Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Ch.8. Dragon Egg - part.2

Ruby and Fang enter the Vampire Lord's mansion and into the library to search for the rest of the riddle.

Fang: When do you think Midnight will come back?

Ruby: I have no idea. He might come back in hours, or seconds.

Just then, a streak of black and white light shows and Midnight crashes into a bookshelf.

Ruby: Hey! We were just talking about you!

Midnight: Glad to hear. So, found anything R.O.O.S.T. worthy?

Fang: Actually, we're looking for a Dragon Egg!

Ruby: But we need to find the rest of the riddle before we can go. We will need your help, so you're coming along with us!

Fang: And before I forget to ask, how was your 'Game' with Manic?

Midnight: Interesting.

Ruby: ... Thats it?

Midnight: Hard to explain.

They kept searching for the rest of the riddle until Midnight found a history book about Dragons. They searched through the book until they found the riddle.

Ruby: May I?

Midnight: Be my guest!

Ruby: "In a sea of trees beyond the mills, a lake awaits on a smallish hill. In a cave full of hardened ice, in order to enter you must be mice! Claws of a hawk and scales of a snake, even the mountains quiver and shake! Unless you befriend one of fire...".

Ruby turns the page and looks confused.

Midnight: ... Is there any more?

Ruby: ... It seems as if... the rest of the page is torn out... I can't read the rest of the riddle!

Midnight: Well that's great! Who on earth would want to rip a page out of a book like this!?

Ruby: It looks like it was cut with a knife...

Fang: But we got most of the riddle! I'm sure we can figure the rest of it without the last part!

Ruby: Hmm... Maybe you're right... We can go head off and search for the Dragon Egg now, I guess.

Midnight: But... Where do we start?

Ruby: "In a sea of trees beyond the mills,". You know the place where the UnMythics built windmills and waterwheels?

Midnight: Yup!

Ruby: That's where were heading. Come on!

So Ruby, Fang and Midnight started dashing through the forests and into the grasslands where the windmills and waterfalls were.

Midnight: ... Now what?

Ruby: "a lake awaits on a smallish hill.".

Fang: ... Give me a second!

Fang scurries up a waterwheel looks out into the forest. Suddenly, he jumps down next to Ruby.

Fang: I saw a hill! Past the forest, leftish to the mountains! You can still see it easily from here!

Ruby: The trails hot and getting hotter!

Ruby, Fang and Midnight started speeding through the forest again to where the lake was.

Midnight: Theres nothing I love more than fresh twilight forest wood in the middle of the evening!

Fang: What's the next part?

Ruby: "In a cave full of hardened ice, in order to enter you must be mice!"...

Midnight: Cave full of hardened ice? Do they mean unburnable ice?

Ruby: (Mumbling) I don't think so...

Fang: I don't see any cave entrances anywhere!

Midnight: I don't see... Wait, right there!

Midnight points to a entrance covered in snow and ice. They look into the passageway and stare into dark blackness. Dramatic music starts to surround them. 

Fang: (to the narrator)  Oh stop it already.

After a while, Ruby takes a silent step in, and then Midnight with Fang follow.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Ch.8. Dragon Egg - part.1

Later that day, Ruby and Fang head back towards Grandma's house and to tell her about what they found. After a little while, they reach the front door and Grandma greets them.

Grandma: Good evening, Ruby! I see Fang hasn't gotten lost this time!

Ruby: Hello Grandma! Yup, Fang is still in one piece and in the right place this time. He even found a book for us to read!

Grandma: Would you like to come in, so I can read it with you?

Fang: Only if you make us sandwiches!

Ruby and Fang enter the house and place the old book on the table and started reading. After a short time, Grandma came in with a tray full of sandwiches for Fang, and sits down next to Ruby.

Grandma: What is that book?

Fang: (eating sandwiches) War Journal... Jerry Littlefeather... stuff and stuff.

Grandma: I see... So this was in the war between us and the UnMythics.

Ruby: Looks that way. The pages are so yellow and torn, it seems like it went through a peanut butter jam waterfall that was full of book eating fish.

Grandma: May I read it for a little while?

Ruby: Sure!

Ruby passes the book to Grandma, and she starts to read. Knowing this wasn't going to take long, Ruby got up and went outside for some evening air. After a while, she went back indoors to see what Grandma had learned.

Grandma: Ruby, You may be interested in this!

Ruby: Maybe, maybe not. What did you find out?

Grandma: "Day 274. We drove the Dragons out of their nesting grounds with regret. The only one who seemed to be enjoying himself, was Captain Irontail. But before the Dragons left, they told us of a prophecy. They said "You may have driven us out, but one day we WILL return. For one day, the egg will hatch, and our champion will arise!". Captain Irontail asked them where they could find it, but the Dragons laughed and said "It is hidden in plain sight. But you will never find it! Even if you do, you can never destroy it!". And with that said, they flew off into the morning skies - not to be seen again for a long, long time. All of us wondered what they meant when they said "Hidden in plain sight"..."

