Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ch.14. Midnight makes amends - part.1

Before the bell rang again, Midnight dashed out of the school and back to the Vampire Village. After some weaving in alleyways and dark streets, he arrived at the M.O.S.T. meeting club.

Stella: Midnight! You're back early.

Midnight: I am?

Stella: You usually get here AFTER night fall. Not before.

Midnight: Well... I'm just tired. I wanted to take a break before heading back out there again!

Stella: Suit yourself... Want something?

Midnight: ... Yeah. Maybe something to drink.

Stella: Do you want Lemon Crush, Summer Bomb, or would you like today's special?

Midnight: Today's special?

Stella: Fire fruit smoothie.

Midnight thought for a minute before answering.

Midnight: ... Yeah. I'll take the special.

Stella: You want anything with that?

Midnight: Got any Vanilla cream?

Stella: I got most things, I believe...

Stella took some bottles down from the shelf and started mixing the drinks together. After a while, she stopped stirring and poured in a cream that smelled as good as it looked. Stella then handed over the drink to Midnight.

Midnight: Thanks, Stella.

Midnight slowly drank the delicious water and cream.

Stella: So... did you do anything interesting today?

Midnight stopped drinking and looked at Stella, almost sadly.

Midnight: I did something wrong last night...

Stella: Yeah. Stealing stuff from a poor girl.

Midnight: She wasn't THAT poor...

Stella: I was joking. I knew she wasn't poor. From the sounds of it, she was the "Richest girl in the world".

Midnight: Anyway... I lied to a... lets say... a "friend"...

Stella looked at Midnight, now interested.

Stella: Lying is part of a thieves job. Why is there a raincloud over you in this case?

Midnight: Well... shes kinda a... "Working partner", if I'm going to be honest...

Stella: So you have a job?

Midnight: What? No! Never going to get a job, even if I WANTED one... but...

Stella: ... But...?

Midnight: Well... I guess you could call it a "Mission"... but...

Stella: You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.

Midnight: Oh, I want to tell you... but... If you tell anyone, I could be kicked out... out of M.O.S.T, I mean...

Stella: I cross my heart and hope to turn into a thief I wont tell!

Midnight smiled at Stella then drank the rest of his fruity drink.

Midnight: Well... I'm kinda on a mission for the... Vampire Lord...

Stella sighed and gently took his cup away and started cleaning it.

Stella: Why would you want to work for the Vampire Lord if you're already working for M.O.S.T?

Midnight: It's... quite a story...

Stella: Don't be ashamed, Midnight... You're brave enough to even SPEAK of working for the Vampire Lord, let alone actually DOING IT...

Midnight: But I don't understand why everyone in M.O.S.T. is afraid of the Vampire Lord... He rules this Village...

Stella: The answer is right in front of you, Midnight... The Vampire Lord rules this forest... and everything in it... He accepts stealing as a little kids game, but killing is something he won't have... If he finds out the club you're in does that... You could all be thrown into the dungeons.

Midnight stayed silent. Stella sighed again and put down the cup.

Midnight: How much do I owe you? And don't say that was one the house. I KNOW how little money you got...

Stella: ... Four fifty five, please.

Midnight searched through his pockets until he found the money he needed to pay, then gave it to Stella. She shoved the money under the counter.

Midnight: Well... I best be off...

Stella: Well... if you must...

Midnight looked back at Stella as he left the secret club, and back into the Vampire streets.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Ch.13. Back on track - part.3

After the bell rang, Ruby started to search for Midnight.

Ruby: (thinking) Where on earth is Midnight? He has to be around here somewhere...

Just then, Ruby crashed into Midnight.

Ruby: Midnight! I've got some...

Midnight: Hey Ruby! You will NEVER guess what I found!

Ruby: ...

Midnight: I know where Mayor Irontail lives!

Ruby stared at Midnight in surprise.

Ruby: How did you find THAT out?

Midnight: Well, Mrs. Breeze asked me to... "calm down" Richard and his gang. So I thought stealing EVERYTHING in his and his friends backpacks was a good start!

Ruby: Wait... You were ASKED to do that?

Midnight: Yup! And the reward was no spelling homework!

Ruby: ... Tell me you're kidding...

Midnight: I'm afraid not! Brilliant, isn't it?

Ruby: Midnight, I need to...

Midnight: And guess what I found in one of his friend's backpack!

And so saying so, Midnight showed Ruby a letter.

Ruby: ... What is it?

