Thursday, April 16, 2015

Ch.25 The Winter Fangs - part.3

Everyone remained quiet, waiting for the creature hiding to attack. Suddenly a wolf jumped out of a pile of hidden snow. It bared its long frozen fangs, and Hunter's bloodhound growled.

Neve (grey wolf): What are you doing here?

Ruby: Well... at least it speaks English. That's a good start!

Neve: I'm not an it!

Hunter: Then what are you? A snow badger of some sort?

Neve: I'm not a badger, either!

Hunter: Then tell us what you are!

Neve: I don't have to tell you anything!

Hunter: You'd better, if you know what's good for you!

Neve: I've got sharp pointy teeth, and I'm not afraid to use them!

Hunter: Well I have a bloodhound, and he's not afraid to rip you apart!

Neve: Well.. I'll bite him before he can touch me!

Hunter: My hound is more quicker than you!

Neve: I bet he isn't!

Ruby: If I can just interrupt this conversation...

The strange wolf and the hunter both looked up at Ruby.

Hunter: Give me a minute miss... I need to deal with this beast!

Ruby: Hunter, we're here to look for the Winter Fangs so that we can "borrow" their frost so we can cure my cousin... NOT listening to you argue with this... this creature.

Topaz: Tiusha.

Ruby: So can we continue going?

Neve: Wait... you're looking for the Winter Fangs? I just escaped from them!

Sapphire: Did you happen to get some of their frost?

Neve: Well... sort of...

Midnight: It's either you did or you didn't. So which is it?

Neve: ... No. I didn't get their frost...

Sapphire: Can you at least take us to the Winter Fangs?

Neve: I swore I'd never return to that place!

Hunter: We don't need him! I can find the Winter Fangs perfectly without his help! We don't even know if he's Vampire or not!

Neve: Of course I am! I'm one hundred percent... vampire... hehe...

Hunter: ... I'm putting you under suspicion.

Ruby: So... what's your name?

Neve: ... Call me Neve.

Sapphire: Ok, Neve. Please take us to the Winter Fangs' territory.

Hunter: Or we can just drag you there. Either way works!

Neve: Whatever I say won't change your minds?

Sapphire: Unless you have some frost from the Winter Fangs on you, probably not.

The wolf sighs and starts walking towards some small hills. Everyone else follows him.

They traveled for a while until they came to what seemed like an large snow fort.

Neve: I'm hoping you're not planning to charge in there unprotected.

Ruby: Well... we have a plan, but yes. We are going in there without armor.

Neve: You're crazy.

Sapphire: So they say.

Ruby: Hunter, wait here with your bloodhound and stay quiet until we come back.

Hunter: Is that wise, miss?

Sapphire: Well... apparently Ruby and Midnight retrieved the Dragon egg, we've escaped from an UnMythic base, we rescued a village-

Ruby: Part of a village...

Sapphire: Don't ruin the story with facts!

Ruby: ...

Sapphire: ... We're also currently stopping a world war, and right now we're retrieving frost from a dangerous type of wolf to cure our fiery cousin Onyx.

Hunter: Well... you've been quite busy!

Sapphire: Yup.

Ruby: Neve. Seeing that you know this place better then everyone else, you're going to act as our guide.

Neve: But... I just escaped from there!

Ruby: That may be true, but we need their frost to cure my cousin.

Neve: Do you even know if it even works?

Ruby: Nope! That's the thing with adventures. You do things for your friends and family, and don't even know if you'll live to see the next morning.

Ruby motioned for Sapphire and Midnight to follow her down the hill towards the Winter Fangs' fort. Neve starts to walk back in the direction they came from, but slowly turns around and follows Ruby.


  1. I first thought that Neve was a Winterfang talking to them. XD
    Great story part/issue again! :)

    1. Neve could be a Winter Fang... or maybe not? >:)
