Thursday, April 2, 2015

Ch. 24 Shining secrets - part.1

After a while, Ruby started exploring the IvyWood village. She spotted Topaz talking to some Vampires with crossbows. They saluted to her and dashed off somewhere. Topaz looked up to see Ruby and walked over to her.

Topaz: Ruby! Tunka again for coming to warn us! We're already low on defenses without the UnMythics making things harder. Not to mention our Vampire Lord's gone... we're weak without a proper leader...

Ruby: Think nothing of it. Lately me, Midnight and Sapphire have to do a lot of traveling, and... just between cousin to cousin, there's only a few days left until the war starts between us, and them.

Topaz stops in her tracks and looks at Ruby.

Topaz: How do you know that? Remember, I'm nine years older then you! If vis aka-

Ruby: I'm not known for lying, and you know it.

Topaz: ... True... Connati.

Ruby: Me and Midnight found the egg the Dragons left before they escaped the Island. It should hatch before the war starts, giving us the advantage of surprise and strength!

Topaz: Deedra?! Fiy feend the dreeda alou?!

Ruby: No need to get excited!

Topaz: Surrah. But... that means...

Ruby: ... Yeah?

Topaz: ... Never-mind. Inna mio.

Ruby: Why would I ignore you?

Topaz: Sometimes I talk too much.

Sapphire and Midnight dashed up to where they were at.

Midnight: This place is great! Despite the strange language everyone mutters, it seems like a nice place to live!

Topaz: We're proud of it! No UnMythic towns or houses nearby, rare flowers growing everywhere, small clean lakes and a lot of healthy plants growing! And it... or, was the safest place on the Island for Vampires...

Sapphire: Until your Lord disappeared.

Topaz: Nue weera uloti thena eevo.

Midnight: What?

Ruby: She said "Now we're weaker then ever". I guess they were already the weakest village to start with. Peaceful, but weaker.

Midnight: Can't you just speak normally? We wouldn't need Ruby's translations if you did!

Topaz: You're getting a lesson in our wonderful ancient language every time I say something. Lami nue.

Midnight: Don't tell me...

Ruby: ... "Like now".

Midnight: ... If ANYONE who doesn't speak strange needs me, I'll be exploring your forest.

And so saying so, Midnight turned around and walked out of the village.

Topaz:  Serves him right for not reading.

Ruby: Can't blame him. All that me and Sapphire know is he's a thief. An honest one, but still a thief.

Topaz: Then why does he travel with you? And why do you trust him?

Ruby stayed silent, but Sapphire answered for her.

Sapphire: I feel it in my gut. Besides, he's useful if we want to "borrow" something from the UnMythics!

Topaz: But you still don't know ANYTHING about him?

Ruby: He keeps his secrets, we keep ours. He'll tell us when he's ready.

Topaz: Leete helep so.

Just then, the blue lion from earlier ran up and saluted Topaz. She saluted back.

Blue Lion: My scouts have found us some more food. We'll be ready if those Ukatiola's attack!

Topaz: Good work. It's only thanks to you and your group that our village can eat without worry of starving. But keep your guard - Kirabell ik all arunde nia. Slati seera.

The scout saluted again before dashing off somewhere else.

Sapphire: What was that about?

Topaz: Preparing for the war. We don't know what the UnMythics want from us, or when our crops stop growing... that's why we're doing what we can before they start anything.

Ruby:  I guess... but-

Sapphire: We're going to stop the war if its the last thing we do.

Topaz: Sapphire, I know you're the bravest out of everyone, but that doesn't make you the smartest.

Sapphire: After being locked away for years, my mind has changed. I want to make it right before anything happens to you all. Vampires and UnMythics alike.

Topaz sighed and looked at Sapphire.

Topaz: I'm sorry I haven't traveled to you. Or Ruby. Or... any of our other cousins, actually.

Sapphire: I doubt your arrival would've changed my mothers mind after what happened to my father.

Sapphire kept a blunt face and walked back into Topaz's underground house. Topaz sighed and turned back to Ruby.

Topaz: I guess I missed a lot... What happened to her? She was... more cheerful, last time I saw her. And look at you! You're much more serious now! Is there anything you can tell me?

Ruby: Long story short, Sapphire's dad died and her mother taught her to hate Vampires for the past eight years... and she locked her in her room and refused to let her go and play with me... even now I think she tries to keep her trapped.

Topaz: But shes grown headstrong...

Ruby: Yeah...

Topaz: ... Whats your story?

Ruby: The shock of Sapphire's dad being... well, dead took hold of me. Still has. Sapphire's dad was smart, strong... I'll even go far as saying good looking. Why someone would want to... unalive him is a mystery. One I hope to discover one day.

Topaz: Unalive? What kind of word is that?

Ruby: You can thank Midnight for teaching us that.

Topaz: I'll thank him by hitting him over the head. Thieves will always be thieves...

Topaz sighs again. After a while, she looks up, a little more cheerful.

Topaz: Come on, I want to show you something. If fiy leet chen.

Topaz gently took hold of Ruby's hand and led her away into the big house at the end of the Village.


  1. Aww, poor Midnight. :-( Hey, do u think my blog can have some ancient language too? I just wanna ask, so u don't think i'm stealing the idea!

    1. It would be cool for your blog to have an ancient language too, but it can be... fairly tricky. Just make sure to use your own words and ideas when thinking up this "language"!

  2. On this page:

    How did you put the plushies on a different background? And what program did you use??
