Monday, May 25, 2015

Ch. 30 Where's Midnight? - part.2

Ruby and Boo crept down the wet and cold steps, down into the M.O.S.T hideout. An orange wolf looked up from making some sort of red brew. Nearby, was Midnight, looking like he'd come back from a battlefield. He turned to look at Ruby, and stepped back a bit, trying to keep a calm face.

Ruby: ... Hi.

Midnight: Ah... wasn't expecting you to be around...

Stella: You know them, Midnight?

Midnight: In a way... so... What are you two doing here?

Boo: Oh, you know. Just happened to be in the area, so we decided to... drop in and see what you were doing.

Midnight: Yes, well... great to see you guys.

Ruby: ... What happened to you, Midnight?

Stella: The furry patch of black got into a fight with some of his friends... and he lost.

Midnight: Only because there was two of them, and one of me.

Stella: That wouldn't have made much of a difference.

Midnight: ... Besides, they didn't hurt me that much. I'm fine.

Stella: Stop being stubborn, Mr. BlackMoon. You are injured. And that means you're hurt and need help.

Midnight: ...

Ruby: So... does this happen on a daily basis?

Stella: I wish I could say this hasn't happened before... but then I would be lying.

Midnight: And we all know you're a terrible liar.

Stella: What I can't steal, I make up in fizzy drinks and light beer.

Boo: ... So... can I-

Stella: Yes.

Boo: Do you make RedShadow snow?

Stella got a couple of bottles down and poured them in a nearby cup. She added some black powder in the mix and gave it to Boo.

Stella: And that will be two gold and seven silver, please.

Boo dug into his pockets and gave Stella some coins.

Stella: You thieves are very polite and well mannered. Much more so than the ruffians I have to deal with every single day of my life. 

Boo: Don't they treat barmaids with respect?

Stella: Not in this club... Want anything, red?

Ruby: I'm good, thanks.

Midnight: So... uh... why are you here?

Boo: Caught your scent and decided to pay you a visit, that's all.

Midnight: Right...

Stella (who just finished mixing a drink) gave Midnight a cup with bright red liquid in it.

Stella: Drink, Midnight. It's a healing potion. So it's good for you, unlike any other drink I make for you and your friends.

Midnight: I said I'm fine, Stella.

Stella: These ingredients are hard to get, Midnight. I don't make ridiculously hard drinks for fun, you know. So if you know what's good for you, THEN DRINK.

Midnight sighed and took drank the red potion. He swallowed, and coughed a bit.

Midnight: Strong stuff, that is...

Stella: Well, I hope so! I don't want bad plants and fruits in my drinks!

Midnight: Neither do I, to be frank...

Ruby: ... When you're ready, Midnight... we're leaving.

Midnight: W-... Oh... ok.

Midnight drank the rest of the red brew, gave the orange wolf some coins, and left with Ruby and Boo. Mora barked and yipped as they came back into the foggy sunlight where Sapphire sat waiting.

Sapphire: That didn't take long.

Midnight: ... How mad are you?

Ruby: Not so much mad... just more... concerned.

Midnight: Did you really think something would've happened to me?

Sapphire: You didn't show up at our research mission.

Midnight: I would have LIKED to... but I was distracted.

Boo: Well.. leave a note or something next time!

Midnight: Thieves don't leave notes.

Ruby: Well, it's about time they started. Come on. I think it's time I told you about what me and Grandma have learned.

Ruby, Sapphire, Midnight and Boo left the ghostly streets and back to Grandma's house.


  1. Midnight! NO! NOOO!
    I <3 him! PLEASE LET HIM BE OK. And I KNEW the store sold beer! My Dad's not gonna be happy about that...
