Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Ch.26 The thief goes Undercover - part.1

After a rather dull lunch, Ruby and Topaz were planning where they should head to next in the guests bedroom.

Ruby: Well... we could always head towards Poisonrock stream...

Topaz: Probably not a good idea. Why not go to Sandwing village?

Ruby: Its the middle of summer. It's going to be HOT, DRY, and DUSTY...

Topaz: Well, we can't stay here forever! Where do you expect we should go?

Just then, Topaz and Fang came in.

Sapphire: Hi guys! What are you doing?

Ruby: Deciding which village we should travel too next.

Topaz: And so far, we can't think of anywhere we agree on.

Fang scurried across the floor to the opened books they were looking at.

Fang: ... What about Dewy Meadows?

Topaz: Hmm... that's an idea. We haven't heard from them in a while, and I guess we could pay them a visit just to make sure they're ok.

Ruby: And its close to EverWinter village... we need to return home before the war starts, I guess.

Topaz: So... agreed to go to Dewy Meadows?

Ruby: Agreed.

Just then, Midnight came crashing down the halls and into the bedroom. He quickly closed the door after him. Everyone turns to look at him.

Midnight: Ah... hi...

Ruby: Ok, what did you do?

Midnight: I may have "borrowed" some things... and then forgot to return them.

Ruby: What did you steal...?

Midnight: Well... maybe one or two shiny gems, a few one of a kind books... and maybe... maybe a really sparkly bracelet from Onyx...

Sapphire shoved Midnight to the wall and looked like she was going to explode.

Sapphire: Midnight... do you KNOW what you've done?

Midnight: Taken something I shouldn't have?

Sapphire: You've just stolen Onyx's one of a kind bracelet... and now, shes going to destroy everything in her path until she finds it. And when she finds you have it... lets just say you might find yourself six feet under before sundown.

Midnight: She can't be THAT bad...

Sapphire: You don't know her like we do.

Ruby and Topaz nodded.

Ruby: I tried to steal something from her when we were kids... and I ended up in bed for the rest of the week.

Midnight: But you weren't trained, Ruby. I'm an expert in the arts of taking stuff that doesn't belong to me!

Topaz: That won't change a bit. Even if you just happened to be the strongest Ice Giant, the fastest Sea Creature, or even the smartest Vampire, it won't matter. She'll get you one way or another. Guritnal.

There was a loud scream and the stone walls shook.

Midnight: What was that?

Sapphire: That would be Onyx, screaming for her bracelet back.

Midnight: That didn't sound Vampire at all!

Topaz: It gets worst.

Ruby: ... Midnight?

Midnight: Yeah?

Loud stomping started to sound, and it was getting closer.

Ruby: ... I suggest you run.

Midnight: Noted.

Midnight swung the door opened and dashed out down the halls. They saw a blur of black streak past the door going straight for Midnight.

Ruby: He's not going to survive, is he?

Sapphire: Nope.

Ruby: ... Should we give him a hand?

Topaz: I guess...  but he doesn't deserve it.

They all walk and start searching for Midnight. It didn't take them long, because Onyx was screaming at the top of her lungs after him. Midnight skidded to a halt and turned  to run towards them.

Midnight: I thought you said-

Ruby: Just wait.

They all started running back in the direction they came in. They could hear Onyx gaining on them at a steady rate.

Ruby: Midnight! Give Onyx her bracelet back!

Midnight: Why would I do that?

Onyx suddenly jumped on top of Midnight. She looked like a wild savage beast out of control.

Ruby: Give it to her!

Midnight: Never!!!

Topaz: Oh for crying out loud Midnight, JUST GIVE IT TO HER ALREADY!!!

Onyx leaped into the air, ready for the attack.


    Midnight, give the bracket baaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And, uh, BTW, why are they traveling to villages? I forgot, and i can't remember whig post it said so. :-( Sorry, I am such a pain...

    1. They're traveling to villages to warn the other Vampires about the upcoming war. Seeing they don't have radios or anything, they have to go on foot.

    2. Ooooooooohhhh...
      BTW, great post! I thought they were traveling cuz of the war...

    3. Oh, and War huh?
      Perhaps I should invent a radio for them.

      Oh, and what year is it? Like, is it close to the 80s, 50s, or Medival times?

    4. Probably the twenty first century.

    5. Oh...
      Why no radios? Remote island and all?
      Or did the Ukatiola steal the technology from the vampires during the war?

    6. That, or they never had radios to begin with.

  2. Replies
    1. Most thieves are, I think. They almost always end up in jail or get hurt!

    2. Duh.
      I like Midnight though <3
      But he's too bad boy. :-( Hopefully he'll find love with Sapphire...
      (And yes! I still SHIP IT!!!!!)

    3. Nah, I believe he's got more luck in Ruby... -d66864 on AJ

      I ship it like Hulla.

      Oh, and Ruby...hmm. Perhaps. But she has more of a love-hate relationship with Midnight. Great thinking though!