Midnight: A piece of paper with words on it.

Ruby: I know THAT. But... what does it say?

Midnight: It says...

Ruby: Don't tell me now. We're in the open... But Midnight, I need to...

Midnight: Sorry Ruby! Got to run!

And so saying so, Midnight shoved the letter into Ruby's hands and dashed off without saying another word. A few seconds later, Richard and his gang charged off after him.

Ruby: ... Ask some questions...

Ruby shook her head and slowly went in the other direction. After a while, she arrived at a quiet place and started reading.

Ruby: (reading) "To my favorite nephew, Edward. There have been some serious troubles over in the big city... VAMPIRE troubles. If we don't stop them, who knows what could happen? To make sure it doesn't happen, I want you to keep a secret safe. Are you brave enough for what I'm about to show you? Are you brave enough to fight of Vampires to keep your people safe? I hope you are... From Aunt A."... Who on earth is Aunt A?

Ruby carefully folded the letter and placed it in her pocket.

Ruby: (thinking) Vampire troubles in the big city? Wonder where that could be... And who on earth is this "Aunt A." character?

Just then, Midnight skidded around the corner and dashed over to Ruby.

Ruby: Great news Midnight! We're back on track, partly thanks to you...

Midnight: What do you mean? Who stole the letter? Was it you, a ordinary Vampire? Or was it ME, a trained thief made for stealing the queens jewels and still getting away with it?

Ruby: Your one to talk! You're the one whose been stealing stuff from Victoria's house last night with your "Friends", I believe.

Midnight took a step back, now terrified of Ruby.

Midnight: How did you find out?

Ruby: The whole school should have known it was you by now. Victoria and her friend have been spreading the news like wildfire.

Midnight: But...

Ruby: And now I know why you were being so secretive last night! You didn't want me to find out you were doing what you did best.

Midnight: It's not what it seems like...

Ruby: Oh really...?

Midnight: It's... complicated, Ok? I don't want to talk about it now...

Ruby: Well, until you do feel like it, You can just hang about with your "friends" for a while until I feel like you should come back. Keeping secrets from your partners in a secret mission is not ok...

Ruby turned her back on Midnight and started to walk away.

Midnight: Ruby...

Ruby: Don't say anything Midnight. You've done enough for today.

Ruby turned the corner and out of sight.

Midnight: I've already got enough on my plate without Ruby getting upset with me... But at least she's got something to work on while I'm gone. And besides... It's not like she can become a thief overnight... She's going to need my help whether she likes it or not!

Midnight swiftly dashed through the halls and out of sight.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Ch.13. Back on track - part.2

Ruby and Buttercup walked into Mrs. Redleaf's class just as the bell rang. They both took seats next to each other.

Buttercup: We all had a great time at the Rainbow Waterfalls! I didn't see you with the group, though. Didn't you come?

Ruby: No. I didn't go on the field trip.

Buttercup: Why?

Ruby: ... Because I didn't want to.

Just at that moment, Victoria and her friend marched into the room chatting about something.

Victoria: Can you believe it? Why would they do such a thing to me!

Elizabeth: You are practically the richest girl in the world! Only THEY would want to steal from the best of the best! What did they steal?

Ruby got down from her chair and walked over to where Victoria was talking.

Victoria: ... Some candles, some one of a kind rings, not to mention a few junky clocks, but nothing important was taken.

Ruby: Um, excuse me? What are you talking about?

Elizabeth: Isn't it obvious? Victoria's house was robbed!

 Ruby: By who...?

Victoria: I don't know. A black cheetah walked into my bedroom last night and told me that three thieves were stealing stuff from my house!

Ruby: Is that so...?

Elizabeth: Yeah! He also said if the thieves found out she was awake, they would kill her!

Ruby: hm... Did the black cheetah looked like Midnight?

Victoria: Whose Midnight?

Ruby: Um... The guy who stole your stuff yesterday!

Victoria: Oh yeah! Him... He DID kinda look like him in some ways...

Ruby: Ok! That's all I wanted to know.

Ruby walked back over to her seat.

Buttercup: What was that all about?

Ruby: Some thieves broke into Victoria's house last night and took a few things.

Buttercup: ... And?

Ruby: And Victoria claimed that a "Black Cheetah" warned her that if they found her awake they would kill her.

Buttercup: But that's horrible!

Ruby: Yeah, it kinda is...

Buttercup: How can you take this so lightly?

Ruby: ... Just thinking about something that happened last night...

