Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Ch. 29 UnMythic history - part.2

Topaz begins telling what she had learned. Everyone remained quiet.

Topaz: It all started 2000 years ago, where the war against Vampires and UnMythics had barely started. The UnMythic leader, Captain Irontail, after making his argument with the Vampire leader, Lord Silvertooth, started making plans for an Ultimate anti-Mythic Weapon.

Sapphire: I know about that. Me and Fang broke into the library and found a journal that said that!

Topaz: ... The problem is, no one wrote anything about this "Ultimate Weapon". What we do know, is that because of this weapon, they won the war.

Sapphire: Ah...

Midnight: So... no drawings, no descriptions... no nothing?

Topaz: I'm afraid that's what it seems like.

Midnight: But did anyone actually SEE the weapon?

Topaz: If they did, they're probably dust in the ground.

Sapphire: ... Ruby! Grandma! She was in the war! Does she know anything about the weapon? Or at least see it?

Ruby: Grandma was a Alchemist Apprentice! She was busy making potions to help save lives, not out on the battle field dodging dangerous cinnamon arrows!

Sapphire: Well... who ELSE was in the war?

Ruby: How am I suppose to know? The only other Vampire I can think of... is...

Kevin and Devin: The Vampire Lord of Everwinter village.

They look up to see Devin and Kevin, halfway down the stairs.

Ruby: Since when did you get so smart?

Kevin: Hey!

Devin: We resent that!

Ruby: ... Seriously, though. How did you know?

Kevin: You can pick up a thing or two at the training grounds.

Sapphire: ... I'm sorry. I can't imagine you actually working. Seems extremely unlikely, knowing you two.

Devin: Times are changing.

Kevin: So it's time to change.

Ruby: Wow... I never though I'd see the day when my two elder twin brothers started acting... serious. It's nice. Good for you! You realize the danger we're in and want to help!

Kevin: Not that. It's just Grandma took our skateboards and hid them somewhere. So we really have nothing else to do.

Ruby: You just crushed my dreams of having sensible elder brothers!

Devin: Sorry.

Kevin: We'll leave.

The two white brothers left the house and headed towards the Vampire Lord's mansion.

Topaz: ... Anyway. I've found absolutely nothing that can help us find out what Mayor Irontail's weapon is... It could be the same thing from 2000 thousand years ago, or it could be something completely different! I don't have a clue!

Midnight: ... Then why don't we do what we usually do?

Ruby: What do you mean?

Midnight: Sneak into an enemy building and sniff for answers. We are undercover spies after all! Isn't that our job? Our calling for the Vampire Lord?

Sapphire: The bad luck cat has a point, Ruby. We've been so busy questing all over the island helping cousins and villagers, we haven't actually done a proper "Undercover Mission" in days!

Ruby: I know, I know... But where can we look for answers about a secret UnMythic weapon that NO ONE has even spoken about in books?

Sapphire: R.O.O.S.T. headquarters sounds like a good place to start.

Ruby: ... Ok. I can't actually complain about that idea. We leave in half an hour.

Ruby dashed to Grandma's potion lab. Midnight (who was about to take a sandwich) saw Fang eating the last sandwich on the tray, decided to leave and go else where. Sapphire and Topaz stayed a little longer, before departing ways in the morning sun.


  1. Don't Vampire's burn in sunlight?
    And Topaz is staying then. Huh. Why? Doesn't she miss her home? (From what I've read, probably not, but what do YOU think?)

    1. Well... In the normal world, Vampires would have a weakness to garlic, mirrors, and sunlight (or you just glitter. Either way works). But in MY world, Vampires have a weakness to cinnamon, and... the other weaknesses are unknown.

      While I think its a cool idea for Vampires to always stay in the shadows and to never go out into the sun (or they turn to dust), but... I just wanted this to be a little different. Just my little twist of rules to this world I created.

      While yes, Topaz probably misses her home village. But she knows there is more then one leader that is more then prepared to protect IvyWood village. Shes willing to help her cousins prepare until the final day before the war, then she could go back and help protect her village.
