Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Ch 28 The Extraordinary UnMythic - part.2

Sapphire waited near the entrance for Melody. After a while, Melody came back with a group of Vampires with blood hounds.

Melody: I persuaded F.A.T.E to help us find Ruby and Midnight.

Sapphire: F.A.T.E?

Jack: Fearless Accomplished Team from EverWinter.

Sapphire: I'm sure fighting an over sized rodent shouldn't be that scary. But thanks for coming, all the same.

Leader Quill (white eagle): Where can we find them?

Sapphire: Hopefully in the middle of EverWinter forest.

Leader Quill: Do you have anything that belongs to them on you?

Sapphire: Well, no... not that I know of, anyway...

Leader Quill: Great... looks like this is going to be harder then we thought.

The bloodhounds whined and tugged at their leashes.

Jack: ... The dogs are getting restless. They know something's up.

Leader Quill: ... Lead the way, Kangaroo.

Sapphire: Righto, Governor!

Sapphire jumped and sped down the hill. Melody and the leader of the rescue team took flight, while Jack and the other Vampires dashed down with their hounds.

Sapphire and the rescue team trekked through Everwinter forest, trying to find signs of where Ruby, Midnight and Topaz could be.

Sapphire: I think they're around somewhere...

Leader Quill: You're not sure, are you?

Sapphire: It's hard not to doubt when you can't remember where you left them.

Leader Quill: You assumed they were somewhere in the middle of Everwinter forest?

Sapphire: Well... I was running around blindly, but yes. I think so.

Melody:  What did this... Vampire look like?

Sapphire: WELL... She was a fox...

Jack: ... And...?

Sapphire: That's all I know.

Melody: So... no name, no... nothing else?

Sapphire: Nope. I skedaddled before I got any information from her, but I believe she likes Midnight.

Melody: And... Midnight's a thief, correct?

Sapphire: So he says.

Leader Quill: She must be a thief herself...

Melody: What are you suggesting, Quill?

Leader Quill: ...

Melody: You don't mean...

Leader Quill: Yes. Yes I do.

Jack: But she's in the dungeons... right?

Leader Quill: No one has checked her cell in a while... it's possible she could've sneaked out without the guards noticing...

Melody: If that's the case, we may have a small problem on our wings.

Sapphire: ... Explain please.

Melody: Well, this fox you mentioned... well... we believe she could be Mistress SilentStep, a trained girl in the arts of thievery.

Sapphire: WAIT, WAIT, wait... are you telling me that small ball of ginger fluff is a dangerous criminal?

Leader Quill: Yes, and children shouldn't be around her, like you.

Sapphire: I hope you've noticed she's a child as well...

Leader Quill: ...

Sapphire: Thank you for taking note of that.

Sapphire suddenly stopped and looked around.

Sapphire: ... I'm pretty sure this is the spot where we were ambushed...

Jack carefully looked at the grass. He rose nodding his head.

Jack: Vampires have been here, that's for certain.

Sapphire: She must have taken them somewhere else...

Melody: I would've been surprised if she stayed! I think she knew you were going for help, and ran off with your friends before we could get here...

Sapphire: Yeah.. I guess that it would've been a dumb idea to stay...

Jack: Touché.

Leader Quill: ... We've done as much as we can. Release the hounds.

Jack took off the bloodhounds leashes and they sniffed the ground for a minute, before howling and dashing off deeper into the forest.


  1. Go hounds go!
    Is fang kidnapped too?

  2. UH OH!
    BTW, i was looking at your amazing and awesome den, and I found the top picture! (030)
    Your are always going to be amazing. Don't ever forget that.