Just then, Mrs. Redleaf enters the room and walks over to the blackboard and starts writing stuff.

Ruby: (thinking) Midnight and the thieves that broke into Victoria's house must be connected in some ways... Just HOW is the question...

Ruby wondered about it for a while.

Ruby: (thinking) ... Yeah. I'm sure of it... Midnight must be connected to the thieves in some way or other... I need to ask him a few more questions when we meet again...

Ruby thinks deep thoughts until the bell rang again, announcing it was lunch time. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Happy Australia Day

Or, Happy Straya Mate! as its known around here. Here's Ruby, Sapphire, Midnight, Pandora and Stella when they are looking slightly less plushy! In other words, without their makeup on! Oh, and Fang seems to have escaped from the backpack again!

Ch.13. Back on track - part.1

Early the next morning, Ruby and Fang headed back to the Golden Forests school. Halfway there, Midnight caught up to them panting.

Midnight: Why didn't you wait for me?

Ruby: You have been so secretive last night, it was obvious you didn't want me to see what you were doing... So I doubted you wanted to see me this morning.

Midnight: I'm SORRY... There! I said it. Happy?

Ruby: I'm glad you said sorry, but that's not what I want.

Midnight: Then what DO you want?

Ruby: An explanation! Where on earth did you go?

Midnight: I already told you! Repaying a debt I owe to someone!

Ruby: ...

Midnight: ... You don't believe me, do you?

Ruby: Not really, no.

Midnight: ... Fine. Believe what you want. After all, I'm only a "good for nothing thief".

Ruby stayed silent until they reached the schools entrance.

Ruby: ... If you keep lying like this, those words of yours will come back to bite you...

Ruby walks away from Midnight and greets Buttercup. They both walk away talking. Midnight sighs and walks down another hall.

Fang: What's up?

Midnight turns around and sees Fang following him.

Midnight: Fang, what are you doing here? You're meant to STAY in Ruby's backpack!

Fang: She always shoves me back in that thing whenever I try to ask her a question!

Midnight: Well, you're a talking spider. Most people don't like spiders because you're handsome, smart, and you help us by keeping bugs under control!

Fang: Really...?

Midnight: ... Ok, the first two were true.

Fang: ...

Midnight: I'm being honest.

Fang: I know, but... were you really lying to Ruby?

Midnight: You heard?

Fang: I hear EVERYTHING.

Midnight: ... I know if I say what's on my mind to you, you will tell Ruby about it.

Fang: No I won't!

Midnight: Believe me Fang. I've been with Ruby long enough to know not to trust you with secrets.

Fang: ...

Midnight and Fang walked around the halls until they heard a bell ringing.

Midnight: Now listen to me Fang... You will go back to Ruby and say NOTHING about me... Ok?

Fang: Why would I do that?

Midnight: Because if you don't I WILL turn you into a sandwich... and there isn't going to be any bread included!

Fang: ... Ok, see you later!

Fang scurried off down the halls at top speeds. Midnight opens a door leading to Mrs. Breeze's class, and walks in.

Mrs. Breeze: Aye, Midnight M'lad! Happy t' see ya still in one piece!

Midnight: Why do you say that?

Mrs. Breeze: Och! Sorry lad. Forgot to mention it t' ye earlier! Y'know the low lad who had a wi' bit o' a fight with ya?

Midnight: Yeah...?

Mrs. Breeze: He be t' bully of this here school. Can't stand it when he can't get his own way. Strongest out of every one, too! So when he saw ye' be sittin' in his favorite seat, he nearly blew his top right off!

Midnight: I've noticed.

Mrs. Breeze: Och, sure ye' have! He's also a fair joker in this here class as well! Always whispering to kids tryin' to spell, tossing around paper airplanes... You could almost quit ye' job with him around!

Midnight: So why do you let him take advantage of your class?

Mrs. Breeze: I don't! I try me best to quiet em down but everything I seem t' say just goes in an' over their heads! It's like they can't even hear me!

Midnight: Where is this going...?

Mrs. Breeze: What I'm tryin' t' say is that I need your help to at least... calm them down a lil' bit. Teach em' a lesson they won't be forgettin' in a long time!

Midnight: Why me? Can't you just ask someone else to do it?

Mrs. Breeze: You stood up t' em when no one else would! Don't ye see, lad? Every other kid here is afraid of them! All except you!

Midnight: ... I'll see about it...

