Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Ch.24 Shining secrets - part.4

Diamond took Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz and Midnight to a guest bedroom.

Diamond: You can stay here for as long as you want. If you need anything, just ask me. It's almost night, so I suggest you get comfy.

Midnight: ... Is there a cure for this... chircil sickness?

Diamond: If there was, I would've already gotten it for Onyx.

Midnight: Just asking.

Ruby dropped her bag on the ground and looked around the big room.

Ruby: Is there a library by any chance?

Diamond: Yup. If you'd like, I can take you there!

Ruby: Sure! I got nothing else to do, and I'd like a quiet place to read my detective book!

Diamond: Follow me, then.

Ruby followed Diamond in and out of the cold walls of Castle IceFlame until they arrive at a small room with books.

Diamond: Enjoy reading. Dinner is in an hour, so don't be late.

Diamond quietly left the room, leaving Ruby to herself. She opened her book and started reading. After a minute, she looked up and put her book down.

Ruby: (thinking) I wonder if there is a book about sicknesses in this room...?

Ruby got up and started searching around. Finally, she picked up a book and carefully looked at it.

Ruby: (thinking) Now lets see if this book says anything about chircil...

Ruby opened the book and flicked through the pages until she found something.

Ruby: (reading) Chircil. No one knows how you get this terrible sickness, and most of the time, you don't get better...

Ruby continued to read until she found what she was looking for.

Ruby: (reading) The frost of the dangerous Winter Fangs - a deadly pack of wolfs living only in the coldest part of the Island - is the only one cure for Chircil. Although most Vampires think its just a legend.

Ruby quickly jumped up and raced out of the library. She crashed into a white kangaroo as she turned the corner.

Ruby: Diamond, so glad I... wait, your not Diamond, are you?

Iron (white kangaroo): Sorry to disappoint you, but no. I'm not Diamond. Its me, Iron!

Ruby: Now I remember! Weren't you the one who told us that girls couldn't play with boys...?

Iron: Uh... maybe?

Ruby: ... Anyway. I'm sure you've noticed that Onyx has chircil?

Iron: All too well...

Ruby: Well... I may have found a cure for it!

Iron: Are you serious?

Ruby: Yes. Yes I am.

Iron: This is great news! I need to tell Diamond about this!

Ruby grabbed onto Iron's shoulder just as he turned to run down the halls.

Ruby: There is a catch, though. The cure is the frost from the Winter Fangs.

Iron: But the Winter Fangs are just a myth!

Ruby: That may be true, but what if it was real? And besides, would you really want Onyx to stay this way?

Iron: Well... no, I wouldn't. No one wants chircil, and we don't even know how you get it!

Ruby: Exactly what I mean! If there is one cure single cure to help her, then we're going to get it!

Iron: I'll go and tell Diamond about it!

Ruby: Wait until tomorrow. She'll probably just dash out blindly into the snow without thinking!

Iron: I guess you're right...

Ruby: And before we go, I need someone who knows the ancient legends of this land. Since this IS the coldest place on the island, I need to know as much as possible before heading out!

Iron: So... what can I do?

Ruby: You can tell me where to find Diamond.

Iron: Ok. She's right behind you.

Ruby turned around to see Diamond walking down towards them.

Diamond: Iron! Just the brother I was looking for.

Iron: Let me guess... you need me to deliver Onyx her dinner, right?

Diamond: Yep. Cook ColdBurn is waiting for you.

Iron sighed and dashed down some stairs where kitchen smells were dancing through the air.

Ruby: ... Who is the best story teller in the castle?

Diamond: Definitely Sarah FireFrost. Shes memorized all the stories from the First Vampire, all the way to the Battle of the Moon Temple.

Ruby: Can you take me to her? I have some questions I want to ask her!

Diamond: She's usually outside at this time, waiting for the first stars to come out.

Diamond and Ruby walked around until they were in the cold air of the outside world. They see a black deer sitting on an ice bench, looking up at the sky. Ruby boldly walks over to her and clears her throat.

Ruby: Are you Sarah FireFrost?

Sarah (black deer): Yes, that's me. You want something from me?

Ruby: Can you tell me the legends of the Winter Fangs?

Sarah: But of course, dear... That was one of my favorites as a child.

The old deer looked straight in Ruby's eyes and started telling her story.


  1. I love that line "kitchen smells were dancing through the air." Makes me hungry just reading it!

  2. Oh, poor Onyx!
    (BTW, i started reading this post before i read part 3 LOL. My IPad wouldn't let me, 4 some weird reason...)
