Friday, May 22, 2015

Ch. 29 UnMythic history - part.3

A little while later, Ruby (with Fang) met up with Sapphire near the Golden Forests school.

Ruby: Any sign of Midnight?

Sapphire: I didn't see him on the way here.

Ruby: Where could he be...? He isn't usually late to these things. In fact, he often comes with me!

Sapphire: ... Should we wait for him to arrive?

Ruby: We'll wait for five minutes.

The kangaroo cousins waited for five minutes. Saying nothing, and hoping Midnight would show up. But after a while, Ruby got up.

Ruby: ... He's still not here.

Sapphire: Then... what do we do?

Ruby: We leave without him.

Sapphire: Wait, what?

Ruby: You heard me. We break into Golden Forests without him.

Sapphire: But we're untrained in the arts of thievery. We have a higher chance of failing if Midnight isn't with us showing off how to unlock a door!

Ruby: While that's true, we have a little spider with us to sneak into the smaller places... I know that isn't actually helpful, but unless Midnight runs into view yelling "wait for me", we're going without him.

And so saying so, Ruby started to head closer to the Golden Forests school.

Sapphire: ... We're going to get caught.

Sapphire sighed, got up and followed Ruby.

They sneak into the school, where they headed towards the  forbidden part of the library, where they find the entrance to R.O.O.S.T, open.

Ruby: Ok... that's... unusual.

Sapphire: Understatement of the day.

Ruby: ... Do we go on? This could be a trap!

Sapphire: If it is a trap, we'll soon find out.

Ruby and Sapphire were quietly sneaking along the halls of R.O.O.S.T. headquarters. Making sure no one was around, they headed to a research area. They started searching through books, making sure not to be seen.

Ruby: ... I'm pretty sure they were at least SOME history books in here...

Sapphire: And good thing they left the door open. It was just like they were expecting us, and wanted to make things easier because Midnight wasn't with us.

Ruby: ...

Sapphire: ... I was joking. You better be on your guard while we search through these books.

Ruby picked up a book titled "The Great Island war", and started reading it. She flicked through the pages, looking for something about the "Ultimate Weapon". After a while, she looked up at Sapphire.

Ruby: Well... while there's nothing about a Ultimate weapon, there is a lot of stuff about... taking over a "Moon Temple".

Sapphire: ... Never heard of it.

Ruby: Funny thing... neither have I.

Sapphire: Ok, now you have me scared.

Ruby: ... Listen to this. "The Vampires are retreating to other parts of the island. Before they come back with reinforcements, Captain Irontail wants us to take over their sacred temple, that is found on top of a hill near the Everwinter forest."

Sapphire: ... Go on.

Ruby: ... "We had no idea how many Vampires were coming back to claim what is rightfully theirs, (And to be honest, this war wouldn't be happening if Captain Irontail hadn't demanded more land than He needed from the Lord of the Vampires) but we're glad we took over one of their strongest safety bases."

Sapphire: ... Heh.

Ruby: You and the rest of the world.

Sapphire: Well... R.O.O.S.T, or Rescue Of Our Sun Temple... The UnMythics claimed the Vampires "Sacred Temple", which...

Ruby: Could very well be this "Moon Temple".

Sapphire: OK. We've got something, now it's time to go home.

Ruby: Hang on a minute! We still need to research through these books!

Sapphire: Fine by me. Take any books you want and LETS. GO.

Ruby grabbed a few more books and stuffed them into her bag, and she and Sapphire sneaked their way out and back to Grandma's house.

When they got back, Grandma was sitting at the table, reading a book. She looked up as they came in, and Mora dashed out of the kitchen and started bouncing around Ruby and Sapphire.

Grandma: Back from you mission?

Ruby: Indeed!

Ruby dropped books on the table and started reading.

Sapphire: ... Ok. You can read stuff. I'm going outside to play with Mora.

Sapphire whistled to Mora to follow her. They both race outside into the cold forest.

Grandma: ... Now, tell me what you have found out. Perhaps I can help?

Ruby and Grandma started talking, and didn't stop until lunchtime.


  1. What do they talk about?! What is Grandma's advice?! is she ok with what Ruby learned?!
    And 'The Moon Temple'?! WOAH! UNEXPECTED TWIST!
    Maybe it was a LITTLE excepted, being 'The SUN Temple' and all. So yeah. :-p

    From ur DFF (Dork Friend Forever)

    1. I was planning to make this post a little longer, but I was forced to cut it short, or there wouldn't be a post at all.

      And... you'll just have to wait and see, my friend. Wait and see... >:)