Mrs. Breeze: And IF you are successful, I won't give ye' any spellin' homework!

Midnight: No spelling homework? Now this is a offer I REALLY can't refuse!

Mrs. Breeze: Up and at em' boy! I knew I could count on ye!

Mrs. Breeze turned back to her blackboard and Midnight sat down on a beanbag. A second bell rang and a lot more kids flooded in.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Ch.12. Theft or truth - part.3

After training with Melody and Jack, Ruby started to walk on home. On the way, Pandora ran up to Ruby in the middle of the night markets.

Pandora: Hi Ruby! Haven't seen you in a while!

Ruby: Hi Pandora. I guess we both have been too busy with our missions to see each other! Anything new with you?

Pandora: Nope. The kids at my school are strange. Who on earth would want to hide poor spiders and bugs in other students backpacks?

Ruby: Because its funny?

Pandora: Funny for you, weird for me. Would you do that to Fang?

Ruby: You bet I would!

Pandora: ... Anyway. We should do something fun tonight!

Ruby: Sorry, I'm looking for a friend of mine.

Pandora: The only friends I recall you had were me and Jett.

Ruby: Actually, this friend... he's more of an ally.

Pandora: Really...?

Ruby: Yeah. He's helping me in my mission. We were both training together until he said he had something important to do and dashed off.

Pandora: Mysterious in many ways, this "ally" of yours. Whats his name?

Ruby: Well... You know Midnight Darkmoon?

Pandora: He's one of the local thieves in the night markets, right?

Ruby: Yeah... That's him.

Pandora: ...

Ruby: ... Something wrong?

Pandora: ... So what you're saying is that a good for nothing thief is your ally in a mission for the Vampire Lord...

Ruby: I needed someone that knew how to steal stuff!

Pandora: So you chose him?

Ruby: I didn't know any other thieves.

Pandora: ...

Ruby: I need to ask him some questions when I find him.

Pandora: Can't you forget about him for a little while? Just long enough so we can do something fun?

Ruby: ... What kind of fun...

Ruby spots Midnight putting coins in his pockets, a little way off from where they were.

Ruby: Hey Midnight!

Midnight looks up, as if almost scared of something.

Ruby: Come on, Midnight! Don't be that kind of guy! Get over here!

Midnight slowly walks over to where Ruby and Pandora were talking.

Midnight: Uh... Hi, Ruby...

Ruby: Where have you been, Midnight?

Midnight: Um... No where?

Ruby: You don't fool me, Midnight. You said you had "something important" to do. So where did you go?

Midnight: Um... repaying a debt I owe to someone?

Ruby: ... I'll take your word for now. But I want a better answer out of you later!

Pandora: ... You going to introduce me, Ruby?

Ruby: Sorry! Midnight, This is my best friend Pandora. Pandora, This is Midnight.

Midnight steps backwards, almost dazed.

Pandora: ... Something wrong with me?

Midnight: Uh... Nothing! Nothings wrong with me.. I mean, you... Just...

Midnight slowly steps backwards then quickly turns around and runs.

Pandora: ... What's wrong with him?

Ruby: I may have only known him for a few days, but he's never acted like this before... Does he know you?

Pandora: Never talked to him in my life. Although...

Ruby: ... What?

Pandora: ... It's probably nothing.

Ruby: Ok... If you want to say something to me, don't be shy!

Pandora: Yeah... I'll remember that offer.

Ruby and Pandora continued talking until they reached Grandma's house. After they said goodbye to each other, Pandora went home. A little later that night, deep in the shadows, Midnight was hiding.

Midnight: (thinking) She doesn't recognize me... Lets hope Patrick doesn't find out she's in this part of town, either.

Midnight sat thinking in the darkness for what seemed like hours. Finally, he got up.

Midnight: (thinking) I should've told the truth... too late now... Can't go back...

Midnight slipped deeper into the shadows and out of sight.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Ch.12. Theft or truth - part.2

Midnight - followed closely by Patrick and Griffin - silently ran through the forest until they stopped at a huge house.

Patrick: This the place?

Midnight: Do rabbits hop around yelling twenty seven until a fox falls down then start yelling twenty eight?

Griffin: ... maybe?

Midnight: That's your answer.

Patrick: So you don't even KNOW where we are?

Midnight: Hey! This is a big house! I would ASSUME this is the right place!

Patrick: Doesn't matter how big the house is! Never judge a treasure by its chest!

