Thursday, April 9, 2015

Ch.24 - Shining secrets - part 5

A cold frosty wind started to play and dance as Sarah FireFrost told the legends of the Winter Fangs.

Sarah: It all started when a Vampire wolf named Winter went out on a hunting trip for his starving village. But while trying to look for an open pond, he realized he was lost...

Clouds started to block out the moons beams and snow started to fall down in that frozen garden where Ruby and Sarah were.

Sarah: He tried to retrace his steps, but the cold unforgiving winds pushed him back deeper into snowy meadows, until finally, he had to stop and find shelter. The snow started to fall harder and harder, until he could bare it no more. He was freezing, hungry, and no one in the world knew where he was...

 Sarah turned her head up to the cloudy sky, where all you could see was small snowflakes floating gently down, and rumbles in the sky started to sound.

Sarah: Suddenly, a lightning bolt hit him straight through his heart, and he had a terrible transformation . His fangs grew longer, and his heart colder. But he had the ears and nose of the best blood hound, and he was going home. He raced off into the cold biting wind, but that didn't bother him anymore. He leaped and jumped through the hills and valleys, until he found his village.

Ruby: ... And did they welcome him back?

Sarah sighed and sadly looked into Ruby's eyes.

Sarah: ... No. They did not welcome him back. They didn't know it was him. They thought he was a savage beast, going to kill them all... even his best friend couldn't recognize him. Winter shook his head in sorrow as he turned away from everything that he knew. He had no choice but to live alone for the rest of his life... or so he thought.

Ruby stayed silent, waiting for the story teller to go on.

Sarah: Winter ran for what, to him, seemed like forever. Finally, he crashed to the ground, and made a loud howl of sorrow. Wounded in heart, he hid from the world. Anything he bit turned into a dangerous creature like him.

Ruby: ... Did his village ever figure out it was him?

Sarah: Eventually, yes... When the people of Winter's village did realized it was Winter who was that hideous creature, they renamed him the Winter Fang. And some say the cold wispy howls you sometimes hear at night come from Winter Fang... made into a melody of cries and calls for someone to join him and his group, so that they may be less lonely...

Ruby stayed silent, thinking of what Sarah told her. Finally, she stood up from the cold ground she was resting upon.

Ruby: ... Thank you for telling the legend of the Winter Fangs, Miss FireFrost.

Sarah: Don't thank me, child. It is the duty for everyone to tell the ancient stories of our race! Without them, we would all forget what we truly are. Now run along now, dear. I believe the dinner bell is being rung.

Ruby looked up to see Diamond waving from inside. Ruby hesitated and turned back to look at Sarah FireFrost.

Ruby: Won't you be coming inside too?

Sarah: Don't worry about me, I'll come in later. But I want to see the first lights of the stars before I go in and eat.

Ruby dashed back inside and Diamond took her to the dinning room.

After dinner, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz and Midnight went to their bedroom for the night.

Topaz: So, Ruby... enjoyed reading your book?

Ruby: Well, I tried to, but... there's plenty of time for that. I actually researched some books and found a cure for chircil!

Sapphire: Really?! What is it?

Ruby: It says the cure is the frost from the Winter Fangs.

Midnight: And... where do you get this "frost" from them?

Topaz: The frost is inside their fangs.

Midnight: And how do you know that?

Topaz: I just happen to like reading, that's all.

Sapphire: So when do we go on this epic adventure to find ice wolves?

Ruby: In the morning. It's too dark to go out now, and we need Diamond's help to navigate through these lands.

Topaz: Sounds like a plan to me!

Ruby lay down on the bed near the window. Sapphire jumped into another bed, and Midnight did the same. Topaz waited for everyone to get comfy.

Sapphire: Well... goodnight, I guess.

Topaz: Gamonia evean.

Midnight: Sour nightmares all night long!

Ruby: And dangerous adventures in the morning!

Topaz blew out the candle and darkness took over the room. Ruby looked at the rising moon as the howls of faraway wolves started to sing their songs of pain and suffering.


  1. WoW! Awesome story! Is he, like, a werewolf? (Did u get that from my blog??? LOL I'm ok with it if so. If not, your yurt is whoonda!), u kinda misspelled the title...sorry! I just wanted to make sure it wasn't on purpose! Did i offend you? I hope not! That would be bad :-(

    1. Not at all! And the Winter Fangs are not like werewolves... unlike every other type of mythic creature on the island (Ice giants, Deep Sea creatures, Vampires, Dragons), the Winter Fangs appeared A LOT LATER then everything else. Maybe we can learn more about them as time goes on? :)
