Monday, May 11, 2015

Guest Post Fan Fiction. The Deathdancer histories - Part 2.

Bella Deathdancer (of the famous Deathdancer clan) watched the cold night pass from high up among the sails of the UnMythic General's ship.  They had traveled a long way around the coast before the eastern horizon paled and the sun lifted its head above the waves and covered Bella with its warmth. Just then a shout rang out.

UnMythic Sailor:  Spy!  There's a spy up on the mast!

Bella: (thinks) Oh No!  I'm trapped!  My shadow potion must have worn off...

Several sailors started climbing the mast, their swords held between their teeth.

UnMythic General:  Capture the spy alive!  We'll have another Vampire for our dungeons!

Bella: Actually no...  you won't.  I'm more of a trees and mountains sort of girl, rather than dungeons...  Yuk - that water looks rather cold again!

Bella ran down to the end of the mast spar, surprising some sleepy seagulls, and jumped out as far as she could.  A few rapidly fired arrows narrowly missed her before she plunged into the water that had, unfortunately, not got any warmer.  Holding her breath, she swam downwards until the ship had sailed out of arrow reach, then she surfaced and started towards a small beach.

The beach was at least dry and warm, and the sun cheered Bella up a little as she munched on an apple from her backpack.  The seagulls she had scattered jumping off the boat gathered around her chattering noisily.

Bella: I wish I could understand them...  wait!  I think there's a potion for that!

She fossicked around in her pack and found a bottled labelled Practo Biir Hia.  She took a gulp.

Seagull 1: That was very brave of you...

Seagull 2: We thought you had drowned...

Seagull 3:  You're a very good swimmer...

Seagull 1: Can we have some apple?

Bella: Tunka, um, I'm looking for a castle named Stoneguard, it was where the ship was sailing to.  Do you know how far it is?

Seagull 2: It's not far, the ship was nearly there...

Seagull 3: But it's too far for you to swim...

Seagull 1: Can I have some apple?

Seagull 2: It's on a little island...

Seagull 3: You will be able to see it from the top of this cliff:

Seagull 1:  Can I have some apple?

Seagull 2:  Be careful...

Seagull 3: There's lots of soldiers there...

Bella: Tunka again.

She chopped the rest of the apple into three bits and gave them to the birds, and then started climbing up the cliff behind the beach. A short time later she reached the top and was able to see part of a castle in the distance.  It looked to be about half a day's walk away.  Bella sighed and started her trek.  Fortunately the sun was warm, and after her clothes had dried, and she had discovered some cliff-top wild strawberries, she actually felt cheerful.

The sun was very high when she found herself on the clifftops overlooking Stoneguard castle.  It was on a  small island, completely covered by the castle, with only one gate that looked very shut. The only way across to the island was by swimming.  From her viewpoint, Bella didn't think the walls of the castle looked very climbable, and she could see a lot of guards on the entrance wharf...

Bella:  I didn't come all this way on a rescue mission to give up now, Elyot needs me...  Let's go exploring.  Maybe the water is lovely and warm now.

Bella took a swallow of Shadow Potion and climbed back down the cliff.  She noted, without much surprise, that the water was still horribly cold.  A short swim later she had crossed to the island and clambered onto the rocks, out of sight of the front gate guards.  She spent the rest of the day circling around the castle walls on the slippery rocks, but learned nothing useful.  She started to think that there was no way she could get into the castle after all.

Darkness started to fall, and rather than spend the night on the rocks, she dived back into the water so she could shelter in the forest beyond the cliff tops. Swimming under the wharf she was surprised to see a large sea creature approach her.

Sea Monster:  Well Hello!  Imagine seeing a Vampire at an UnMythic castle!  What are you doing here?

Bella: Hello!  Are you intending to eat me?

Sea Monster:  No - I've had dinner already, and besides, I'm a vegetarian.

Bella:  Cool!  I'm here to rescue a friend captured by these soldiers.

Sea Monster: I see - I've been watching you go round and round the island most of the day...

Bella:  I've found no other way in.

Sea Monster:  There is a underwater cave you could try - would you like me to take you there?

Bella:  Yes please - Tunka!

Bella took a deep breath, climbed onto the Sea Monster's back, and they sped downwards into the darkness.  After a minute they entered a cave and as they broke the water surface, Bella saw some stairs leading upwards.