Grandma put down the book and looked at Ruby with a faint smile. A smile which knew something about what the dragons meant.

Grandma: Maybe the dragons meant that no UnMythic could find it, but...

Ruby: (Dramatic Music Sounds!) ...A Vampire!

Fang: (To Narrator:  will you stop doing that!) (To Grandma) But why Vampires? You're nothing more special than the Deep sea Creatures or the Ice Giants!

Narrator:  (To Fang) Sorry, slipped up.

Grandma: Ah, but the Dragons could see thousands of years into the future! Maybe they knew that everyone would have been driven out except Vampires!

Ruby: So... Only a Vampire could find the Dragon Egg?

Grandma: Not so fast! You need more then luck to find the egg. The Dragons gave us a riddle before they left, and we have kept it for nearly two thousand of years.

Ruby: What's the riddle?

Grandma: I only remember part of it. The rest of it is somewhere in the Vampire Lord's Library.

Fang: Well... What DO you remember?

Grandma: "In a sea of trees beyond the mills, a lake awaits on a smallish hill. In a cave full of harden ice, in order to enter you must be mice!".

Ruby: In a sea of trees beyond the mills... Didn't the UnMythics built windmills and waterwheels after they took over?

Fang: And there is a forest right next to them, right?

Grandma: Sounds like you're on the right track! But make sure to ask the Vampire Lord for the rest of the riddle before you scamper off!

Fang: So... R.O.O.S.T. can wait?

Ruby: R.O.O.S.T. can wait. We need to tell Midnight about this AFTER he gets back from his 'Gamer friend'. We'll need his help then.

Ruby and Fang thank Grandma for the help and headed off to the Vampire Lords Mansion. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Ch.7. History comes alive - part.2

While Sapphire and Fang went to the library, Ruby and Midnight kept running. Eventually, Midnight stopped and looked around.

Midnight: Ruby! Do you know where on earth we are?

Ruby skidded to a halt and look back at Midnight.

Ruby: Course I do!

Midnight: Do you know how we get back to the staircase where we left Fang?

Ruby: Haven't the foggiest.

Midnight: But I thought you said you knew where we were!

Ruby: I do! At Golden Forests School! South-East from our village!

Midnight: I know that! But WHERE in Golden Forests School?!

Ruby: I don't know. Haven't been this deep into the school!

Midnight: So we're lost.

Ruby: Technically yes.

Midnight: Great. Lost in a place full of UnMythics. Just great.

Ruby: Let's keep running. No harm if we keep exploring the place for a while!

Midnight: What if we run into another teacher?

Ruby: If we're lucky, we won't.

Midnight: You do seem to get lucky whenever I'm around.

Ruby: Then that's settled!

Ruby and Midnight started running again. After some time, they stopped to have a bit of a rest.

Midnight: We're going to be stuck here forever!

Ruby: No we're not! We just need to keep running, and eventually we'll get to the place where we started!

Midnight: How do YOU know that?

Ruby: From experience, buildings are either square, rectangular, or round. No matter the shape, eventually you will end up in the same place where you started!

Midnight: When did you get so smart?

Ruby: Since I started reading picture books.

Midnight: Great... being schooled by a girl...

Ruby: If you're learning something, the appropriate place would have to be a school!

Ruby and Midnight stopped resting and starting running again. After five minutes, They find the place where Ruby threw Fang.

Ruby: See! What did I tell you?

Midnight: You told me if you're run in a building long enough, you will eventually end up where you started.

Ruby: My point has been made. So where is...

Ruby quickly grabbed hold of Midnight and pushed him into the back wall.

Midnight: (whispering) What now?!

Ruby: (whispering) It's Sapphire! Shes with Fang! And they seem to be talking...

Midnight: (whispering) Isn't that a good thing? Fang is still alive!

Ruby: (whispering) Fang may be alive. But for how long?...

Ruby looked at Sapphire and Fang for a few more seconds.

Ruby: (whispering) Midnight! She won't know you! Go out and try to get Fang back without her being alarmed!

Before Midnight could say anything, Ruby pushed him out of the corner where they were hiding.

Fang: Oh, Hi Midnight!

Midnight: Um... Hi, Fang!

Sapphire: So, dream spider. You seem to have a name and some secret friends you didn't tell me about! Introduce me to him.

Fang: Sapphire, this is Midnight! Midnight, this is Sapphire!

Midnight: Uh, hi!

Sapphire: G'day, Midnight. Pleased to meet you. I see you made it to this mission as well!

Midnight: Well... yeah. Why wouldn't I?

Fang: We found a War Journal the boss might be interested in! Show him, Sapphire!

Sapphire put down the old book for Midnight to see.

Midnight: A War Journal? We're trying to find out what R.O.O.S.T. Is planning! Not what happened in the war!

Fang: I know, but there might be some clues in here!

Sapphire tossed the book to Midnight.

Sapphire: Tell me if you find anything interesting! And let me read that book once in a while, Kay?

