Thursday, January 14, 2016

B3 Ch5 Misae -part1

The tree they were in shook violently, similar to an earthquake. They looked around, seeing birds flying everywhere, and Vampires running deeper into the trees.

Barak flew down to Sapphire, who was trying very hard to stand upright.

Sapphire: Barak, WHAT'S GOING ON?

Barak: I think the area is under attack.

Sapphire: By what?


The green Dragon thought for a second before replying.

Barak: Possibly bombs. I smell a lot of blast powder in the air!

Sapphire: Could you maybe stop this? Please?

Barak flew towards of the direction of sounds. He picked up the sound of many Vampires running towards him. He blindly shot out a light beam, clearing out everything in it's way. Cries of surprise rang out, making Barak really hoped he didn't hit anyone.



Ruby: Where's Barak?

Ruby, Sunshine dashed towards Sapphire, making sure she was ok. The blue kangaroo nodded, and grinning said...

Sapphire: He's fixing the problem.

Sunshine (now a little worried for the poor winged reptile) stammered a question.

Sunshine: Do you think that's a good idea? What if he gets hurt?


Sapphire: The worst injury he's had was getting his wings bruised! Plus, he's a big boy.

Sunshine: He's less than three months old!

Sapphire: Exactly! He'll be fine.

Ruby: Maybe we should go and find him...

Cole: Bad idea, but it'll be too dangerous to try and get back to the city... Our best chance is to stay here and hope for the best.

Sapphire: That's boring! I'm going to the stream to get a piece of the action!

Sunshine: Are you nuts? Do you have a death wish?

Sapphire: I'm not that unstable, Sun. I just don't want Barak to have all the fun!

Sapphire dashed towards the large river and jumped right in without hesitation. She shivered a bit (for it was cold), but dived under, vanishing as she silently swam downstream and deeper into the forest.


Sapphire swiftly swam with the icy current until she saw blurry figures. She carefully resurfaced, and saw Barak close by. She tried getting his attention, and succeeded.

Sapphire: (Psst! Barak!)

 Barak: (Why are we whispering?)

Sapphire: (I don't want to be seen.)

Barak: (By them? Ok. But what do I do? I want them to stop!)

Sapphire: (pretend to be dangerous and violent!)

Barak: Uh... Step back! All of you! I'm... um... Extremely angry!

Sapphire face palmed silently as all the warriors stood there, bewildered.

White Knight (white kangaroo): Who are you, small winged lizard?

Barak instantly perked up at that question, and waved at them.

Barak: I'm Barak! Champion of the Dragon race, and- Ow!

Sapphire had thrown a small pebble at the green Dragon, hoping that would get him back to pretending.

Barak: Oh... I mean, ROAR! Back, you weak minded shiny tin cans!

Black Knight (black horse): Why are you angry at us?

Barak: You're fighting a pointless battle! I'm confused.

White Knight 2 (purple tiger): We know! But if we don't, our kings will send us to the dungeons! We have families to think of!

Barak: That's-... I have a prophecy to make!

Sapphire was curious now. She allowed Barak to go on.

Barak: Four strangers from a far off land will stop all this fighting! So, uh... no need to worry! They have it all under control.

Sapphire guessed the "four strangers" must be her, Ruby, Sunshine and Midnight. After all, they weren't from these parts. (Well, three of them at most)

Black knight: So... we can go home now?

Barak: Sure! Better than fighting. If your kings get mad at you, I'll just pay them a visit and ask for something to eat.

All the warriors gave a sigh of relief and trudged back towards the city, chattering happily. They were glad they didn't have to fight a pointless battle anymore, and didn't question Barak's Prophecy.

After they were all out of earshot, Sapphire emerged from the water, giving Barak a funny look.

Sapphire: Ok, mister Dragon Champion. What's the big idea with this "Prophecy"? Did you make it up on the spot?

Barak looked at the sea kangaroo sheepishly, and nodded.

Barak: Well, Ruby wanted to help the Vampires of Grey island, so... I thought I'd give them a heads up?

Sapphire: Yeah, that's good. Great, even... but how do we stop two kings who want each other dead?

Barak: Ask nicely?

Sapphire: Be creative, Barak.

Barak: Um... get them to be friends?

Sapphire sighed, and shook her head.

Sapphire: Think, Barak, Think! I know you're capable of it!

Barak: Get Sunshine and Midnight to pretend to be the heirs to the throne and change the kings mind from another level?

Sapphire: That's more like it! But how can we achieved that?

Barak: I was hoping you'd know.

Sapphire: Ok... Let's go ask the two people on our team that're actually smart, then.

Sapphire climbed out of the freezing stream and followed Barak back to the others.


  1. So cute! Barak fan club!
    But you spelled 'throne' wrong. Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you knew...

    1. I'm just the writer and artist for this blog. So.. yeah - thanks for helping us spellcheck it! :)
