel cream toppings.

Sapphire: Now that we didn't know!

Fang: Dragons have a good sense of smell. They can smell sandwiches a mile away!

Ruby ignored him and kept pacing around the room. Sapphire gave a sigh of annoyance and stood up to face Ruby.

Sapphire: Ruby, it's not healthy to worry about little things like this!

Ruby: Little? Our comrade is in the dungeons, and you're saying I shouldn't worry?

Sapphire: Yes. Yes I am.

Barak: Are you also forgetting that Midnight is, as everyone calls him, a skilled thief?

Fang (who was continuously tapping Barak's foot) bit down into Barak's scales as hard as he could. The green dragon yelped in alarm and tossed Fang up onto his back.

Barak: Ow! What did you do that for?

Fang pointed to the door and scurried out into the hallway. Barak checked to see if anyone was watching before stealthily following the red spider.

Barak: Fang? What's up?

Fang: The ceiling.

Barak continued to trot after Fang, knowing he'd tell whatever was on his mind at some point in the next few minutes.

The spider leaped down the flight of stairs and rushed into the kitchen where Zelda was. She looked up as Barak walked in, unsure. He smelt the tasty aroma of muffins cooking, and spotted Fang on a table nearby.

Zelda: What can I get for you?

Fang: Sandwiches. Extra flavor!

Zelda: Alright, then. Does the dragon want something?

Barak: No thanks, Zelda.

Zelda smiled and started to create a sandwich for Fang. Barak looked pleading at Fang, hoping for some answers.

Barak: Can you now tell me what's up?

Fang: There's a bunch of guards coming this way, planning to arrest the White princess. But the good Black prince has already taken her back to her palace!

Barak: So, what will they do?

Fang: They'll arrest Sunshine instead.

Zelda gave Fang the plate of sandwiches he wanted. He started eating a slice when Barak stammered the question.

Barak: What! Why?

Fang: (while eating) Well, she's the closest thing to the princess that they can capture.

Barak: We have to stop them!

Fang: No, we don't.

Barak: Why not?

Fang: Midnight's in jail, correct? And soon Sunshine will be too. Now I know you think that's bad, but trust me. I have a plan...

Barak: Ok... I trust you.

Fang: Good, because here they come!


The sound of the door being slammed open echoed into the warm kitchen of the tavern. Soldiers clanked up the set of stairs and another door banged opened.

Barak: Uh... Shouldn't we...?

Fang: If it makes you feel better.

Barak left the table and practically flew upstairs towards their rented room. He could hear Sapphire shouting at the top of her lungs as three knights in black armor marched out with Sunshine.

Sapphire: If I ever set my eyes on you again, I'll tear you limb from limb before throwing your remains into a pot and cook it with rotten fish and dead coral, before tossing it into the deep blue for the sharks to eat your pitiful insides and-

Ruby: Ok, that's enough Sapphire. We get the point!

The knights hurried past Barak, and he couldn't blame them. He tried to put on a scared face and cantered to Ruby.

Barak: What's going on?

Sapphire: They've just arrested Sunshine, and for no reason!

Barak: M-maybe it was a mistake?

Sapphire: YOU BET IT IS!!! Let me go, Ruby! I want to give them a piece of my mind!

Ruby: You mean you want to take a piece of their mind and make them eat it! No way. As much as I hate it, we have to let them go.

Sapphire: Stop being a goody grand new shiny two shoes, Ruby!

Barak: But she's a vampire! Isn't she?

Ruby: We'll get then back later!

Sapphire: We better...

Sapphire stormed out of the room, while Ruby sighed. Barak felt bad for not stopping the patrol, but he trusted Fang (despite what everyone else thought).

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