Sunday, May 3, 2015

Ch 28 The Extraordinary UnMythic - part.1

As the moon started to rise higher, a lone blue kangaroo could be seen ducking and weaving around the trees of the misty forest of Everwinter. As the wind started to pick up, she reached the busy village, where she dared to stop and catch her breath for a minute.

Sapphire: Looks like I made it without much trouble... now to get help...

Sapphire sighed and started to speed through the houses and up the hill where the Vampire Lord's mansion was. She spotted the Vampire guards, protecting the entrance as she got closer. She rushed past them, causing them to stumble back. She sped down the halls, not stopping for anything.

Sapphire: Now, if I was a Vampire Lord... where would I be?

Sapphire noticed an open door, and went and decided to investigate. As she entered the room, a tall dark figure could be seen in the shadows.

Sapphire: I'm assuming you're the ruler of this town?

Vampire Lord: Indeed.

The Vampire Lord came out of the shadows with a crack of lightning and a crash of thunder.

Vampire Lord: It's been years since an UnMythic has stepped into this building... why are you here?

Sapphire: Requesting permission to ask for help, your strangeness. My two cousins, Ruby and Topaz, and Midnight are being help prisoners by a small orange fuzzball. I managed to escape, but I can't rescue them alone.

Vampire Lord: ... Small orange fuzzball?

Sapphire: That's the best I can describe her.

Vampire Lord: I see...

Sapphire: So... will you help me?

Vampire Lord: I see no reason why I should trust you. I apologize.

Sapphire: I don't WANT your apologies! I'll have you know I'm RELATED to a Vampire! Don't you dare back down and say you won't do anything!

Vampire Lord: ...

Sapphire: And for the record, I've been helping Ruby and Midnight on their recent missions. Without me, they wouldn't even be ALIVE.

Vampire Lord: Whether that's true or not, I still can't trust you.

Sapphire: Why?

Vampire Lord: You're an UnMythic. You have been known for trickery and betrayal. History has confirmed that.

Sapphire: Well... I'm different from everyone else. I used to come here on a daily schedule to play with my fourth cousin once removed! Surely you must know Ruby's history? They have more UnMythic blood than everyone else on the island! I bet my life on that!

Vampire Lord: I know of Ruby DeathDancer's history. Her ancestors played a big part in the war between UnMythics and Vampires.

Sapphire: If you know that much, then you are aware I'm no ordinary UnMythic.

Vampire Lord: ...

Sapphire: I'm wasting time... anything could've happened to them by now.

Sapphire turned to leave. The Vampire Lord didn't move. Sapphire looked back at him for a moment.

Sapphire: ... Thanks for nothing, O lord of Vampires.

Sapphire started speeding down the halls again, wondering what to do next. As she was running down the halls, she crashed into a Vampire.

Sapphire: Watch where you're going!

Melody: Sorry - didn't see you there...

Sapphire looked up at the blue bird closely.

Sapphire: ... Do you know Ruby and Midnight by any chance?

Melody: I help train them when they show up to training sessions... why?

Sapphire: A crazy fox lady has them cornered and I need help rescuing them.

Melody: Why don't you ask the Vampire Lord to help you?

Sapphire: I have a long and... interesting history, so he doesn't trust me.

Melody: Well, I guess I take part responsibility in the search and rescue guild... I'll help you.

Sapphire: Thank goodness someone has the sense to help a child in need. I'm Sapphire.

Melody: Nice to meet you, Sapphire! Melody's my name.

Sapphire: Well, Melody... before we go off on the rescue search, we need an actual team.

Melody: I'll go and get my friend, Jack. He belongs in one of the best search and rescue teams in this village!

Sapphire: If I don't cause too much attention, then I'll be waiting near the entrance.

Melody jumped and spread her wings and started flying down the halls. Sapphire made sure no one was looking, and sped in the opposite direction.


  1. YAY!
    Go Melodyyyy!
    Anyhoo, I wonder what Jack will do? And stupid Vampire Lord. BTW, does he have a name?(Besides Vampire Lord) I mean, anything will do. :-)

    1. In the Vampire World (or at least MY one) you cant address your lord/king/ruler by his, or her name, but by their title. Its disrespectful if you say a high ranking Vampire by their name. Ruby and Midnight are just kids, so they are addressed by their proper name. And when your old (like Ruby's grandma) you can be callled by either name or rank.

      I'm sure we'll get a sneak peak with the Vampire Lord's name eventually. But right now, try not to snoop around too much!

    2. By 'Evantally' yo mean 2 posts from now. LOL

      Elyot is kinda cool!

  2. It says Sapphire in the Vampire lord purple.Its a little confusing!