Griffin flies up into a window and enters the house. After a minute, Griffin unlocks and opens the door for Patrick and Midnight. They walk around for a while until Patrick stops.

Patrick: (whispering) Grab ANYTHING you can get your grubby little mittens on! As long as you can carry it...

Griffin silently flies over into another room and starts grabbing stuff to his liking. Patrick slowly follows him and out of sight. Midnight decides to head upstairs. Halfway up, he hears laughing and sees a bright light.

 Midnight: (thinking) If she's awake I'm going to have a hard time explaining to her...

 Midnight carefully tiptoes his way up the stairs until he sees Victoria and her cat.

Victoria: I feel like I have no one that's worthy to talk to me but you, my sweet Katrina!

Katrina ( pink cat): (Pet talk) I'm not sweet! But you do flatter me by saying that you have no one else to talk to!

Victoria: And I don't understand why that poor black cheetah would want to steal my two hundred dollar bracelet!

Katrina: (Pet talk) Because its made of gold, You fool! Why else would he want it?

Victoria: I won't miss that bracelet, but it's an insult to me when someone takes something that doesn't belong to them.. FROM ME!!! Do you know how I feel, kitty? Do you know who did this?

Katrina: (Pet talk) No, I don't know how you feel. And don't call me kitty!

Victoria suddenly looked up and saw Midnight trying to back away. She screamed so loud Midnight thought Ruby and Fang could hear it back at the training area! After a while she stopped screaming.

Midnight: Now that you have calmed down, let me explain.

Victoria: Don't harm me, angry zombie pirate! I promise I won't make fun of you ever again!!!

Midnight: What? Angry zombie pirates? No, no! You got it all wrong! I'm here to tell you something important!

Victoria: So you're NOT going to take away my sweet little kitty? Or eat her tail?

Midnight: Why would I do that?

Victoria: Because it might be tasty?

Midnight: ... Anyway... I'm here to tell you something important!

Victoria: Hey, weren't you the one who took my two hundred dollar bracelet?


Victoria: Well? Were you?

Midnight: Sigh... will you let me explain if I tell you the truth?

Victoria: Maybe.

Midnight: ... No. I didn't take your bracelet.

Victoria: Ok, now what is it that you want to tell me?

Midnight: Finally... Well, three guys are in your house and they are stealing some stuff that may or may not be valuable to you... And if you find out, they may...

Victoria: ... May what?

Midnight: They may... kill you... And that's not good! So I need you to stay here until dawn! Do you understand?

Victoria: ... Yes.

Midnight: Phew... I'm glad... If they come up here, pretend to be asleep or hide somewhere, ok?

Victoria: Ok.

Midnight silently tiptoed downstairs where he found Patrick and Griffin waiting for him.

Patrick: (whispering) Where did you go? What was that screaming?

Midnight: (whispering) Upstairs. Found the girl awake so I had to unalive her... and then I stole her bracelet! Looked like it costs about two hundred dollars.

Patrick: (whispering) Boys, our work is done for tonight! Let's head back to the club hideout and sell this stuff!

Patrick quickly exited the house, with Griffin and Midnight close behind.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Ch.12. Theft or truth - part.1

As the moon slowly rose in the dark night sky, Midnight swiftly weaved his way into allies and abandoned streets. Finally, Midnight stopped at a dead end where some stairs were. He made his way down them slowly, and stepped into a lively hideout.

Midnight: Griffin! Patrick! What's new with my partners in crime?

Patrick (dark grey leopard): Oh, you know how it is - Annoying UnMythics, pickpocketing, stuff like that. Just a normal day on the job for us!

Griffin (black eagle):  Haha, yeah! Bit of a CRASH BOOM BASH kinda day.

Patrick: You guys want a drink?

Griffin: Course I do! I'M PARCHED!!!

Midnight: No thanks. I'm good.

Patrick: STELLA!!! Give us something to drink!

An orange arctic wolf looked up from cleaning cups and sighed.

Stella (orange arctic wolf): Would you like some crab legs with that?

Griffin: NO WAY!!! Those make me crabby!

Everyone except Stella laughed.

Stella: Well, what DO you want with your drinks?

Patrick: I dunno... Maybe a fresh fire berry leaf and a hint of the good stuff!

Griffin: And maybe some of those frost gems to cool it down!

Stella: Two extra sour cloudy fizzy with fresh fire berry leafs, frost gems and a hint of snakes venom, coming right up...

Stella took a few bottles down from the shelf and started pouring them into the cups she'd been washing.