Sapphire walked away down the hall into the crowd, letting Ruby to come out of her Hiding place.

Ruby: Fang, I'm impressed! You didn't die AND you got us a book!

The bell rang again, so Ruby and Midnight dashed off to find different classes.

Merry Christmas and all that jolly good stuff!

Applestorm wishes you a merry Christmas and an UnMythic New Year.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Ch.7. History comes alive - part.1

Sapphire and Fang enter the main library and walk around for a bit.

Fang: I remember this place! It drives me batty just thinking about it.

Sapphire: So... what are we looking for, exactly? Anything in particular?

Fang: I don't know. A book, a piece of paper, anything that could help, really.

Sapphire: Hmm... I need a little more information than that... What's the backstory of it all? How did it all start in the first place?

Fang: I don't know that, either. I know some other people do, but not me. All I know is that a group called R.O.O.S.T. trying to do something to our kind.

Sapphire: Wow. Your a lot of help! How did you even get into this mission, anyway?

Fang: Umm... I had a useful talent for sneaking in undetected?

Sapphire: Yeah, I can see how that's useful.

Sapphire and Fang find themselves in the restricted part of the library, and find a big heavy door that seemed to have been knocked down by a strong force.

Sapphire: One of your friends did this?

Fang: You could say that.

Sapphire: Who on earth is strong enough to bust down a door like that?!

Fang: We... well... had a 'little' help from someone...

Sapphire and Fang enter and walk down the stairs to where R.O.O.S.T.'s headquarters were held. They started searching for something that could help them. Eventually, Sapphire finds a dusty old book hidden under the table.

Sapphire: Hey, dream spider! Found a dusty old booked titled "War Journal", by someone called... Jerry... Littlefeather?

Fang scurried over to where Sapphire was, and after a bit if dusting, Sapphire opened the book and starting reading.

Sapphire: "Day 7. After Captain Irontail marched off with half of the commanders to argue more land from the Vampires, the rest of us just want to go home to our families. Even after the big earthquake that destroyed our homeland, this island just doesn't feel safe. Most of us don't want more land than we needed to, and said so to the Captain. But he just won't listen. I fear the Vampires won't be pleased if they hear Captain Irontail wants more land than they need from them...".

Sapphire looks at Fang with a worried look, and turned some pages, and kept reading.

Sapphire: "Day 19. Its been almost three weeks since Captain Irontail started his arguments with the Vampire Lord - Lloyd Silvertooth...".

Fang: Lord Silvertooth? He died over 1750 years ago!

Sapphire: How do you know that? How does a spider from dreamland know about an ancient ruler from about two millennia ago?

Fang: I'm good with history. With math, however, it's a whole different story.

Sapphire: "...Night after night, while the Captain is gone, some of us are already talking about war with the Vampires... The Vampires are caring creatures who help and care for those in need, and are even willing to give us enough land to survive, and thrive! But some of us fear they have another side... a side so dark, not even our imaginations know how to describe it...".

Sapphire turned some more pages and began to read some more.

Sapphire: "Day 36. Captain Irontail has ordered us to carve bows from cinnamon trees and to find rare rainbow stones. He says this will help us get more land, and for us to reunite with our families in our new home. Half of us protested and tried to reason with him. But he's more stubborn than a mule heaving a big box full of stones. All of us want to be with our families, but most of us don't want to go to war with the Vampires... What if this goes out of control? What will happen if they win?  What would happen if WE win? So many questions, but so few answers...".

Sapphire looked off into the distance for a while, as if in deep thought. After some time, she looked at Fang.

Sapphire: My mother always taught me to never trust Vampires... to hate them for very little reasons... to always fight with them... But this book... it tells a story of Vampires being friendly... and actually caring for us... like we were a brother, or a sister to them...

Sapphire looked at the old, dusty book she was holding. Wondering.

Sapphire: Perhaps... Mother was wrong? Could she have been lying to me all this time?...

Fang glanced at the book, then back at Sapphire.

Fang: Do you want to continue reading?

Sapphire: Yes. Let's keep reading.

Sapphire and Fang read that book for a little while, until Fang asked what was for lunch. So Sapphire slipped out with Fang, and the book of many mysteries.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Ch.6. Fang is Useful - part.3

After Mrs. Redleaf's class, Ruby and Fang start searching for Midnight.

Fang: Can I ask you something?

Ruby: No.

Fang: But we're not talking to anyone! Why can't I ask you a question?

Ruby: Fine. What do you want? And it better not be about sandwiches!

Fang: When do you think Sapphire will find us out?

Ruby:  Hopefully long enough so we can get what the Vampire Lord wants. If she does hate us as much as Grandma says, I think we might have to...

Just as Ruby and Fang turn a corner, they crash into Midnight.

Ruby: Hi again! So nice of you to run into us!

Midnight: Yeah... charmed... anyway! Have I got news for you!

Fang: You found the legendary sandwich of my dreams?

Midnight: No... I've just found out that some people speak Scottish!

