Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Ch. 31 You have mail! - part.1

At Grandma's house, Ruby, Sapphire, Midnight and Topaz were sitting around the table for a meeting.

Ruby: Ok. Let's get started.

Midnight: Yes... get this over with, please!

Ruby: ... As you should all know, the war between us and the UnMythics is in three days time.

Sapphire: Yes... we KNOW that.

Ruby: But we don't know what their secret weapon is... so it's time we start talking more seriously about it.

Sapphire: Explain.

Ruby: Well... seeing that you, Sapphire Diamondeye DeathDancer, are an UnMythic-

Sapphire: Diamondeye is an insult more then a name to me now. Sapphire DeathDancer will do.

Ruby: ... Do you have any idea what your kind is planning?

Sapphire: Well... I'm assuming they're going to play by their strengths and your weaknesses. Probably something to do with cinnamon and machines.

Topaz: That's possible. They did do that last time, after all.

Ruby: True.

Midnight: But WE have the Dragon egg. We have the element of surprise! We have-

Sapphire: Will it hatch in time?

Ruby: The fire creature in the crystal cave said "When the Egg has fully hatched, then the real war will start".

Sapphire: I'm assuming that means it will hatch the moment the war starts... But that could be bad.

Midnight: Will the Dragon know how to fight?

Ruby: Well... I don't know that, to be honest.

Midnight: Great...

Topaz: Well, I think we should worry about the Dragon later. For now, you guys need to train, figure out where the UnMythic's weapon is, and not to mention you still have a few more villages to warn.

Ruby: I already sent out bat-mail to them. They should get them this afternoon, IF the bats are quick.

Topaz: "If" is a big factor in the race against time, Ruby.

Ruby: I know...

Topaz: Are our other cousins coming here, or are they sticking to their parts of the island?

Ruby: We'll know by tonight, I guess...

Midnight: ... So are we going to train or not?

Ruby and Sapphire looked up at Midnight, surprised.

Ruby: Are you serious, Midnight?

Midnight: No, I just want to sit around and swish my tail until the war starts. OF COURSE I'm serious!

Sapphire: So you want to train instead of stealing for a change?

Midnight: Pick-pocketing won't help on the battlefield. We need actual battle skills to fight.

Topaz: But you're practically kids! Will your Vampire Lord allow the very ESSENCE of our SURVIVAL to go on the battlefields and risk their lives?

Ruby: Well... we've come this far without dying!

Topaz: ... I'm going to your library to research certain things.

Sapphire: Shouldn't you be training with us?

Topaz: I've already had my training when I was your age. I don't want, or have to do, basic sword skills again. See you later.

And so saying so, Topaz got up and left the house.

Sapphire: ... Does all Topaz think about is reading?

Midnight: I hope not.

Ruby: ... Anyway. Let's go and train!

Midnight: As much as I hate working, we have a village to protect, and we won't let UnMythics drive us out because we're different.

Sapphire: That's the spirit, soldier!

Ruby, Sapphire and Midnight all dash out to the Vampire Lord's mansion for some more training.


  1. DRAGON!!!
    Perhaps you can edit it? (Also, deme,her when I asked u about the books? And trade? Is it stll ok? Cuz I send stuff now, we can trade that way. Ok? If u no like the thing i send u, old send it back. I do the same.

    1. Because we live in different parts of the world, we have never met in animal form. (and for some strange reason, I STILL haven't found the dragon plush yet) And yes, it's still fine to send stuff over for other stuff.

      ... And yes. I remember you telling me about Wings of Fire.

    2. Um, perhaps u can use mechanical dragon?

    3. Also, when I saw eh title, I was all like *imitates robot voice* YOU HAVE MAIL. It also make me think about that old romance movie, You got mail. (It's about to people who hate each other, but unknowingly email each other as 'friends' every-night.)

    4. When something hatches from an egg, what do you think of?

      I need something small, and while I don't mind the new mech Dragons, it just doesn't look right to me.

    5. I think of a bird, reptile, or dragon.
      Perhaps you can edit in like with Saphire! And Kunzite. She looked...kinda 'edited'. Ya know what I'm saying?

      Looks great though! Keep it up, girl!

    6. also there is a giraffe dragon plushie. it looks AWESOME