Bella: Tunka for the ride! I hope to see you again one day when I'm not in such a hurry!

After climbing at least five hundred steps, Bella found herself in front of a steel barred door.  It was firmly locked.

Bella: (thinks) I'm too big to fit through the bars - but I have another experimental potion to try that should shrink me down to a smaller size for awhile.  I hope it works.

She found a bottle in her backpack labelled Maspilla Lobi Practo, and took a big gulp.  Instantly she changed to a tiny creature who wiggled through the bars and ran down a dark corridor towards the dungeon.  After sneaking in through the bars of another steel door, and crawling under the chair of a snoring UnMythic guard, she discovered the dungeon entrance.  Taking a quick look in each of the cells, she scurried along until she recognised a voice - it was Elyot quietly singing a sad song.  She squeezed in through his door, ran across the small room and jumped onto his foot.

Elyot:  Well hello!  What's a tiny platypus doing down here in the dungeons?  Are you lost little creature?

Bella: (the tiny marsupial) Squeak!

Elyot:  Don't worry, I'll keep you safe!

Bella: (annoyed)  Sqquueeaaaakkk!

Just then the mini-marsupial potion wore off and Bella reappeared.

Elyot: ...

Bella: Well, hello to you too!  Are you going to say something sensible or just stand there with your mouth open?

Elyot: ...

Bella:  I didn't think so.

Elyot:  Why were you a platypus?

Bella:  It was an experimental marsupial minimizing potion - I guess I chose the wrong marsupial...

Just then they heard the noise of many soldiers coming down the corridor.

Elyot:  They're coming to take me away for execution!  You have to hide!

Bella: It's too late for that.  Here drink some of this Xenon Practo, and follow me quickly, the potion won't last long on you.

Elyot:  It's not experimental too is it?

Bella:  Just drink!

In a couple of seconds, two black bats flew out the tiny window in the stone wall, and off into the darkness.  Several guards looked in through the bars and scratched their heads at the empty room.

Elyot:  This is fun!  I can fly like a bird!

Bella: No - you can fly like a bat, and only for a few seconds more...

The two bats flew over the castle walls and stopped being bats soon after.  They plummeted down into the dark icy water. After a large splash, they soon resurfaced.

Elyot:  It's freezing!

Bella:  Stop complaining - it's refreshing.  Now let's find a small boat to borrow from the UnMythics, and sail on home...

Devon and Kevin opened their eyes.  The Vampire Lord was standing in front of them.

Vampire Lord:  And that's how your Grandmother rescued me many years ago.  Now go back out to the training ground and work hard at becoming Vamparoos worthy of the name Deathdancer!

Devon and Kevin shot off like crossbow bolt, feeling much more like training very hard!

(Applestorm has finished her writing holiday, and so the proper Undercover Vamparoo stories will be back in two shakes of a bat's nostril - Juma!)  


    And now we know thy Vampire Lord's REAL name...Elyot!

    Hello, Elyot!

    Elyot: Grr. Do not call me that.

    Um...bye! *runs away* I'LL BE BACK APPLESTOOOOORM!!!!


      (I like them! Did you choose it because they're native to Australia?)

    2. For those with a keen eye, the title says "Guest Post". Whatever the reason why Bella turned into a platypus is probably because it was funny. I have been known to be wrong, though.

    3. Guest Post...


      My mind is blown! Was it your sister? Your other sister? Your oldest sister? Parents? Uh...Cinnamon? LOL

      Amazing post anyways!

    4. Nope. I didn't write it.

      And the person who wrote this would rather be left unknown. That is their wishes, and it is left to us to grant them. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    5. Ok! I'm alright with that!

      Tell them good job! :-)

  2. Good job, I never knew that! Did Bella like Elyot? Does Bella remember this? And do some of the scenes come from the game Pirate101? Please awnser. Anyway, MEH LOVD THIS. -d66864 on AJ

    1. Nope. The pictures you see here come from... actually, the guest that posted this would rather that remain a secret. Sorry for the inconvenience!

      *Gives D6 a cookie*

    2. Thank you! *Gives Apple a Undercover Vamparoo Plushie Set* :D -D6

  3. How do you pronounce Elyot?