Ruby: Well that's a surprise...

Ruby looked over Midnight shoulder, and stared off into the distance for a few seconds.

Ruby: ...Hey, Midnight? What would you say if I told you that I know a blue kangaroo who happens to be my fourth cousin once removed, goes to this VERY school, and hates vampires A LOT?

Midnight: I would say... meeting her is a bad idea. Why do you say that?

Ruby: What would you do if I told you that a blue kangaroo who happens to be my fourth cousin once removed, who goes to this VERY school, and hates vampires A LOT, was right behind you?

Midnight: ...I would say that we should probably get out of here.

Ruby: Fang. Do you want to be useful?

Fang: Yes!

Ruby: Even if it means sacrificing yourself?

Fang: Yes!... I mean, No!

Ruby quickly grabs Fang and throws him over to where Sapphire stood. Then Ruby and Midnight run for their lives.

Fang: Um... hey, Sapphire!

Sapphire (Blue Kangaroo): What do we have here? It seems as it a spider has escaped dreamland! And how do you know my name, oh mystical creature from beyond?

Fang: umm... You are... very popular among the dreamland creatures?

Sapphire: Is that so? I never knew I was famous in a land I did not believe in!

Fang: Well... we dreamland creatures need fairytales in order to live. And you happened to read a lot of fairytales in your spare time!

Sapphire: Last time I checked I hardly read any books... let alone remember fairytales...

Fang: Ummmm... When you were a young girl, you read all the fairytale books in your house! That's what made you so popular with us!

Sapphire: And why are you here, dream spider? Isn't dreamland good enough for you anymore?

Fang: Well... what do you have against Mythic peoples, do you want to see them all destroyed?

Sapphire: No, not at all. They have as much right to live and be happy as everyone!

Fang: Well, there is an UnMythic plan to destroy the heart of the Mythic peoples, and that plan starts from this school!  I need to know what this plan is!

Sapphire: That's shockingly terrible! I must do something to help! I think I know where this information could be. Come with me!

Sapphire picks up Fang and runs off.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Ch.6. Fang is Useful - part.2

Ruby and Midnight rushed towards Mrs Redleaf's class, when Ruby suddenly stopped in front of the door.

Midnight: Why did we stop? Forgot the way to the class?

Ruby: No. But if we want to learn all their secrets, wouldn't it be better if we just split up? We could learn more that way, and find more weaknesses quicker!

Midnight: You have a point. But where should I go? It's not like I know this place like the back of my hand or anything...

Ruby: Do what I did! Find a door with a lot of kids through it! It isn't THAT hard, Y'know.

Midnight: Catch you later, then?

Ruby: Right back atcha!

Midnight dashed down the hall to search for another classroom. Ruby entered Mrs. Redleaf's class and took a seat just as the class was starting.

Mrs. Redleaf: Good morning, class! Remember, Tomorrow is our Science excursion! But we need to vote on where we're going to go. Who votes for...

Just then, Mr. Stonecloud banged the door open and yelled for attention. Everyone looked at him in surprise.

Mrs. Redleaf: Mr. Stonecloud, do you have a announcement for my class?

Mr. Stonecloud: I do. Last night, some thieves broke into the restricted part of the library, and stole something valuable! 'They' didn't get more than a glimpse of the thieves, but 'they' suspect them to be shape-shifting monsters! If ANYONE sees something strange, report back to me.

Mr. Stonecloud slams the door behind him and stomps off to his class.

Mrs. Redleaf: Now children. Who votes for us to go to the Rainbow Waterfalls?

Meanwhile, Midnight walks into a class full of comfy chairs and pillows. A tan colored arctic wolf looks up from the blackboard, and smiles at Midnight.

Mrs. Breeze (Tan arctic wolf): Hallo, lad! You're new here, aintcha? My name's Mrs. Breeze. Please! Take a seat an' we'll get class a-started!

Midnight sat down on a beanbag and waited for the strange teacher to start class. Just then, the door opened, and some kids walked into the room. One of them looked at Midnight, and didn't look that pleased.

Richard (Gray Leopard): What do you think you're doing there? That's my seat!

Midnight: Really? I didn't see any names. Unless your name's beanbag, I'm not moving!

Richard: You must have nine lives - otherwise, why would you challenge me?

Midnight: I'm not afraid to fight someone like you!

Richard: You think you're sooo tough...

Mrs. Breeze: Enough! Richard, I'm ashamed of you. Ye should know bettah' then to make trouble wi' someone new to this here school! Now, sit down somewhere else! It won't be t' end of thee world if ye sit somewhere else.

The class laughed at Mrs. Breeze's joke as Midnight smirked as Richard and his gang took other seats, and they glared back in return.

Mrs. Breeze: Right - time t' get started on t'adjectives, and how t' spell t' wee mongrels!

Midnight: (thinks to himself) 'Yawn' - boring!  Well, at least the chairs are comfy...

And so the morning passed at Golden Forests School with the Vamp pair learning very little that was new.

