Monday, May 18, 2015

Ch.29 UnMythic history - part.1

Early the next day, Ruby, Sapphire and Midnight were wandering around Everwinter village.

Sapphire: Where are we going again?

Ruby: The Bat office.

Sapphire: Um... Why?

Ruby: Me and Grandma thought it would be a good idea to try and send out messages to our other cousins.

Midnight: Wait... You have MORE cousins?!

Sapphire: Of course! Me and Ruby are the most distantly related, but did you really think Topaz, Onyx and Diamond were all the cousins we had?

Midnight: Uh... maybe?

Ruby: ... Anyway. The others don't know about the upcoming war, and they need to be prepared.

Midnight: Do you know what they're preparing for?

Ruby: Not really... but I think it would be at least polite to warn them.

The gang walked into a small building with hundreds of bats. A green lion appeared from the back room.

Maxwell (green lion): Good morning, kids. What can old Maxwell do for you?

Ruby: Do you have three fast bats on hand? We need to get these delivered as soon as possible!

Maxwell: I believe so... what's the hurry?

Ruby: Important business.

Maxwell: If you say so. Just give me a moment, if you will.

The old lion whistled a shrill note. A few moments later, three young hyper bats were flying around his head. Ruby dug into her bag and pull out three letters.

Maxwell: Where are they heading?

Ruby: One to SandWing, one to Shadow Forest, and one to RavenEye mountain.

Maxwell: As you wish.

The three bats (who were listening carefully), picked up their letters, and flew out a small bat hole and into the daylight.

Maxwell: ... Anything else you needed?

Ruby: No thanks.

Maxwell: We hope to see you soon, then!

Ruby, Sapphire and Midnight went back outside, and headed back towards Grandma's house.

Sapphire: ... Wait a minute, we're supposed to be at school!

Midnight: Who cares about learning random knowledge now? A war is coming in three days!

Sapphire: My mum will be furious if she finds out I've been missing classes, though... I'm pretty sure the teachers will inform her about that.

Ruby: I think she would be even more upset so if she found out you're spending time with Vampires.

Sapphire: Good point.

They arrived at Grandma's house, and went indoors for something to eat. Topaz could be seen sitting at the table, drinking a strange fiery liquid.

Midnight: Hi Topaz... what's with the drink?

Sapphire: ... Smells like coffee!

Topaz: What's coffee?

Sapphire: A drink that was made to keep you awake and hyper for hours.

Topaz: Sounds terrible.

Sapphire: It is. It's meant for grown ups, but I managed to take a sip while my mum wasn't looking...

Topaz: ...

Sapphire: ... What?

Topaz: I'm starting to see why your mum wants to keep you in her sight.

Sapphire: Hey! I did learn my lesson! Don't drink anything dark and chocolaty until you're an adult.

Topaz: ... Liquthera.

Sapphire: ... I have no idea what that means, so I'm just going to ignore you.

Ruby: Ok, so... who wants a snack?

Midnight: What do you have?

Ruby: Let me check the kitchen.

Ruby got up and walked into the next room. Topaz took a sip of her drink.

Midnight: ... Seriously, though. What are you drinking?

Topaz: A strong brew that Grandma made for me.

Midnight: And... what does it do?

Topaz: She says it makes you stay awake for a few hours.

Sapphire: Why do you need to stay awake?

Topaz: Reading books.

Sapphire: Wow. Usually Ruby is the one who reads.

Ruby: (in kitchen) I READ ADVENTURE STORIES.


Topaz: ...

Sapphire: Anyway... what were you reading about?

Topaz: UnMythic History.

Midnight: We have books about that?

Topaz: Well... a few... but mostly we just borrow them from the UnMythics.

Ruby came in, holding a tray of sandwiches.

Ruby: Would you spare a few minutes telling us about what you found out?

Topaz sighs and takes a sandwich from Ruby.

Topaz: Fine. But this might take a while.

Topaz took a deep breath and began telling them what she had read.

1 comment:


    Class is now, kids! Listen to Proffeser Topaz as she begins the lesson...
