Monday, April 27, 2015

Ch.26 The theif goes Undercover - part.3

The brown wolf stared blankly at Midnight, watching him pacing around.

Maud: (whispering) We keep our wood wet and hard so thieves have a harder time getting out.

Midnight: ... I'm not a thief.

Maud: (whispering) Liar. Its in your eyes.

Midnight: My eyes?

Maud: (whispering) I can read eyes like a book. They show me hidden details about someone.

Midnight: Well... what do my eyes say then?

Maud: (whispering) They told me you're a thief, but kind and thoughtful. That you're a great liar, but hate tricking friends. You know many secrets, but you don't know the answers to them.

The strange wolf pauses for a moment before continuing.

Maud: (whispering) ... You're eyes also told me you have no parents.

Midnight: You don't know what you're talking about!

Maud: (whispering) I do, actually.

Midnight: ... You're not worth my time. I need to find a way out of here!

Maud: (whispering) The only way out is the front gate.

Midnight: You said that already.

The wolf said nothing but turned to walk deeper into the misty village. Midnight thought for a moment before following her. Midnight weaved around houses, following her. The wolf entered a house and Midnight followed her in.

Meanwhile, Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz were waiting for Midnight to return. As time went on, they became restless.

Sapphire: Whats taking him so long?

Topaz: Maybe he got lost?

Ruby: I doubt it. This is a fairly small village, and Midnight doesn't "get lost".

Sapphire: Then why isn't he here? It's been half an hour since he got in there! And we don't know what's going on!

Topaz: Patience. Maybe he got captured and he's finding a way out?

Ruby: I guess that's possible...

Just then, loud screaming could be heard and the gates started to slowly open. The cousins saw Midnight bolt out of the village and down the hill towards them at top speed, yelling at the top of his lungs.

Topaz: What is he saying?

Sapphire: ... "Run away as fast as you can because Dewy Village is really angry, hurry up you're wasting time to get away"...

The cousins looked at each other, and then decided to run back into the marshy lands of Dewy Meadows.

When they had gotten far enough away, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz and Midnight stopped to catch their breath.

Sapphire: What took you so long?!

Midnight: I couldn't climb back up! The wood was too wet, and a wolf pup distracted me.

Topaz: Distracted you with what?

Midnight: Uh... just distracted me, that's all.

Topaz: ...

Ruby: So... what was all that screaming before you escaped?

Midnight: The wolf pup told me that the only way to get out was by the front door... and so I started screaming that UnMythics were attacking from behind and the guards opened and before they knew it, I was free.

Sapphire: Great thinking.

Midnight: There was no other option. And I didn't want to be stuck in THAT village for the rest of my life!

Ruby: So... whats going on in Dewy Village?

Midnight: UnMythics attacked about a week ago, leaving only fifteen Vampires, including their Vampire Lord.

Topaz: So why didn't they say anything? We Vampires MUST keep in touch with each other! It's how we all survived the past thousand years!

Sapphire: Maybe they couldn't?

Topaz: We don't DO "couldn't". There has always been a way to send messages!

Ruby: ... By the way, Midnight.

Midnight: ...

Ruby: Good job.

Midnight: With what?

Ruby: The mission. We now know what's going on, thanks to you.

Midnight: You're welcome.

Sapphire: ... Well, now what? Do you think we can get back to IceFlame before sunset?

Midnight: Doubtful. It took us an hour to get here, and it may well take MORE than an hour to get back.

Sapphire: What other choice do we have?

Topaz: Everwinter forest shouldn't be that far from here. We'll try to reach it before it gets dark, and if all else fails, we camp out.

Midnight: What fun...

Topaz: And hopefully no bandits or wild creatures will get us during the night.

Sapphire: ...

Topaz: ... Well, what are we waiting for? Lets start moving, before it gets any colder.

Topaz got up and started walking in the direction of the sun. Ruby and Sapphire got up to follow, with Midnight close behind.