Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Ch.25 The Winter Fangs - part.2

Ruby explored the castle until she saw a door with a strange flag on it. She opened it and walked in to see a grey snow leopard with a black bloodhound. She walked over to him.

Ruby: Are you Hunter the hunter?

Hunter (grey leopard): Yeah, that's me. What can I do for you, miss?

Ruby: We need you to help us find the Winter Fangs.

Hunter: Right to the point, I see. But why would I do that?

Ruby: Because you just happen to be the best hunter in all the land and you like to help maidens in distress?

Hunter: ... You look quiet calm, to me.

Ruby: I didn't say I was the one distressed. My cousin Onyx has chircil, and I want to help her.

Hunter: I pity her... Having chircil is one of the worst things a Vampire can get.

Ruby: I've read in a book, that if you get the frost from a Winter Fang, you can cure someone with chircil!

Hunter: And you thought I would help?

Ruby: That was the idea, yes.

Hunter: What do I get out of this?

Ruby: Ah! I thought someone would say that...

Ruby dug into her pockets and pulled out the small leather pouch filled with gold and gems that Midnight gave her. She tossed it to the hunter, which he looked at carefully.

Hunter: Well... that's very generous of you, miss.

Ruby: So you'll help?

Hunter: Well... you've persuaded me to come along with you...

Ruby: That was easier then I thought... Ok! We leave in fifteen minutes.

Hunter: I'll be waiting outside the castle.

The hunter whistled for his blood hound to follow him as they left the room. Ruby went back to the guests room, where Sapphire, Topaz and Midnight were preparing.

Ruby: Great news! A hunter has decided to help us find the Winter Fangs!

Midnight: I thought you were going to ask Diamond to help us...?

Ruby: Change of plans. A hunter will go in Diamond's place.

Topaz: Aara fiy stio? Diamond might feel left out if we don't invite her...

Ruby: She could put us all in danger, Topaz. We have to think of our safety as well as our mission!

Topaz: Chur gual...

Sapphire: So who is this "Hunter" guy, then?

Ruby: You'll see when we get outside.

Fang - who was sitting on a Sapphire's bed eating leftover sandwiches - suddenly jumped down and and rushed up to Ruby.

Fang: What about me?

Ruby: You can come with us and get eaten by Winter Fangs, a dangerous species of wolf, OR, you can stay here and keep an eye on the sandwiches. You decide.

Fang: ... I'll just... stay here.

Ruby: Any more questions before we leave?

Everyone was silent, so Ruby spoke up again.

Ruby: Ok! Let's go!

They all dash down the halls and out to the entrance of the castle, where Hunter the hunter and his hound were waiting.

Hunter: Are you all ready?

Ruby: I believe we are.

Hunter: Then I will try my best to find the Winter Fangs, so that you may cure your sick cousin.

The hunter bounded off with his hound off into the snowy land of IceFlame, and the kangaroo cousins with the black thief ran after him.

They trekked for what seemed like hours until Hunter and his bloodhound stopped. Everyone else stopped next to them.

Hunter: We're getting close to their territory.

Sapphire: How do you know?

Hunter: My bloodhound has one of the best noses on the island. If he smells something he doesn't like, I trust him.

Ruby: Well... if we're getting close, I suggest we start traveling in shadows.

Midnight: Why?

Ruby: Vampire Lord's orders.

Midnight: ... How did he know-

Sapphire: Don't question his methods.

There was a rustling sound in snow nearby. Hunter's bloodhound pricked up his ears and growled in the direction of the noise. Everyone else prepared for the worst.

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