Fang: (to the Narrator)  So why did you put us in these classes then?

Narrator: What?

Fang: (to the Narrator) Well, we're stuck here, the plot isn't progressing, there's no sandwiches in sight, and lunch is just around the corner!

Narrator:  Ah ha!  Don't get bored yet wee Fang - you will have to save the day shortly!

Fang:  Oh dear.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Ch.6. Fang is Useful - part.1

After a little bit of rest from their mission, Ruby, Fang and Midnight head back out to the Golden Forests school.

Midnight: What is school like?

Ruby: Interesting and weird. You can't even go ten minutes without bumping into someone!

Midnight: How long have you been going there?

Ruby: Only a day. Oh! And if you see a pink leopard, make sure to steal something from her!

Midnight: Why?

Ruby: umm... She's got a lot of money?

Ruby, Fang and Midnight enter the school. Midnight seemed to be watching everyone for something. But before she could ask him why, they crashed into some black wolves.

Ruby: SEE??? Can't even go ten minutes!

Rocky: Sorry! Didn't see you there! Hope you're not hurt...?

Midnight:! Watch where you're going, mu...

Ruby shoved Midnight into a wall before he could say anything else.

Ruby: (whispering) Shut it! We're trying not to make enemies here! And that goes for you too! Only insult them if they insult you first.

Ruby turned back to the black wolves.

Ruby: Sorry about that! My friend here is a little... hot headed...

Manic (Black wolf with lightning mark): Thats ok! We haven't been properly introduced yet. I'm Manic, and this is my older brother, Rocky!

Ruby: I'm Ruby!

Midnight cleared his throat.

Ruby: And he's Midnight... (Whispering to Manic) We're kind of new here!

Manic: Understood. Hey, Midnight! If you want too, we could play a video game together later on?

Midnight looked confused and looked at Ruby. Ruby nodded her head and Midnight faced Manic.

Midnight: Sure! Maybe sometime after school...?

Manic: Great! We could meet back here after Mrs. Breeze's class!

Fang popped out of Ruby's backpack at that second.

Fang: Hey Ruby? Can I ask you something?

Ruby: No.

Ruby pushed Fang back into her backpack. Just at that moment, a bell rang.

Rocky: We better get going. See you around!

Rocky and Manic ran up some stairs and out of sight. Ruby and Midnight did the same as they entered Mrs. Redleaf's class.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Ch.5. "Borrowing" from the Library - part.3

Ruby and Midnight lose their 'bat' form caused by the mystery potion as they land in front of the Vampire Lord's gates.  The gates mysteriously open, and a voice asks them to enter.

Midnight: Should I enter? I'm not exactly welcome here...

Ruby: You helped us - no, sorry - helped ME  steal the scroll. You need to come in.

Ruby and Midnight walk into the Vampire Lord's mansion and enter a room with a large table, and a huge window with a perfect view looking over the dark, busy town. The Vampire Lord soon entered with a crash of thunder and lightning.

Vampire Lord: Welcome, my dear children of the night. Have you brought what I requested?

Ruby: Yes, Vampire Lord. We have "borrowed" from the top secret part of the Library in the Golden Forests School. As you asked us to do.

Midnight placed the Ancient Scroll of Secrets on the large table, with a slightly sheepish grin.

Vampire Lord: Well done, Ruby Deathdancer. Your family has once again shown great promise in aiding your kind. And I see young Midnight Darkmoon has decided to join you in this important meeting. Were you not the one who stole my false teeth the other week?

Midnight gave a really sheepish grin at that question.

Vampire Lord: I shall ignore that for the time being. Tell me, children. Have you learned anything... Interesting, on your mission?

Ruby and Midnight looked at each other, then look at the Vampire Lord.

Midnight: There were a group of people in a secret part of the secured library... I think they called themselves R.O.O.S.T. - Rescue...

Vampire Lord: Of Our Sun Temple. Yes, I've heard of them before...  they used to be a problem a few centuries ago.  When you return to the school, I want you to find out when R.O.O.S.T. are planning to make their move on the Sun Temple.

The Vampire Lord looked thoughtful for a minute of two. Then he gave a wave of his hand, as if dismissing them.

Vampire Lord: Well done. Both of you. You should head back home, Ruby. I believe your Grandma is waiting for your return. Midnight, stay a minute longer - I have something to say to you.

Ruby looked at Midnight, then left the room. The was a loud bang and a flash of light before the door behind her closed. She went back home where sure enough, Grandma stood at the doorstep.

Grandma: Good evening, Ruby! Glad you're back safe and sound. Where's Fang?

Ruby: Hello Grandma! Yes, were back safe, and I don't know where Fang is. Probably lost for all I know.

Grandma: If he's lost, you should go look for him!

Ruby: He's a 'Great' tracker, Grandma! I'm sure he doesn't need rescuing...

Just then, Midnight appears beside Ruby's side. He looked very cheerful.

Ruby: Hello, again, Midnight. What did the Vampire Lord say to you?

