Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Ch.27 Thieving friends - part.1

Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz and Midnight trekked through the marshy lands for hours, until they reached the forest. They wandered around until Sapphire dropped to the ground, exhausted.

Sapphire: I can't continue...

Topaz stopped and turned around to look at Sapphire.

Topaz: Why not?

Sapphire: My feet won't let me.

Topaz: That's not an actual reason. We need to keep moving!

Midnight and Ruby sat down too. Topaz looked slightly annoyed.

Topaz: Get up. All of you.

Midnight: We're tired-

Ruby: Hungry-

Sapphire: And thirsty! We can't go any further.

Topaz: We will continue traveling until we reach Everwinter Village!

Midnight: But its almost dark.

Topaz: And you're afraid?

Sapphire: No, but you mentioned bandits and wild creatures along the way, so we're kind of thinking for our safety as well.

Topaz: Are you suggesting we stop in the middle of the forest?

Ruby: Yes, that's exactly what were suggesting.

Topaz: Oh fao the lival O' the Vampi kion.. FINE. Midnight, keep watch. I'll try searching for some food..

Topaz stalked off deeper into the forest. Midnight climbed up a tree and left Ruby and Sapphire to themselves.

Sapphire: Finally! I thought we were going to keep on walking forever!

Ruby: I must admit that my feet were getting sore.

Sapphire: ... Do you really think bandits are lurking somewhere around this forest?

Ruby: I wouldn't be surprised. Everwinter village is known for having the most thieves and bandits.

Sapphire: Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Ruby: Well, Midnight's useful but I doubt everyone is like him.

Sapphire: True.

Ruby and Sapphire stay silent and waited for Topaz to come back with food. After a few minutes, Midnight climbed down from the tree.

Sapphire: Whats up?

Midnight: The sky.

Sapphire: ...

Midnight: ... Anyway. Just wanted to let you guys know I think we're being followed.

Ruby: Why do you say that?

Midnight: Well... I heard some rustling in the trees nearby, and some odd hooting sounds.

Sapphire: Has the thought of owls crossed your mind?

Midnight: It didn't sound natural...

Sapphire: And have you even heard an owl before?

Midnight: Well... no...

Sapphire: Then you can't really judge if it was fake or not, can you?

Midnight: I have this feeling in my gut.

Sapphire: Did your gut tell you I might be punching you if keep acting the goat?

Midnight: Uh... what does that mean?

Sapphire: An UnMythic expression that simply means "Stop fooling around".

Midnight: But I'm not!

Sapphire: ... We'll continue this wonderful conversation when Topaz comes back with something to eat.

Midnight didn't say anything more. He climbed up the tree again, just as Topaz came back with some berries.

Topaz: Here's some Luac berries. The only thing I could find that wasn't poisonous. Chur helep vis haboy, bratos.

Ruby: Hey! We're not brats!

Topaz: ... Midnight, get down here. I didn't walk through thorny bushes for nothing!

Midnight slowly came down the tree and joined the cousins. They ate all the berries slowly as the forest grew steadily darker and darker. Midnight looked up as he heard a rustling sound nearby.

Midnight: ... Did you hear that?

Topaz: ... Yeah...

Midnight: ... I think were being spied on.

They didn't have wait to find out, because a bunch of rough looking Vampires jumped out of the shadows.

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