Friday, May 29, 2015

Ch.32 Silver Moon - part1

Ruby, Sapphire, Kunzite and Midnight were talking about their ideas and plans to each other.

Ruby: ... And tomorrow we'll only have two days left until we're forced to battle the UnMythics. Time is running out, and we still don't have much of a plan.

Kunzite: At least we're prepared to fight, Ruby. I bet most of the UnMythics don't have a clue whats going to happen in the next few days!

Midnight: I'm pretty sure the UnMythic army in Sunbeam Shores knows what's going on.

Sapphire: Whether that's true or not, we don't know what their secret weapon is... or WHERE it is.

Grandma: Ok, that's enough questions for tonight. I think you all need to go to bed.

Kunzite: Do we have too?

Grandma: You have a busy day tomorrow. You need to help gather food and supplies, while I have to help make potions for our warriors who will be fighting on the battlefield.

Midnight: ... Give us an hour.

Grandma: five minutes.

Midnight: Half an hour.

Grandma: Seven minutes.

Midnight: Twenty minutes.

Grandma: Ten minutes.

Midnight: Fifteen minutes.

Grandma: ... Very well. Fifteen minutes, and no more.

Grandma went upstairs, leaving the cousins and Midnight to themselves.

Ruby: ... What now?

Kunzite smirked at Ruby before dashing outside. Mora (who was in the kitchen) got up and ran after her.

Sapphire: Mora!!! Why you... what do we do, Ruby?

Midnight: An obvious question with an obvious answer - we go after them!

Midnight got up and darted after her.

Ruby: ... Looks like he made the choice for us.

Ruby and Sapphire got up, and sprinted after them through the dark and misty forest of Everwinter.

Ruby: Sometimes I wonder why Kunzite does what she does.

Sapphire: I don't. She does these things for fun.

Suddenly, Midnight came into view, looking confused.

Midnight: Hey, guys. Have you seen your pink cousin? I was following her and then... I guess I lost her.

Sapphire: Classic Kunzite. Starts to play hide and seek when we want her most.

They all look up as they hear soft music. They hear Mora howling somewhere, and Sapphire starts running into the direction of the noise.

Midnight: What is that?

Ruby: A clue!

Ruby and Midnight dart after Sapphire.

Midnight: What do you mean, a clue?

Ruby: Kunzite is a musician. She plays all sorts of instruments, from pianos to drums, to bells.

Midnight: So...

Ruby: She's the one whose making that sweet music!

They skidded to a hold as they see Kunzite sitting in a tree, playing a silver flute. Mora was at the foot of the tree, howling. Kunzite came to a slow stop in her music, and Mora stopped with her.

Ruby: What is the meaning of this, Kunzite?

Kunzite: Just having a little fun, that's all.

Ruby: And why was Sapphire's hound howling?

Kunzite: You mean singing. This bloodhound was singing.

Ruby: ... Anyway. Why are you here?

Kunzite jumped down from the tree and turned around and started walking back into the darkness.

Ruby: Wait! Where are you going?

Kunzite: You'll have to find out~!

Ruby sighs and treks on after Kunzite with Midnight. Sapphire dashes up to them, and walks with them.

Sapphire: What's Kunzite up too?

Ruby: No idea, but she obviously knows something.

They continued to follow Kunzite into the darkness.


  1. YAY!
    Awesome flute singing (or playing, whatever), Kunzite!

  2. Could you please put Kuznite, Emerald, and Citrine on the Vampires page? It would be cool to see them there!

  3. Oh and Amythest!

    1. When I introduce them in person, I'll try to remember to put them on the Vampire page.
