Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Ch 28 The Extraordinary UnMythic - part.3

The rescue team ran after the speeding bloodhounds through the forest. While they were running, something dropped onto Sapphire's shoulder. She looked up to see Fang.

Sapphire: Fang! What are you doing here? Weren't you with Ruby?

Fang: Yeah, I was. Sitting in her pocket eating leftover sandwiches.

Sapphire: Well... how did you get here?

Fang: After eating all of Midnight and Topaz's sandwiches, I decided to go back home to grandma.

Sapphire: So... you didn't notice they were being prisoners of a small fluffy fox that could be a dangerous criminal?

Fang: I did see a fox, yes... but she didn't have anything to eat on her as well. Believe me, I've tried.

Sapphire: Is that all you do? Think about eating?

Fang: No. I also think about eating sandwiches.

Sapphire: ...

Fang: ...

Sapphire: ... Do you know where Ruby is?

Fang: Why would you want to know that? There's nothing for you to eat where they are.

Sapphire: I don't care. TELL ME!!!

Fang: ... Behind the Winter Waterfall.

Sapphire: Great.

Sapphire looked around, having no idea where she was.

Sapphire: Um... where is the Winter Waterfall?

Fang: If I show you, can we all go back home?

Sapphire: Maybe.

Fang jumped down from Sapphire's shoulder and scurried across the forest floor. He came to a branch and tried to push it out of the way. Sapphire sighed and shoved it aside, revealing a view with a small waterfall.

Sapphire: How did I miss that?

Fang: ... Well, now you know where they are... I'm just going back home to Grandma.

Sapphire grabbed him before he could turn around and dashed towards the waterfall.

Meanwhile, Ruby, Topaz and Midnight were in a dark cave (which was even darker because it was nighttime), and had no idea how to escape. They sat on the cold water floor, discussing ideas and plans to escape from Mittens.

Midnight: (whispering) We could just make a run for it?

Topaz: (whispering) Doubtful. Too many of Mittens goons.

Midnight: (whispering) Well, any other brilliant ideas?

Topaz: (whispering) Not at the moment.

Midnight: (whispering) ...

Ruby: (whispering) Sapphire is probably running through the forest looking for us.

Topaz: (whispering) She'll never find us in a hidden cave behind a waterfall. Not even the bloodhounds can sniff us out, I think...

Midnight: (whispering) Not exactly cheerful, is it?

Topaz: (whispering) Just pointing out the facts. Fiy cau inna mio.

They remained silent for a few minutes, waiting for someone to suggest a way of escaping. There was a loud crash, and Sapphire ran past bandits to where Ruby, Topaz and Midnight were at.

Sapphire: Hi, guys! I finally found you!

Topaz: Sapphire! You do know that your probably also trapped alongside us now, don't you?

Sapphire: ... Oh, yeah... I might have forgotten to think this through.

Topaz: ...

Sapphire: ... What?

Topaz: Trying to think of an insult that fits you.

Sapphire: Nice to see you care about me.

Topaz: Yeah, I... LOOK OUT!!!

Topaz shoved Sapphire down to the ground, and a second later Mittens flew over them and crashed down onto the watery floor. She got up glaring, and wet.

Mittens: How did you find us? This hideout is practically INVISIBLE to Vampires and bloodhounds!

Sapphire: A little red spider whispered to me the way.

Ruby: You mean Fang, right?

Sapphire: Yeah...

Mittens: You little...

Mittens made a leap for Sapphire, but she dodged out of the way.

Sapphire: Calm down, fuzzball!

Mittens made another leap at Sapphire, knocking her to the ground. Mittens unsheathed her claws and held them to Sapphire's neck.

Mittens: You ruined my perfect plans... now is the time to pay!

Sapphire: Sorry, but I'm broke. Spent all my money on Ice cream with Midnight!

Mittens: Your walking on thin ice, blue roo!

Sapphire: And you may as well be walking on hot coals, fluffy!

Mittens: I'm not fluffy!

Sapphire: So your fat, then?

Mittens: BE QUIET!!!

Just as Mittens was about to slice of Sapphire's neck, Sapphire kick Mittens off her and rolled out of range. Mitten's bandits started to surround Ruby and Midnight, who prepared to fight. Before anything could happen, bloodhounds could be heard, howling their heads off nearby.

Mitten: RETREAT!!! The plans ruined and a rescue team is on their way! Get out of here before I throw you into the dungeons myself!!!

The bandits ran through the waterfall and into the deep dark forest. A minute later, Melody and Leader Quill showed up with the bloodhounds.

Sapphire: Too late guys - the parties over.

Melody: Well, Jack heard angry shouts, and it led to here. The Vampires who dashed through the waterfall were long gone before we could catch them.

Leader Quill: How did you know that Mittens and her gang would be in here?

Sapphire: ... I didn't.

Melody: But you managed to find Ruby and the rest.

Fang jumped out of Sapphire's pocket and scurried across to Ruby.

Ruby: ... How long have you been out of my pocket?

Fang: Ten, twenty minutes... hard to say.

Ruby: Remind me to tell you to come with us on every adventure for now on.

Fang: As you wish.

Topaz: Ok, happy ending and all... but we kinda want to go home now.

Leader Quill: Oh course. Come with us.

Melody: But you guys should explain everything from the beginning of everything.

Midnight: With pleasure.

Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Midnight and the rescue team headed back towards EverWinter Village.



    Cute! Go Fang!

    And Mittens really IS fluffy, huh? GIVE HER TO ME TO CUDDLE.....
    Please? (I'd like her to comment back as well, is that ok?)

    1. Mittens: I'm a criminal! FEAR ME!!!

      Now now, Mittens. Play nice!

      *throws Mittens into Epet's arms*

    2. YAY! FLUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! *kisses* MWA! How cute! I just wanna hug you and kiss you and feed you little marshmallows fowevah!