Midnight:  We had a chat...  it seems that I'm going to join you undercover at Golden Forests School.

Ruby:  Fantastico!

Fang appears at Grandma's front door just as Ruby and Midnight were saying goodbye to Grandma.

Ruby:  Where have you been?  It wasn't that far to fly back - did you get lost?

Fang:  Let's just say, that some bats don't fly...

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Ch.5. "Borrowing" from the Library - part.2

Midnight and Ruby are hiding outside the secret R.O.O.S.T. meeting, ready to 'borrow' the Ancient Scroll of Secrets.

Midnight:  (whispers) Can you give me the invisibility potion please?

Ruby gives Midnight the potion.

Ruby:  (whispers) I see what you're about to try - be careful!

Midnight:  (whispers) Hey, it's me - I never get caught.  I'm unstoppable!

Fang:  (from inside Ruby's pocket)  mmph drfmmph ftmm mnfcm!

Ruby:  (whispers) Stop mumbling Fang!

After gulping down the potion, Midnight creeps down the stairs into the meeting room, crosses the floor, and grabs the Scroll.

Mr Stonecloud: Am I seeing things? Or is the Ancient Scroll of Secrets floating in the air?

Professor Thunderclap: Nope - it's not just you.

They watch the scroll slowly float away. Then they heard a crash in the direction of the floating scroll.

Dr. Scar: WERE BEING ROBBED!!! Put the Library under Lockdown!

Alarms started to sound and the distant crash of big doors being closed and locked ringed in Ruby's  ears. Just then a floating scroll rushes up the stairs into Ruby, then Midnight reappears.

Midnight: (whispering) We need to get out of here before those clowns find out where we are!

Fang pops out of Ruby's pocket at that moment.

Fang: (whispering) I thought you could do this in your sleep no problem!

Ruby: Stay down!

Ruby shoves Fang back down in her pocket, Then races back up the stairs and bangs into a now locked door into the main library.

Midnight: Use the Strength Potion!

Ruby: Exactly what I was thinking.

Ruby drinks all of the Strength Potion, then hits the door with all her might, and just in time she busts the door open. They rush past alarms and finally reach the exit of the library. Midnight tries to open the door, but it's locked.

Midnight: Perfect. Just perfect! We're trapped. Unless we can fly, we're never going to make it out in a million years!

Ruby: We still have one more potion up out sleeves! Everyone, take a sip!

Just as Dr. Scar rushes to the main exit, the only thing he sees is two small bats flying out an open window with the scroll, and a baseball bat lying on the floor of the exit. He curses and screams, but eventually walks away. Later that night, the Baseball bat turns into a very confused, small red spider.

Fang: If only Baseball bats had wings... but even Grandma can make homographic mistakes!

Fang climbs up the wall, and jumps out the window into the dark dark night.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Ch.5. "Borrowing" from the Library - part.1

Under the cover of darkness Ruby, Fang and Midnight slip back into the Golden Forests school library, and creep up to the locked door.

Ruby: (whispering) Midnight - can you unlock the door, or do we need to use the strength potion?

Midnight: (whispering) Let me see if I can bust it or not - just give me two minutes!

Midnight begins to use his claws as a lockpick, turning them back and forth.

Ruby: (whispering) Fang - better you stay here, it'll be easier for all of us if you don't get in our way!

Fang: (loudly) I'm not being left behind on this mission!

Ruby quickly stuffs into Fang into her pocket in the hope of keeping him quiet.  Just at that moment, the locked door opens.

Midnight: (whispering) Strike one for the good-looking Midnight!

Ruby: (whispering) One a scale of one to ten, what is the possibility of traps behind this door?

Midnight: (whispering) Eight and a half. If this book is as dangerous to the UnMythics as it seems, they wont just want any normal thief walking in!

Ruby and Midnight walk into the room silently.

Midnight: (whispering) I'll search for the book on this level, you go down the stairs on the left!

Ruby: (whispering) What if I get into trouble?

Midnight: (whispering) If you get into trouble, its every vampire for himself!

Ruby: (whispering) And if you get into trouble?

Midnight: (whispering) I wont GET into trouble! Even if I do, I can get out of trouble just as easily!

Ruby carefully makes her way down the stairs, until she see's a brightly lit room with a lot of people sitting in chairs.

Dr. Scar ( Rhino with green glasses): Greetings brothers and sister,welcome to this meeting of Project R.O.O.S.T!   Professor Thunderclap, have you brought the Ancient Scroll of Secrets?

Professor Thunderclap (Black seal with top hat):  Yes I have.  And it's even more helpful than I imagined!  ROOST - the planned Rescue Of Our Sun Temple in Everwinter Forest is on-track!

Mr Stonecloud:  When do we attack?

Dr Scar:  Settle down Stonecloud - don't run before you can walk!  We have a plan, and we will stick to it!

Midnight silently joins Ruby in the shadows.

Midnight: (whispering)  The book we seek is not upstairs.

