Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Ch.23 IvyWood Village - part.3

Ruby, Sapphire and Midnight finished packing the potions and bombs that Grandma gave them.

Ruby: Do we have the potions?

Sapphire: Invisibility potions, Speed potions, Strength potions...

Grandma: And my latest Fire Breather potion!

Grandma put an extra boiling red potion into Sapphire's bag.

Ruby: Midnight! Did you bring the gold and silver I asked for?

Midnight: Yes, but whatever for I can't imagine...

Midnight handed over a leather pouch full coins and jewels.

Ruby: I got the bombs Boo and Grandma made... Lets go!

Fang: What about me?

Ruby: Why would I take you?

Grandma: Because he's your pet, and you'll take him whether you like it or not!

Ruby: ... Fine.

Ruby picked up Fang and stuffed him into her bag.

Ruby: Ok... NOW we're ready!

Grandma: IvyWood Forest should be beyond the hilltops and windmills. I'm sure you'll be fine, though!

Ruby: Thanks, Grandma. See you soon!

Sapphire: You do know we have school tomorrow, right?

Midnight: I'm sure the entire UnMythic race won't end if we skip a few days of school. Besides, I'm SURE they won't notice we're gone!

They said their goodbyes to Grandma and headed on their way to the IvyWood Village.

They entered a deep forest and followed a path until they reached a small village, it's gates open, with no one guarding it. They enter the Village and started walking around.

Sapphire: Hello? Anyone home?

Midnight: ... Kinda strange, isn't it? No Vampire Lord in their right mind would leave a Village unguarded! Even thieves know that...

Sapphire: Anyone getting the feeling this is like Darkriver village all over again?

Ruby: Maybe the UnMythics got here before us?

Midnight: Unarmed? I doubt it. We would've smelled cinnamon by now if that was the case!

Suddenly, armed Vampires dashed out of nowhere and surrounded them.

Blue Lion: What are you doing here?

Sapphire: I don't know... trying to stop UnMythics from attacking your village would be a good start!

Blue Lion: Don't lie, lying, kangaroo! Tell us why you're here!

Sapphire: Don't accuse me of lying!

Blue Lion: I can accuse whoever I want!

Ruby sighed and looked around at the armed Vampires before speaking.

Ruby: "Chur Li Ruby, Vampi coss o' Topaz Frie EvelWinn Village. Impa imorta busnia, plou get vis ledair."

The armed Vampires lowered their weapons and started whispering to each other. Finally, one of them dashed into a big house at the end of the village.

 Midnight: What did you say...?

Ruby: I'll tell you later, Midnight. Right now more serious things are at stake.

 A few minutes later, he came back with a tan brown kangaroo.

Ruby: Hello, Topaz!

Topaz (tan kangaroo): Ke! Ruby! It's been so long since I've seen you! And Sapphire, glad to see you too! How long has it been? Seven years?

Sapphire: Eight, actually. Happy to see you too, Topaz!

Sapphire and Topaz high-five. Fang pops out of Ruby's bag and scurries down to Topaz.

Fang: You must be one of Ruby's many cousins!

Topaz: Yes indeed, talking spider!

Ruby: Even if she's the eldest out of all my cousins, we still had fun years ago.

Topaz: I have so much to tell you! A lot of things have happened since we last met.

Blue Lion: So... they're welcome?

Topaz: Of course they are! They're my cousins.

Blue Lion: Even the black cat...?

Midnight: I have a name, y'know.

Topaz: Yes, yes. Even him. If he's a friend of my third cousin once removed, then he's welcome. Come on in! Welcome to IvyWood Village!

Topaz led Ruby, Sapphire and Midnight to a underground house and entered. They started talking.

Topaz:You must be wondering what happened to our Vampire Lord in IvyWood... Aren't you?

Midnight: Yes! How did you know?

Topaz: I'm sad to say that... something bad happened to our Vampire Lord...

Fang: What?

Topaz: About a year ago. None of us know why, but he just disappeared without a trace!

Sapphire: So... no footprints, no scent, no this or that... nothing?

Topaz: Nope. We thought he would come back, but... he hasn't.

Midnight: And his guards?

Topaz: Vanished like a magic act with him.

Ruby: Then... whose leading the village?

Topaz: A bunch of the strongest and smartest Vampires in our village are acting as ledairs. Including me.

Midnight: Ledairs?

Ruby: The ancient Vampire language for leaders.

Midnight: We have an ancient language...?

Ruby: It's mostly forgotten in every village except IvyWood. Me, Sapphire, and some of our other cousins learned it from Topaz.

Topaz: Poli nu miny Vampi's remez the lugnied.

Midnight: Uh... what?

Ruby: She said "Pity not many Vampires remember the language".

Sapphire: It's also a pity I can't remember much of the language either... being locked away in a room for years can make you forget things.

Topaz: ... Anyway. Why have YOU come to our fair village at this time?

Sapphire: UnMythics raided our tree house and asked some Darkriver villagers the directions to IvyWood. We suspected trouble, so we came to warn you! And also it was an opportunity to ask your village for help.

Topaz: But... what if they caught you coming here?

Ruby: I doubt it. They didn't know where they were going! And it's not like they can catch us or anything.

Topaz: Beht seera thena surrah.

Midnight: ... Translation?

Ruby: "Better safe than sorry".

Midnight: Ah.

Topaz: ... Thanks for warning me. Now I can tell the other leaders to double their guard! You may or may not have to stay the night...

Fang: As long as I can have sandwiches, I'll be happy to stay the night!

Topaz: Whoonda! I'll make sure to get you something to eat later. But I think the make-shift guards need a bit of updating on whats going on. I'll see you later!

Topaz zipped out of the house and into the afternoon sunshine.


  1. WOAH! Nice village! May i ask, is the language an actual language? Or did ya make it up? Eiether way, congrats for this post! :-) My best guess is that it's Romanian...
    (If you don't have a name 4 it yet, consider this...Bite-Trisian.)

    1. The strange language that Topaz speaks is made up by me. I thought it would be fun to make up a strange ancient language that Vampires spoke thousands of years ago! (Translation page will follow shortly!)

    2. Woah! You made that up! Ur just like J.R.R. Tolkien! (He began making Elvish at 13 years old-it's true!) Amazing language! Can't wait for the page! ;-) What do you call it?

    3. We're thinking about it. But it probably will be called "Whats ancient Vampish?"

    4. Cool! many cousins does Ruby have? Like...5 Million? You gotta make a page if there's more than 3.
