Tuesday, January 19, 2016

B3 Ch5 Misae -part2

Meanwhile, somewhere in the city...

Midnight was strolling through the open streets, thinking about what to do next. He couldn't go back to the inn (afraid Ruby might still be there), so he decided to go to the library. Who knows? He might learn something. And besides, no one would know...

But, having no idea where the local building filled with books was, he decided to get a better view. He climbed a nearby house and started jumping from building to building.

??? (white leopard): Hey, what are you doing up there?

Midnight looked down, and saw a young leopard girl, frowning at him. He grinned, and relaxed.

Midnight: Looking at the view. It's quite nice up here! Want a look?

???: No. I'm not suppose to be there, and neither are you! Get down from there!

Midnight: Make me!

The light cat glared back at him, now angry. She called over some guards who were nearby, and pointed up at Midnight. They stared icily at the cheetah, who waved at them.

Knight 1: What is your command, Princess Misae?

Misae (white leopard): Bring him down! He refuses to do as I say!

Midnight: Oh, so you're a princess... Sorry, I should have realized... Maybe I'd have done a better job at hiding so I could steal your valuables! I've never stolen from royalty before!

Misae: Now he's taunting me! GET HIM!!!

Midnight turned around jumped down off the other side of the roof, and backed into an alley and hid behind some barrels. The knights (having no idea where he went) clanked passed him. After they left, Midnight climbed back up the building, where the pale cat was still standing there, waiting.

Midnight landed beside her, making her cry in alarm. Midnight sighed and backed her into an alleyway.

Midnight: Calm down, lady! I'm not going to be hurt you... much.

Misae: My dad is going to kill you when he finds out what you've done!

Midnight: I haven't done anything yet!

Misae: Yes you have! You've disobeyed me! You're going to get thrown into the dungeons for this!

Midnight: You don't run this land, princess.

Misae: Dad says I should start practicing, seeing I'm the next queen of the White kingdom! And who are you? Prince Orpheus of the black kingdom?

Midnight: As a matter of fact, yes I am.. Apparently.

The pale leopard didn't know what to say, so Midnight carried on.

Midnight: Look - this war between your father and my father is pointless. Your the next queen, correct? So you'll have the power to stop it. The people are going nuts here! Surely you have enough brains in that thick head to realize that?

Misae: Are you calling me dumb? And I thought Prince Orpheus was dead!

Midnight: Not the point. Oh, and can you tell me where your library is?

Misae: No! I have some questions for you!

Midnight: Too bad. You'll have to wait for that little interview with me.

Misae: I knew all Erebos's descendants were jerks!

Midnight: Maybe, but I can't help it if I grew up in a tavern filled with thieves! Well, so long, princess!

Midnight ran out of the narrow street and dashed into the crowd, but Misae gave chase. Midnight swerved through people, but the princess followed him persistently.

But as he turned a corner, he spotted Ruby and gang, without Cole (Midnight assumed he went home). Just as he was about to hide, Ruby spotted him and approached him, smiling.

Ruby: Ah, Midnight. Just the guy I wanted to see!

Midnight: Insert snarky comment here...

Ruby: Very funny. We still haven't finished our discussion!

Sunshine: Please, Ruby! He can't help it if he wants to explore a strange city!

Ruby: Maybe so, but I'd feel so much better when he gets his just desserts...

Just then, Misae caught up with Midnight. She halted when she saw Barak, and stepped back a little.

Sapphire: What do you want, kid?

Misae: Nobody calls me kid! You... blueberry twerp!

Sapphire tried to contain her laughter at this insult, but failed. She burst out laughing, making the princess scowl at her.

Misae: What's so funny? I demand to know!

Sapphire: Did you seriously called me a... a pregnant goldfish?

Misae: ... What?

Sapphire: Very humorous, kid. But we've got a prophecy to fulfill.

Midnight: Since when?

Sapphire: Since Barak opened his mouth to a bunch of soldiers.

Misae: Prophecy? I was not informed of a prophecy!

Sunshine: That's because it isn't true. We're just going to stop the kings from fighting, and be on our way.

Midnight was trying very hard to sneak away, but Ruby noticed and dragged him back.

Ruby: You're not going anywhere, Midnight!

Midnight: Are you sure about that?

Midnight grabbed hold of Ruby's shirt and tossed her into the ground and sprinted off. Ruby was soon after him, much to his fear.

Ruby: You can run, but you can't hide!

Midnight: Yes I can!

Midnight, after some time, lost Ruby in a huge crowd and carried on down the streets. But (in his haste to get away from Ruby) he crashed into a bunch of guards, who recognized him as the kid Misae wanted. Without question, they grabbed him and hulled him off to the white castle.

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