Ruby:  (whispering)  I think the book is a scroll, and I think the scroll is on the table there...  and by the sound of it, the Vampire Lord will be very pleased with it!

Midnight:  (whispering)  I have an idea...

End of part 1.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Ch.4. Book of Legends - part.3

Ruby and Fang dash off to the local night markets to find Midnight.

Fang:  You forgot to ask Grandma about why Sapphire isn't a vampire!

Ruby:  I didn't forget.  Getting that book is far more important than some mere question!

They crash into a black cheetah eating some berries.

Fang:  Watch it cat!  Are you blind, or is it just your bad luck?

Midnight (Black Cheetah):  I'll have you know that I'm Midnight - the best Thief in town!

Ruby:  Are you really as good as they say?

Fang:  Can you really steal ANYTHING?

Midnight:  Nothing can be hidden from me - I've even stolen the Vampire Lord's false teeth!

Ruby: Brilliant!  The Vampire Lord has a job for you.

Midnight:  Do I have to return his teeth?

Fang:  No - you just have to steal a library book - do you think you are up to it?

Midnight:  I could do it in my sleep!

Ruby:  We leave in one hour.

Ruby and Fang run home to collect Grandma's potions.

Grandma:  Here you go - these should help!

Fang:  What do these potions do?

Grandma:  Potion of Invisibility - makes you invisible for a few minutes, Potion of Strength - Makes you as strong as a Ice Giant for ten seconds, and my Homemade Mystery Potion.

Fang: What does your "Homemade Mystery Potion" do?

Grandma: It's a very unstable potion that has different effects on different vampires.  It's always useful in a tight spot.

Ruby: Ok! We'll use that for a emergency instead!

Grandma: Perfect!  Did you find Midnight the thief?

Ruby:  He's leaving with us soon.

Fang:  Grandma? Can we ask you a question?

Grandma: Of course you can! Sandwiches are upstairs in the kitchen.

Fang runs off in the direction of the kitchen.

Grandma: Now, what was the real question?

Ruby: Why isn't my cousin Sapphire a vampire like the rest of us?

Grandma: We don't know if Sapphire is, or isn't a vampire. Maybe her UnMythic mother wanted her to believe she was normal, so she hasn't told her that she could be one. She has been taught to hate all vampires - it's not her fault.

Ruby: I'll try to avoid her so she doesn't have to betray us. Bye Grandma, thanks for the potions! We will return victorious with the book!

After collecting Fang, Ruby meets up with Midnight and they head to Golden Forests School.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ch.4. Book of Legends - part.2

Ruby and Fang enter through the doors of the Vampire Lord's mansion.

Vampire Lord:  Greetings Ruby Deathdancer.  My spy returns! You have news from the world beyond the Forests?  What do the UnMythical people remember of us?

Fang: Nothing much at all.

Ruby:  He's right - they don't remember anything, but I've heard of a book that tells the stories of their past battles with us.

Vampire Lord:  We must have this book!  Do you know where it is?

Ruby:  Yes.  It's behind a locked door in the library, but it's looks too complicated for me to break into.

Vampire Lord:  Go talk to your Great-Grandmother - she is a great vampire with many talents.  She is one of the few left who is old enough to remember those last wars with the UnMythics.  Go little Deathdancer - I have faith that you will succeed.

A waning crescent moon hung coldly amongst the fog enshrouded branches as Ruby and Fang near their homely destination.

Fang: (talking to the Narrator) That was rather poetic - have you been reading lots of books again?

Narrator:  Sorry - won't happen again.

Ruby:  Who are you talking to Fang?

Fang: It's a long story.

Ruby follows the light up the stairway into her twin brothers' bedroom.

Ruby:  Where's Grandma?

Devin:  Brewing potions down in the basement.

Kevin:  Now get out of our room!

They head down into the basement to find Grandma.

Grandma:  Hello my dear child!  How was your day?

Ruby:  Interesting.  It's amazing what you can learn from mere mortals without bite.

Fang:  She also earned the trust of a koala!

Grandma:  That's nice.

Ruby:  I heard about a secret book.  The Vampire Lord wants me to steal it - but it's very secure behind a locked door.  He said I should ask you for help.

Grandma:  I can make your life easier by brewing potions for you, but I think you need a little more help than that! My old body has had many years of fighting, and I'm not made for stealth at this old age.

Fang: Maybe another spy can help us out? I've heard that some kid named "Midnight DarkMoon" has asked the Vampire Lord if he could join the other kids out in the unmythic schools, but he is currently on hold for joining a school mission yet. And I've also heard he has a reputation for burglary!

Ruby: Perfect! Stealing a book should be right up his alley!

Grandma: I have often seen him - he sometimes goes off to the local night-market to steal Dragonfire Berries!

Ruby: Then that's where we'll look first!

Ruby and Fang say goodbye and head off to the markets.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ch.4. Book of Legends - part.1

Mr Stonecloud showed Ruby to the door of his classroom, then stomped off somewhere else.

Fang: Happy chap, isn't he?

