Saturday, January 16, 2016

Vamparoo Comic

Well... It's not a picture, but maybe you guys would like this as well? I've never drawn an UV comic before, and it sounded like fun.

This was what I came up with a few weeks ago!

In case you can't read it, here's the dialog.
Hi, Apple!
W-... Oh. Hi, Sapphire! I didn't see you there. What brings you here in this part of my mind?
I was hoping you'd improve my look. It's getting a bit... dull, and old.
Mm, yeah, I guess... Now that you're a DSC (Deep Sea Creature), I should probably update your outfit a bit.
Something piratey, if possible.
No promises.
So... What do you think, Sapphire?
Not bad... Not bad at all.
Yeah, I've been thinking about changing Sapphire's appearance a bit, since I'm kinda getting bored with her grey cloths... Maybe something like this? I dunno. Time will tell, I guess.


  1. Replies
    1. Not really. Now that I've had a better look at it, there are a few things I want to change... Oh well. Glad you think so, though! :)
