Monday, April 13, 2015

Ch.25 The Winter Fangs - part.1

Early the next morning, loud banging could be heard on the guest's door where Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz and Midnight were sleeping in.

Midnight: Go away! We're sleeping... it's not the afternoon yet!

The banging continued to sound until Ruby groans, gets up and opens the door. A masked Vampire

hands a letter to her, and runs away. Ruby closes the door, opens the letter, and starts to read.

Ruby: (reading) "Ruby DeathDancer. I have heard news of your plans to seek out the Winter Fangs. But before you go, I suggest you travel in the darkness of the shadows. The Winter Fangs are a deadly group, and will be more than happy to make you one of them. Also, when you come back to EverWinter village, I have a mission for you. Stay sharp, young Vampire."

Ruby looked out the window. The cold frost wind outside was blowing hard, and small snowflakes were being toyed with as a cat would do to a mouse. Ruby looked back at the letter.

Ruby: ... Of course! The Vampire Lord must've sent this... but... how did he know we were going to find the Winter Fangs today?

Ruby sighed in wonder and quietly walked over to Midnight's bed and kicked it as hard as she could. He fell out of bed and dimly looked up at Ruby.

Ruby: Good morning, Midnight.

Midnight: Do I have to get up?

Ruby: When you get out of bed, you stay out. Now wake up my cousins. I have to find Diamond and tell her our plan to find the Winter Fangs.

Ruby opened the door, and walked out to find Diamond. She noticed Sarah FireFrost outside in the frozen garden, and decided to talk to her. She walked down the stairs leading to the courtyard and smiled at the old story teller.

Ruby: Good morning, Sarah. Didn't expect to see you here!

Sarah: To me it's relaxing to feel the cold wind and snow in the middle of the morning. Did you sleep well?

Ruby: Yeah. I had a really bad nightmare last night.

Sarah: Nightmares should be more appreciated. They make the morning much more enjoyable. Not many realize that, you know.

Ruby: That's what my Great great great Grandma told me when I was younger.

Sarah: Ah... she's smart teaching you that.

Ruby: Yup...

Ruby and the old deer stayed silent for a while, enjoying the frosty morning. After a few minutes, Ruby spoke up again.

Ruby: ... Do you know where Diamond is at this time?

Sarah: She usually takes a nice walk with Onyx about now, but seeing the poor girl has chircil, I'd expect to see her to be in the kitchen with our castle cook.

Ruby: Thanks! I need to go and get her before we head off to find the Winter Fangs.

Sarah: Why do you need her?

Ruby: Well... we were planning to ask her to help us navigate through the snowy meadows of IceFlame.

Sarah: But do you think its a good idea?

Ruby: What do you mean...?

Sarah: If she finds out there was a cure for chircil all this time, she won't listen to anyone. You need to be really careful around the Winter Fangs.

 Ruby: I've thought about that before, actually... But... we need Diamond to help us track through this frozen wasteland!

Sarah: That's not true. Many hunters in this castle know this land and the dangers it has. Perhaps you'd have more luck finding them with an expert and his hound?

Ruby: Maybe... But do the hunters believe in the Winter Fangs?

Sarah: Only one. He goes by the name of Hunter Hotsnow.

Ruby: Hunter the hunter... strange name, but I guess we don't have a choice.

Sarah: You always have a choice. But some choices are better than others.

Ruby: I guess... Now all we have to do is find them!

Sarah: Hold on! They are crafty creatures, and will do anything to make you one of them!

Ruby: Funny you should mention, that... I got a letter telling me the exact same thing.

Sarah: Whoever sent it must have a lot of common sense.

Ruby: I'm assuming all Vampire Lords need a lot of common sense in order to rule properly.

Sarah: That is true.

Ruby: ... Where can I find this Hunter the hunter?

Sarah: You can often find him with his blood hound in the W.I.L.D Clubs room.

Ruby: W.I.L.D?

Sarah: Wispy Ice Larks Dew.

Ruby: Why are they called that?

Sarah: Around these parts, the Ice Lark is a rare type of bird, which its dew can be used for a powerful healing potion. They help those in need, and are practically invisible when hunting.

Ruby: Ok. Thanks, Miss FireFrost!

Ruby quickly turned around and headed towards the endless halls.


  1. OMG! Great post! :-) Can't wait for more! And, did you do the snow effects? (I need it for a future post. Whoops....almost leaked it! Yikes LOL)

    1. Actually, I just used some mist for the snow effects, and adjusted the light and clarity a bit! :)

    2. Oh....nuca! Ru'tox!

      (Oh...nice! Thank you!)
