Thursday, April 30, 2015

Ch.27 Thieving friends - part.2

Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz and Midnight jumped up, ready to fight. But one of the strange Vampires motioned for the rest to stop. Midnight took a step forward, glaring at them.

Midnight: I KNEW you were following us! What are you doing here? W-... I thought you were in the dungeons!

Mittens (orange fox): I was, Midnight... Waiting for you to save my sorry hide...

Midnight: You knew I wasn't coming back for you. Not after what you did to... my friend.

Mittens: You're friend?... Oh, you mean the poor barmaid that lives in that sorry club of yours! Well... that was an accident.

Midnight: Accident? You did that on purpose!

Mittens: With that attitude towards me, she had it coming to her.

Midnight: I'll repeat what I said... Why. Are. You. Here?

Mittens: Well... I had to stop waiting eventually, so I broke out myself, and got myself a strong gang. It took two years, but the reward was worth it!

Ruby: Uh, Midnight... may I ask who she is?

Mittens: Me? Why, I'm just a girl who has a broken heart... betrayed by her Romeo and just trying to find a way to survive...

Sapphire: Really? You look like you're having fun.

Mittens: Oh, I am... but looks can be deceiving.

Midnight: You are deceiving.

Mittens: Oh be quiet, Midnight. No one wants to listen to a black rat.

Ruby and Sapphire (who had been making hand jesters and signals)  nodded at each other before bolting deeper into the forest. The fox flicked her tail and the rest of the Vampires charged after them.

Topaz: ... I'm sorry for my curiosity, but what's your name?

Mittens: I'm mostly known as Mittens.

Topaz: Well, Mittens... is there a reason why you and your mates are here?

Mittens: Actually, yes. I've been tracking Midnight here for months. Rotting away and left forgotten in that dreadful dungeon has made me change the way I think... and HE didn't even lift a claw to help me.

Topaz: So... you want revenge?

Mittens: Naturally.

Midnight: So what were you planning to do to me?

Mittens: If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise!

Midnight: ...

One of the Vampires came back, looking extremely scared.

Vampire Bandit: The red and blue kangaroo disappeared, Miss Mittens... we don't know where they went! We didn't mean for them to escape!

Mittens: Great... that means they could be getting help...

Mittens turned angrily towards the Vampire bandit. He flinched under her gaze.

Mittens: Find them! And don't come back until you do!

The grey wolf cowered and ran deeper into the forest. Mittens sighed and turned to look at Midnight again.

Mittens: We were a team, you and me, Midnight... why did you ditch me for a poor sick girl like her, I ask myself.

Midnight: ...

Mittens: We could've been happy together, Midnight... you and me against the world...

Midnight: ...

Mittens: ... I'm giving you a chance to come back to me, Midnight.

Midnight looked up at Mittens, now confused.

Mittens: All I ask from you is to leave that worthless barmaid. And maybe your new friends, as well. Hanging out with too many girls... they might get jealous.

Topaz: Ruby only thinks of him as an ally. I don't know what Sapphire thinks.

Mittens: I see...

Just then, two Vampire Bandits came back pushing Ruby in front of them. Both looked worried.

Vampire Bandit: Well... we found the red one, but... we couldn't find the blue kangaroo...

Mittens looked like she was about to explode.

Mittens: You fools! She could be in Everwinter village now, for all we know!

Vampire Bandit: Well... at least we got one...

Mittens: Not good enough! You! Keep an eye on Midnight and the kangaroos. You! Find the blue one!

The wolf scurried off again deeper into the forest. The other bandit sat down and glared at them all.

Ruby: (whispering) Now what?

Topaz: (whispering) Hope that Sapphire won't get caught, and that she sends help...

Ruby: (whispering) But... will the Vampires listen to her? Will the Vampire Lord listen to her?

Topaz: (whispering) ...

They stayed silent, waiting in the cold dark forest and waited.


  1. No, Sapphire!
    And, uh...
    Mittens likes Midnight (or she did). Midnight dance with Sapphire. I ship them. And now...OH NO.
    If Mittens finds out that they belong together...NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Oh, WHYYYYY!!!!

    Storm (can I call you that?) stop her NOWWWWWW! We must protect LOVE!

    1. Yes, you can call me Storm.

      Wait and see what happens... In the next few days! >:)

  2. At one part it says Topaz in the purple used for midnight.Its a little confusing!
