Thursday, May 28, 2015

Ch. 31 You have mail! - part.2

After training with Melody; Ruby, Sapphire and Midnight come back home, exhausted.

Midnight: Next time I say I want to train... just hit me over the head and tell me I'm crazy.

Sapphire: Noted.

Ruby: I must admit it... that took a little longer than I thought.

Grandma (who had been in her potion lab) came through the door.

Grandma: Good evening. How was training?

Sapphire: Hard. Not to mention boring.

Grandma: Wars are dangerous. You need experience with swords in order to have a higher chance of surviving.

Ruby: But you did alchemy!

Grandma: I still needed to learn how to swing a sword, though. I couldn't use my potions and wits alone.

Just then, there was knock at the door. Grandma went to the door and opened it. A young Vampire gave Grandma two letters. She thanked him and closed the door.

Ruby: That must be the replies from our other cousins!

Sapphire: Well, don't just stand there! Open them!

Grandma gave Ruby the letters and she ripped one of them open. She started reading.

Ruby: "Hello, Ruby! Thanks for letting us know about the upcoming war. This explains some of the strange events that have been happening up here. But we cannot help you right away. If what you say is true, we need to prepare and do what we can do protect our village. From Citrine  and Emerald."

Ruby gave a disappointed look at Sapphire, and placed the letter on the table. She opened the other letter, and started reading.

Ruby: "Dear fellow cousin. I had my suspicions that the UnMythics would be trying something, and you reinforce that theory. If a war is coming, there is a high chance that one of our kind will be kicked out... for good... Oh, and the answer to your invisible question is no. I can't help you unless I'm positive that my village is fine. Sorry. From Amethyst."

Ruby sadly put the second letter on the table and sighed. before sitting down.

Ruby: ... I know this may seem a bit childish, but I was hoping that our other cousins could help us figure out, and destroy the UnMythics Ultimate weapon...

Sapphire: Yeah, that would've been a bit of a stretch. They have villages to protect, Ruby. Just like us!

Ruby: I guess... but I'm still disappointed.

Grandma: I thought you said you'd send a message to Shadow Forest?

Ruby: I did... I guess it's either they didn't get it, or something else...

Midnight: I'm never going to remember how many cousins you have, am I?

???: Probably not. There are a lot of us, after all.

They all look up to see a pink kangaroo by the doorway.

Ruby and Sapphire: KUNZITE!!! What are you doing here?

Kunzite (pink kangaroo): To give you this...

Kunzite gave Ruby a letter. Ruby ripped it open and began reading.

Ruby: "So... you're probably wondering why I haven't replied yet, like all our other cousins have... well... I'll tell you why... I CAN HELP YOU!!!"

Ruby looked up from Kunzite's letter, and raised her eyebrow.

Ruby: And... you didn't think about your village when traveling here?

Kunzite gave Ruby a sardonic smile.

Kunzite: Of course I did... thinking about if they're alive or not...

Grandma: Did the UnMythics get your village as well?

Kunzite: I'm afraid so. I wasn't quite sure if other villages had the same problem, y'know... with invasions from the UnMythics...

Sapphire: Yes. Ivywood's lord has been taken for about a year, Darkriver village has been ambushed with no Vampires left... and I believe a group of UnMythic scientists have tried to steal the Dragon egg from us.

Kunzite: You have the Dragon egg? The one that the Dragons left to us and no one has found it before or since?

Midnight: That would be the one.

Kunzite: ... Oh, and I'm Kunzite, by the way. Don't think I've met you before!

Midnight: The names Midnight.

Kunzite: Pleasure to meet you!

Midnight: Likewise.

Grandma: ... Do you want anything to eat, Kunzite? After traveling for such a long time, you must be tired.

Kunzite: Well... I WOULD like some Raven cookies, if you have them.

Grandma went to the kitchen, while the cousins and black cheetah talked.



    And now we know some of her other cousin's to show them sometime? Family photo?
    And Kunzite looks fluffy. GIVE ME KUNZITE PLEASE! I have muffins! (Let her comment back also, like which Mittens. THx!)

    1. Kunzite: Do you have tasty muffins?

      Only one way to find out!

      *throws Kunzite to epet*

      (If I get around to it, I'll draw all of Ruby's girl cousins in one big picture)


      I have Muffin! The best kind there is...

      CHOCOLATE PUMPKIN MUFFINS! (Made from pumpkin sweetness and yummy dark chocolate. TATSE LIKE HEAVEN...)

      Here, all for you guys! Just...don't tell my dad or step-mom....they'll be angry I stole their muffins!

    3. Hey! What are the village's names? Such as Citrine's village, Kunzite's, and Amythest.
