Thursday, April 23, 2015

Ch.26 The thief goes Undercover part.2

Midnight rolled out of the way before Onyx could land on him. He tossed a bracelet towards her feet and ran for it. Onyx picked it up quietly, giving one more hiss. Midnight turned to see her walk towards her bedroom.

Ruby: Do you believe us now?

Midnight: I admit it. She's scary.

Topaz: What on earth were you thinking? Taking something from Onyx is more dangerous than hunting for Winter Fangs!

Midnight: I couldn't help myself! Do you know how hard it is for me to NOT steal? My claws were itching for some action!

Topaz: Was that the action you wanted?

Midnight: It certainly was unexpected!

Sapphire hit Midnight over the head.

Sapphire: And now you should return all those things, now that you've had your little fun.

Midnight: Do I have too?

Sapphire: YES.

Topaz: And make it quick. We leave for Dewy Meadows in half an hour.

Topaz headed back to the guest's bedroom to prepare. Ruby and Sapphire followed close behind.

Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz and Midnight were making their way across a swampy land towards Dewy Meadows.

Midnight: Why are we doing this again?

Topaz: We already told you. We're here to warn any Vampires about the UnMythics plan to attack in... how many days now, Ruby?

Ruby: Four.

Topaz: ... In four days. And seeing WE are some of the only ones that know this, it is OUR duty to travel and warn our kind!

Midnight: Do you really think we can warn EVERY SINGLE VAMPIRE on the entire island about the UnMythic plans... In FOUR days?!

Ruby: We can at least try!

Sapphire: And batmail can get there faster in the more distant villages, while we're traveling on foot to the more closer villages.

Midnight: .. Why didn't Diamond and Onyx come?

Ruby: They need to stay at Castle IceFlame to help prepare for the upcoming war.

Midnight: So I hear...

Topaz: Look alive, Vampires! We coming towards the village of Dewy Meadow!

Midnight: Please say you don't have any cousins in this village....

Sapphire: Oh, stop complaining!

A wooden barricade came into view. As they got closer, they noticed a misty haze surrounding the village. Sapphire ran up and banged on the barricade.

Sapphire: ANYONE HOME???

Voice: Go away!

Sapphire: Don't talk to me like that!

Voice: Sorry, but that's the rules.

Ruby: What rules?

Voice: No outsiders! And certainly NO UnMythics allowed either!

Ruby: Why?

Voice: Didn't you hear me? I said go away!

Sapphire clenches her fists but Ruby signals for them to move away.

Ruby: Well... this wasn't the welcome I'd expected.

Topaz: But we have to get in somehow.. This trip can't just be a waste of time!

Ruby: Well... I think one of us can get over that wall if we create some kind of pyramid. But they could be more hostile if we get in...

Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz turned to face Midnight and smiled.

Sapphire: Ok, who votes for Midnight to investigate Dewy Village, say "I".

Ruby: I.

Topaz: I.

Midnight looked around at the cousins in dismay.

Midnight: Why me? Why can't Topaz do it? She's older than all of us!

Sapphire: Midnight, I think you're forgetting your little "accident" this afternoon.

Midnight: Oh, come on! It wasn't that bad...

Ruby: You almost had us killed! You need to prove you can do something WITHOUT endangering the whole Vampire race.

Midnight: But...

Topaz: Fiy doun havua a sao iea imme!

Topaz half dragged Midnight back to the barracks with Ruby and Sapphire. They made a pyramid for Midnight, and he climbed over the wall. He started to explore nervously around the misty village, looking for any Vampires that could be hiding.

Voice: (whispering)  Hey... what are you doing here?

Midnight turned around to see a brown wolf hiding in the thick mist.

Midnight: Investigating this village. Why, what are you doing here?

Maud (brown wolf): (whispering) Staying out of sight.

Midnight: Could you please explain why they wont let anyone in?

Maud: ...

Midnight: ... Why are you afraid to tell me?

Maud: (whispering) You can't be seen here!

Midnight: Why not?

Maud: You just can't! No one can get in or out! Its the rules!

Midnight: Why?

Maud: (whispering) UnMythics attacked us about a week ago... our Vampire Lord made new rules to keep us safe!

Midnight: But why didn't anyone travel to any of the other villages to let us know?

Maud: (whispering) We tried! But our Vampire Lord denied it!

Midnight: How many Vampires are left in this village?

Maud: (whispering) About fifteen... including me and our Vampire Lord.

Midnight: What happened to the rest of your village?

Maud: (whispering) They got snatched! Taken away somewhere else! Haven't seen them since...

Midnight: Well... now that I know whats going on, I can leave now.

Maud: (whispering) How?

Midnight: By climbing, of course!

Midnight quietly turned around and walked back to where he came from. The little wolf followed silently after him, watching. He tried to climb over, but the wood barricade was too slippery.

Maud: (whispering) It's too wet. You have to go out by the front door.

Midnight: I can see that, but will they let me pass?

Maud: (whispering) Probably not.

Midnight looked around slowly, wondering what to do next.


  1. Le Gasp!
    Oh, thy terror! Thou shallest go under-covered within thou unwelcoming village! Shallest thy Midnight ever lettest his friends in? Will thy Saphire be trusted?

    1. Maybe, maybe not. Wait and see! :)


    3. Thy friend! I beg of you, shallest thy not roar with the might of a lion? Shallest thy friend stay thy friend?
