Sunday, April 19, 2015

Ch.25 The Winter Fangs - part.4

Ruby, Sapphire and Midnight waited for Neve to catch up with them before going closer to the Winter Fangs' fort.

Ruby: Ok. How do we get in undetected?

Neve: Well... we can't.

Ruby: What?

Neve: This fort is so well guarded, nothing can get in without getting some attention from the Winter Fangs... practically impossible to sneak out, as well.

Midnight: But you somehow got out.

Neve: Well... I had a bit of help.

Midnight: By who?

Neve: ... Someone who isn't half monster like everything else in there.

Sapphire: So... there really is no way in?

Neve: You could go through their front door, but it wouldn't be a very good idea.

Sapphire: ... Well. Can't sit around all day.

Sapphire got up and walked over to the front gate and went inside. About a few seconds later, loud howls were being sounded.

Neve: ... Shes going to die... or get turned into a Winter Fang. Both are bad.

Ruby: ... Can UnMythics turn into Winter Fangs?

Neve: Nope. Only Mythical creatures like Vampires and Deep sea creatures can be turned into Winter Fangs. Why do you ask?

Ruby: Just wondering.

Neve: ... You're not going to help her?

Ruby: She'll be fine.

Neve: How can you say that? Shes not getting out alive! Or if she does, she'll come back weird!

Midnight: Don't worry. Everything about her is weird.

Neve: But... isn't she your family?

Ruby: Yeah. Fourth cousin once removed. Haven't seen each other in years... until less than a week ago.

Neve: And... you're not in the least bit worried she might... not return?

They could hear wolves fighting and ice being shattered.

Ruby: ... I'm sure she's ok.

A few minutes later, Sapphire came back out with a long, frozen fang. Neve looked shocked at her return.

Neve: But... you didn't-

Sapphire: Get bitten? Nope. Mutts were too quick to judge and kept crashing into the icy walls.

Neve: But... but...

Sapphire: Don't question greatness.

Midnight: And I see you got a fang!

Sapphire: ... How are we going to crack it open?

Ruby: We'll worry about that when we get back to Castle IceFlame. Will you be joining us, Neve?

Neve: Well... I don't think that's a very good idea...

Sapphire: How so...?

Neve: Well... I don't think IceFlame is ready to see me... at least, not yet.

Sapphire: ... Yeah, you're a Winter Fang.

Neve: That's... not true... I'm... yeah I'm a Winter Fang.

Midnight: How did you figure that out, Sapphire?

Sapphire: Simple. One, Hunter's hound was afraid of him. And two, he said he's escaped from the Winter Fangs, and as he said before, it's guaranteed that they'll turn you into one of them.

Neve: Well... I used to be Vampire...

Ruby: So... will you be joining us?

Neve: ... No. Not today.

Ruby: Ok. I guess we should be going now. Thanks for helping us, Neve.

Ruby, Sapphire and Midnight headed back up the hill to Hunter and Topaz.

After the long trek to Castle IceFlame, Ruby rushed into Onyx's room, where Diamond and Onyx were arguing. They both look up to see Ruby and Sapphire.

Diamond: Where have you been all day?

Sapphire: Getting a cure for chircil. And we got it.

Diamond: WHAT?! Why didn't you tell me?

Sapphire: Because we already asked a hunter?

Ruby: Because we could do it without you?

Sapphire: Because we thought for your safety?

Ruby: Because you can be dangerous on an adventure?

Diamond: Since when have I ever been dangerous?

Ruby pulled out a long list that seemed to go on forever, and put on some fake glasses.

Ruby: Let me see...

Diamond: Ok, ok... I get the idea...

Ruby put away the list and fake glasses.

Diamond: I may ignore some rules when I find out something I should've known for years...

Ruby and Sapphire: ...

Diamond: ... Ok, I'm oblivious to all the rules when I find out something I should've known for years.

Onyx: Understatement.

Diamond: ... So how does this cure work? And where did you get it?

Ruby: We got it from the Winter Fangs. And funny thing... we don't know how to use it...

Everyone remained silent for a whole minute. You could hear a feather drop it was so quiet.

Onyx: ... Question. Why did you go after a cure if you didn't know how to use it?

Ruby: Well...

Topaz suddenly entered the room.

Topaz: We trekked through deep snow for hours to find a cure that may not have existed, for you. Simple as that.

Onyx: None of that love and family stuff, please... I'm sick enough as it is.

Diamond: So you admit you're sick?

Onyx: Sick of you giving me headaches every time we talk.

Diamond: Well, I'M sick of you being a pain in the neck!

Onyx: Ditto.

Topaz: Cau fiy plou sapro fulora?

Onyx: Speak English, Topaz!

Topaz: ...

Ruby: I think we need to crack open the fang...

Sapphire: Ok!

Sapphire through the fang on the ground as hard as she could. As the fang hit the floor, it cracked opened, showing a glowing aqua frost inside. Ruby gently picked it up and gave it to Onyx.

Ruby: Well... you have the choice of eating that as it is, or we can put that in some kind of-

Onyx: I'm not having this in tea!

And so saying so, Onyx shook the frost out of the cracked fang and swallowed.

Sapphire: ... How do you feel?

Onyx: ... No difference.

Ruby: Give it a few days... it may or may not take a while for it to start working.

Sapphire: If that's the case, I vote we have lunch!

Sapphire dashed out of Onyx's room and to the kitchen.


  1. What does a winter fang look like? T��

    1. Probably wolf-like creatures with long fangs.

    2. Dun dun DUN!
      Oh, and I realized that EVERY SINGLE KANGAROO IS SOMEHOW A GEM-STONED NAMED VAMPIRE! (or at least related to one, in Sapphire's case) I really like your pattern!

  2. Huh.
    Is it working?
    I mean, I guess, she seems fine in the next post...
