Monday, April 6, 2015

Ch.24 Shining secrets - part.3

Ruby, Sapphire, Midnight and Topaz left the warm dark forest of IvyWood, and were now walking in a frozen wasteland of snow and ice.

Midnight: How much further? I'm freezing!

Sapphire: I forgot how cold this place is... can't we use a speed potion to get there faster?

Ruby: All the potions are frozen solid. And eating iced potions won't work.

Topaz: Castle IceFlame should be around here somewhere...

Midnight: Well, we'd better find it soon. My tail is turning into ice!

They wandered around the snowy land until they came across a huge castle.

Topaz: This has to be Castle IceFlame.

The big wooden doors slowly opened, and they all walked in. A white kangaroo bounded up to meet them.

Ruby: Diamond! So nice to see you!

Diamond (white kangaroo): Hi Ruby! Haven't seen you since last summer! And Sapphire, it's been FOREVER since I've seen you!

Sapphire: Things happen, I guess. And you haven't changed!

Diamond: And Topaz! Still ancient as ever?

Topaz: I'm not that old. I may speak ancient, but that doesn't mean I AM.

Ruby: ... Wheres Onyx? You two are always together!

Diamond: Shes... kinda sick, at the moment.

Sapphire: How sick...?

Diamond: Not that sick, I mean... she can still walk around and talk, but...

Topaz: Diamond, please tell us the truth.

Diamond stayed silent for a few seconds before answering.

Diamond: ... Shes got chircil...

Topaz: Oh jupalo!

Ruby: Language, Topaz!

Midnight: Uh... whats chircil?

Diamond: ... Come and see.

Diamond led them through the stone cold castle of IceFlame. After walking down the endless halls for a few minutes, she opened a door and walked in.

Diamond: Onyx, are you here?

Onyx (black kangaroo): Of course I'm here! It's not like I can go anywhere else.

Diamond: Yes, well... Some of our cousins have come to visit!

Onyx: I can see, y'know! You don't have to point out every little detail to me!

Sapphire: And I see you're still full of spice, Onyx!

Onyx: That's nice.

Diamond: Why don't you get back to bed, Onyx? I'm sure Iron can-

Onyx: Iron can't do anything! And I'm fine, Diamond! I don't need you waiting on me hand and foot all day and night!

Diamond: Mum and Dad are off fighting UnMythics, Onyx! And they wouldn't be very happy if they found out I wasn't looking after you very well!

Onyx: I've said it once, and I'll say it again Diamond - I'M FINE.

Diamond: No, you're not fine! You have chircil! And most of the Vampires who have chircil DON'T GET BETTER!!!

Onyx: That's because they were weak!

Diamond: Even the strongest warriors don't have a high chance of getting better!

Midnight: Uh, sorry to interrupt but... what is chircil?

Onyx: It's nothing!

Diamond: No, its not nothing! It can take LIVES, Onyx!

Onyx: Don't exaggerate.

Diamond: This is serious!

Onyx: Hard to believe it, coming from someone like you!

Ruby: Uh, maybe we can-

Diamond: You need to lie down in bed, Onyx!

Onyx: No.

Diamond: Onyx, I don't want to make this any more difficult then it already has to be. Please just go to bed!

Onyx: You're not my mum! I'll go to bed WHEN I PLEASE!!!

Suddenly, Onyx crashed down to the floor, making groaning noises. Diamond rushed towards her, but Onyx pushed her away.

Onyx: I'm ok... just... I attacked the floor... I'm ok... I'm ok...

Diamond: Why wont you let me help you?

Onyx: It's because I don't NEED help...

Ruby: Onyx, stop being stubborn!

Onyx slowly picked herself up and leaned against the stone wall.

Onyx: See? Perfectly... fine...

Topaz: Onyx, you really, REALLY need to get to bed!

Ruby: You need to rest for a while!

Sapphire: I'm no doctor, but they're right!

Diamond: Please, Onyx!

Onyx glared at each of them one by one before sighing and making a sort of growling noise.

Onyx: ... FINE. If it makes you all happy, I'll go to bed. But I'm not sick!

Onyx slowly turned around and carefully walked over to her bed, and sat down. Everyone else quietly left the room into the cold halls.

Midnight: NOW can someone explain what chircil is?

Topaz: Its a terrible sickness.

Midnight: I picked up on that, but does it do to you?

Diamond: It makes you really weak, you lose energy in your legs a lot, and sometimes it makes you really, really depressed or moody.

Ruby: And by the end of it, you often stay that way... or worst.

Midnight: Oh... sounds terrible.

Diamond: More terrible then you could ever imagine...

Sapphire: ... Why don't you give us a nice tour of your castle? Y'know... to take your mind off things...

Diamond: ... Follow me. I'll show you where you'll be sleeping for tonight.

Diamond quietly led them away to another hall.


  1. Hey Applestorm, I just noticed that pretty much EVERY kangaroo in this post has a name relating to a gemstone. Sapphire, Diamond, Topaz, Oynx (one of my favorites) and Ruby. How funny! -d66864 on Animal Jam.

    1. Onyx...
      Huh, There's a Dragon in my book named Onyx.
      He better not die soon, cuz half the place they were at just went KABLAMMMO! Long story...

      Read: Wings of Fire: Book 1: The Dragonet Prophecy. Also, i'm on book 6. READ FROM DA START, PPL! Thank you.

    2. Sorry, SHE. Forgpt Onyx is a girl dragon. Whoopsy.
