Sunday, May 24, 2015

Ch. 30 Where's Midnight? - part.1

Ruby was walking through the forest, breathing the fresh cold air, but stopped in her tracks when she saw Boo racing up to meet her.

Boo: RUBY!!! Have you seen Midnight?

Boo stopped in front of Ruby, looking worried.

Ruby: We were meant to go on a mission with Sapphire, but he didn't show up. Why? Whats wrong?

Boo: I haven't seen him since this morning, and it's lunchtime!

Ruby: Why do you want to see him?

Boo: I'm just... a little worried.

Ruby: Why should you be?

Boo: We're about to have a war with the UnMythics, there's been a lot of strange things going on... how can I NOT be worried?

Ruby: So... you're afraid that Midnight's been taken by UnMythics...

Boo: Hey, it could happen!

Ruby: I agree. Not very likely, but a possibility, nevertheless.

They both look up to hear barking, and see Sapphire with Mora coming down the path towards them.

Sapphire: Hello! What are you guys doing?

Ruby: Do you know where Midnight is?

Sapphire: Nope. Me and Mora were playing in the forest, and last time I checked, I didn't see any black cats.

Boo: Well, where on earth could he be?

Ruby: ... Well...

Sapphire: Yes, oh fourth cousin once removed? Do you have an idea?

Ruby: Uh... you see, I know Midnight goes to this... thieves club... and there might be a slight chance he's there...

Boo: Do you know where this club is?

Ruby: Sadly, no. But...

Sapphire: Maybe a certain red bloodhound can find out for us.

They all turned to look at Mora, who cocked her head in expectancy.

Ruby: ... Do we have anything that belongs to Midnight?

Sapphire: I think I saw his bag back at Grandma's house.

And so saying so, Sapphire dashed back to Grandma's house with Mora.

Boo: ... Shouldn't we let the Rescue team about this?

Ruby: I doubt they want to take time out of their day just to find a thief.

A little while later, they came back with Midnight's bag.

Sapphire: Ok, Mora. We need you to find our black cheetah friend, who may or may not be in danger. Now fetch!

Sapphire shoved Midnight's bag at Mora, and the hound started sniffing at it.

Boo: ... Is this going to work?

Ruby: We're about to find out.

Mora suddenly lifted up her head, and starting sniffing around the forest. After a while, she howled and dashed towards the village. Ruby, Sapphire and Boo charged after her.

After a while of chasing Mora, they come a maze of dark and eerie streets.

Boo: Uh... is your bloodhound SURE Midnight is somewhere around here?

Ruby: Yes. Probably... maybe... hopefully?

Boo: Well, this place should be the perfect place for hiding, ambushes, and secret clubs. Not to mention it lives up to ghost standards.

Sapphire: Eh. I've seen scarier streets in my days.

Sapphire followed Mora, who was now sniffing along the stoney walls.

Boo: Ok... keep an eye out for any old trapdoors or sewer passages...those are usually the entrance to a secret underground club.

Sapphire: And what do you know about that?

Boo: In Darkriver village, we learn simple skills, such as UnMythic evasion and bomb making. But our part of the island... let's say that it's not the best place to grow plants and such.

Sapphire: So...?

Boo: We have to learn certain thieving skills as well in order to get the things we need from passing Vampires and UnMythics. But sometimes we can sneak things across the island using Wing Service!

Ruby: ... So not only are you pranksters, you're also smugglers...

Boo: That's a bit harsh, don't you think?

Sapphire: Got any sweeter words to replace it, then?

Boo: ...

Sapphire: Didn't think so.

Mora stopped at a door, and whined and scratched at it.

Ruby: Distant cousin and friendly fake ghost... I believe we found the place.

Boo: ... What do we do now?

Sapphire: ... You two go on. I'll keep Mora back.

Ruby: Really?

Sapphire: Yes. Really.

Ruby: This is... very unlike you, Sapphire. Are you sure? We might have to battle thieving thieves...

Sapphire: I'm sure. You and Boo go ahead. I'll be waiting up here.

Sapphire took hold of Mora's collar, and gently pulled her back. Ruby slowly opened the door. They walk carefully down a set of Slippery steps, into the darkness.

1 comment:

  1. WHAT?! Where's Midnight!?
    (LOL i read this a little late. WHOOPSY)
