Saturday, April 25, 2015

For Anzac Day

This year we celebrate the 100th Anzac (Australia and New Zealand Army Corps) day anniversary!

Lest we forget what they did for us.


  1. ?
    Oh...special Aussie and Zealand holiday!
    Well, congrats! May you please explain more?
    (Is it kinda like my country's veteran's day, where we celebrate our army and the brave people who fought for us and our friends? WW2 esqe.) Either way, congrats! :-) I hope you had a great time!

    1. Anzac day is a holiday we take very seriously. Its kinda about the war that ended all wars. But while we remember the people who died at that time, we try to forget WHY they died... just because stupid people wanted "power", "money" or such, a war started...

      Even if we won, there are no winners or losers in wars. Pain is brought to everyone, and we're glad it stopped before it got any worse.

      Also, as you've noticed, its been 100 years since that happened.

    2. Oh...
      I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. :-(
      What war was it? WW2? WW1? Some Australia-exlusive war?
      Either way, I will say this: Thank you, dear veterans, for serving your people and bringing peace!
      Congrats, and I love the outfits!
