Sunday, April 5, 2015

Ch.24 Shining secrets - part.2

Topaz led Ruby through the old stone halls until they stopped in a room with a lot of books.

Ruby: I see lots of books, but not a lot of ideas. Why did you take me here?

Topaz: To find a book.

Ruby: Where do I even start...?

Topaz: Leet chen hulla fiy.

Topaz kicked down a pile of books, revealing a extremely dusty old book. Ruby moved closer to it and started reading it.

Ruby: Looks like a interesting book.

Topaz: The greatest detective on the Island wrote it.

Ruby: And you thought...?

Topaz: You might be interested in it.

Ruby: ... How did you know I liked to read?

Topaz: Funny thing. I didn't.

Ruby held onto the book closely as they walked out of the ancient house. As they entered the evening light, an alarm started to sound throughout the whole village. The IvyWood Vampires started to shut the huge entrance gate or hide in their houses. Topaz dashed up to a nearby Vampire.

Topaz: What's going on?

Black wolf: The hunters spotted an Ukatiola party near the Dead valley. Their heading towards our part of the forest fairly quickly. We suspect them to be armed.

Topaz: Huolo... Ruby was right... they're coming for us!

Topaz looked around at the Vampires running to their homes. She yelled for attention, and they all stopped in their tracks.

Topaz: LASOLA UA EVEAN!!! UnMythics are coming to our Village, and they are traveling fast!

The IvyWood Vampires started whispering to each other, some in panic, some in anger.

Topaz: You know the drill. Hide before they arrive, and only attack if they don't leave before nightfall! Molia, molia, MOLIA!!!

The Vampires  all started to climb the tall trees around the village, while others secured the gate shut. Sapphire and Fang dashed out of Topaz's house and over to Ruby and Topaz.

Fang: Whats going on?

Topaz: I'll explain when we're safer. But right now, just climb!

Sapphire: Ok!

Sapphire picked up Fang and climbed the closest nearby tree. Ruby and Topaz quickly climbed up after her.

Fang: Now can you explain?

Topaz: UnMythics spotted, coming quickly towards the village - we're doing what we usually do.

Sapphire: By hiding in the tree tops?

Topaz: Again, we're not the strongest village on the island.

Fang: ... Where's Midnight?

Ruby: He must be still out on his "walk" in the forest!

Topaz: Nothing we can do now... I hope he's smart enough to stay away until they go.

Ruby said nothing more, instead she started reading the dusty book that she still help onto.

Ruby: (reading) "Before you begin this book, I would like to point out a few things. One, all these stories are based on true cases in both my, and any other characters lives. And two, anyone who was upset by the truth, me and my partner apologize for any misunderstandings or pain you feel while reading. And for those who are a little squeamish, I suggest you skip chapters three, eight and nine..."

Ruby continued to read for what seemed like a short time, before something started shaking her.

Topaz: RUBY!!! Fiy cau sapro rakidi. They're gone.

Ruby looked up to see Topaz looking straight at her.

Ruby: But I haven't finished chapter four, yet!

Topaz: There's enough time for that. The UnMythics left a while ago, and the scouts have confirmed they truly left.

Topaz started to climb down from the big tree with Sapphire and Fang. Ruby hung on tight to the book and climbed down with them. Suddenly, Midnight dashed out of nowhere and screeched to a halt.

Topaz: And where have you been? Fiy ciedel havua cume bruk skoura!

Midnight: ... I'll ignore that. Anyway! I know where your Vampire Lord is!

Topaz looked at Midnight, part in shock, part in hope.

Topaz: Don't lie, thief... If your making this up, I'll have your head!

Midnight: I'm not! I overheard the UnMythics talking about it! They said something about capturing him a year ago, and... it's all really complicated.

Topaz: Midnight... was there ANYTHING that caught your attention?

Midnight: ... Actually, yeah! They mentioned trying to capture Vampires from every village and then locking them away in different prisons around the Island, but since they couldn't find anyone here...

Sapphire: And... anything else?

Midnight: Nothing else caught my interest.

Topaz: The problem is, we don't know which prison the UnMythics have our Lord... could take weeks for us to find the right place.

Sapphire: Then... why not just visit another village? Just to see if they need help or not? It'd be a great chance to say hi to other cousins as well! And if we find any prisons on the way, we can just raid them and rescue as many Vampires as we can!

Ruby: Seems like a good idea... Where's the nearest village?

Topaz: Its not a village exactly, but... I believe Castle IceFlame is the closest to IvyWood.

Sapphire: Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but... isn't that the place where our black n' white cousins are?

Ruby: Yup! The good and the bad. But Topaz, what are you going to do?

Topaz: Well, I COULD stay and help protect IvyWood, but... I'm sure the other leaders will be fine without me. They know what to do if anyone attacks!

Midnight: When do we go?

Ruby: We can head for IceFlame when Topaz is ready.

Topaz: Geete! Weera giani skou!

Midnight: I'll... take that as a yes.

Topaz yelled out a few commands and raced for her home to pack.

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