Ruby:  Well, monkeys are rarely very cheerful.

Ruby and Fang walk in and take a seat next to an orange koala.

Ruby:  I wonder what Mr Stonecloud teaches?

Buttercup (an Orange Koala):  He teaches history.  Is that your pet spider?  It's so cute!

Ruby:  I wouldn't go so far as saying 'cute', but yes, he is my...'pet'.  Is that deadly little snake your pet?

Buttercup:  Yes - her name's Venom.

Ruby: Cool!

Buttercup:  By any chance are you the girl who jumped out of Mrs Redleaf's window this morning?

Fang: (whispers to Ruby) Wow - Fame travels fast around here!

Ruby:  You say that like it doesn't happen everyday...

Buttercup:  No - but I wish it would!

Fang: (to Venom in pet-talk) Do you know where a spider can get a reptile sandwich around here?

Venom: (in pet-talk)  No, sorry - but I can make you a lovely rodent pie!

Fang: (in pet-talk) I'll pass on that one.

Just then Mr Stonecloud enters the classroom

Mr Stonecloud:  Right you lot, listen up.  Last week we finished studying The Great Ocean Wars.  This week we will investigate The Great Mountain Conflicts our people have fought over the ages. We'll start with the Ice Giant battles - do any of you kids know how we conquered them?

Lily (a Purple Tiger):  Did we use flamethrowers?

Buttercup:  Flaming cannonballs of lava?

Mr Stonecloud:  No.  And no.

Ruby:  Mice with chickenpox?

Mr Stonecloud:  Correct Ruby - well done the new student.

Lily:  Poxy mice?  Really?  You're having us on!

Mr Stonecloud:  Absolutely not.  The Giants, although made mostly of ice and snow, have a deep fear of unhealthy mice, and usually ran off the nearest cliff to escape them.

Venom: (in pet-talk) What a waste of good food.

Fang: (in pet-talk) Could have been worse - it might have been crocodiles with the measles.

Ruby:  Sir - how did we defeat the creatures in the forests on the slopes of the mountains?

The teacher blinks twice, takes two steps backwards, and sits down.

Mr Stonecloud:  That's not a topic we can discuss.  If our people ever knew how to defeat the forest monsters, that information is no longer in living memory.  We just avoid those places.  The history books barely speak of them.

Ruby:  But there are books about that?

Mr Stonecloud:  Yes - but those books are locked away safely, and are too terrible for mere students to read.

Fang:  Is he calling us monsters?

Ruby: Hardly - you are just a 'cute' spider afterall...

Mr Stonecloud rambles on and on about various mountain battles.  At the end of the class Ruby and Buttercup say goodbye for the day.

Buttercup:  I'll see you tomorrow?

Ruby:  Yes - it was fun to meet you and Venom - bye!

Fang:  (in pet-talk) you really should try a lizard burger - much better than mouse pie.

Venom: (in pet-talk) I might just do that - bye!

Ruby:  We have to report this information back to the Vampire Lord straight away, and have a talk to Grandma about Sapphire.

Fang:  Grandma makes brilliant sandwiches.

Ruby and Fang head back towards their Everwinter forest home.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Ch.3. Family Issues - part.2

Ruby and Fang walk into a room containing a lot of books

Ruby:  This looks like the library.

Fang:  What's a library?

Ruby:  It's like a kingdom of knowledge!  You can learn anything and everything in here!

Fang:  So if you learnt everything in the library, could you become unstoppable?

Ruby:  Probably not.  You would likely die of boredom before you finished reading all the books.

(they explore for awhile between the rows and rows of books)

 Fang:  So... If Sapphire is your cousin, why isn't she a vampire too?

Ruby:  I'm not sure - I'll ask Grandma tonight.

Fang: Do you know where our next class is?

Ruby:  No clue.

Ruby and Fang turn a corner and find large, strong door.  It appeared to be locked.  On the door is written:

The books contained herein are dangerous
and must be handled with extreme care
No Students Allowed!

Fang:  It's locked.

Ruby:  What gave it away?  The enormous chains, padlocks, traps, warning sign, skulls scattered about, or the lack of a doorbell?

Fang:  Are you being sarcastic?

(the sound of a deep growl comes from behind them)

Mr Stonecloud: (shouts) What Are You Two Doing Here?  I have the urge to throw you to the crocodiles!

Fang:  Great!  It's been ages since I had a crocodile sandwich! 

Mr Stonecloud:  What?

Ruby:  Nothing, nothing at all.  I was just exploring about - I'm new here!  My name is Ruby - what's your name?

Mr Stonecloud:  You may call me MISTER Stonecloud.  Now, I'm late for my class, you must leave this area of the library at once!

Ruby:  Yes Sir, Sire, Sir, I mean Mister Stonecloud.  I was looking for your class too - I'm your new student.

Mr Stonecloud:  Well, follow me, and don't lag behind.

Fang:  What about my sandwich?

Ruby:  Shut it.

They trail after the grumpy teacher towards his classroom.