Midnight: You'll never guess what I found this afternoon!

Griffin: ... No, you're right. I can't guess! What is it?

Midnight: Only the location of one of the RICHEST girls in the world!

Patrick: And you know what we're going to do to that poor girl?

Midnight: We're going to rob EVERYTHING that's worth a penny to us from her! And maybe... Unalive her if she finds out.

Patrick: You bet, partner!

Stella: Your drinks are ready...

Patrick and Griffin snatched their drinks from Stella and gulped it down.

Griffin: Why are these cups so small? An ant couldn't even take a bath in there!

Stella: Until someone robs some bigger cups, that's all I've got.

Patrick: No wonder nobody wants to pay you!

Midnight: ...Who's the guy that stole the apples in the basket over there?

Stella: Bingo did. Says he stole them in front of the poor UnMythic who owned the trees.

Griffin: Show off.

Patrick and Griffin banged their cups on the counter and went over to look at the basket of apples. Midnight moved closer to Stella.

Midnight: Why do you even stay here, Stella?

Stella: I could ask you the same thing. Hanging out with those ruffians is dangerous, Midnight. And you should know that!

Midnight: I know, but they took me in when no one else would... I owe them my LIFE... Do you understand how it feels to be homeless?

Stella: More than you could ever imagine...

Stella looked away from Midnight and picked up a cup and started cleaning it.

Midnight: Well... we're going to rob the rich girl's house later tonight... You can still come, if you want.

Stella looked up from cleaning the cup and looked over at Patrick and Griffin.

Stella: ... Nah, I'm better off staying here where it's safer... I'm not built for stealth or strength, unlike you and your "friends"... Besides, I don't want to kill someone just because they weren't asleep.

Stella turned back to the cups and started cleaning the other cup. Midnight took some coins out of his pocket and put them on the counter. Stella looked up, surprised.

Midnight: For the drinks you gave to those "Ruffians".

Stella smiled at Midnight and took the coins.

Stella: Midnight... You're too...

Midnight: Too kind to be a thief?

Stella: Well... yeah.

Midnight grinned at Stella before walking over to where Patrick and Griffin were.

Griffin: These apples are half rotten! Not worth eating, unless you were starving!

Patrick: Does it matter? If it's stolen it tastes much better than if it was bought!

Midnight: Speaking of stealing, when should we raid the rich girl's house?

 Patrick: Right now.

And so saying so, Patrick walked out of the door. Griffin and Midnight followed close behind.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Ch.11. Do you know which end of the sword to hold on to? - part.2

Melody gives a sword to Ruby and Midnight.

Melody: Ok! So this will be your first sword fighting lesson! Do you know which end of the sword to hold on to?

Midnight: Was that meant to be funny?

Melody: Haha, sorry! Couldn't resist! In all seriousness, the swords are real. So I would be careful.

Ruby: Why would training swords be real?

Melody: Didn't you play with wooden swords when you were younger?

Ruby: My elder brothers wouldn't allow me to play with them. Never learned how to fight with swords, so I had to use my brains and swiftness instead!

Midnight: What did I say about a minute ago?

Melody: Sorry! We'll start with a basic parry attack. Watch this!

Melody grabs a sword on the ground and grips it in her claws. She dashes forward, then back. After repeating this a few times, she looks back at Ruby and Midnight.

Melody: A friendly reminder before you start practicing - Make sure you have enough room to fight in, or you could hurt someone by accident!

Ruby and Midnight copied Melody's example for a few minutes. After a while, Melody told them to stop.

Melody: Good parrys! Lets try a simple sword attack. Jack!

Jack slowly made his way over to where they were.

Jack: What is it now...?

Melody: I'm teaching them sword attacks and defenses. I need your help in the next lesson I'm about to show them!

Jack: What do I have to do...?

Melody: First, take my sword.

Melody chucked her sword to where Jack was standing, and then she borrowed Midnight's sword. Jack moved over to a different spot and faced Melody.

Melody: Make sure you take notes, you two! This is important!

Melody and Jack stared at each other for what seemed like a minute. Suddenly, Melody charged at Jack, slashing the sword down upon his sword. Melody and Jack did this for a few minutes before stopping.

Melody: Did you see any patterns?

Midnight: You guys always seemed to raise your swords down upon the others sword.

Melody: You'd be correct! Do you know why?

Ruby: Is it because you get to push your sword downwards, allowing you to get more of a advantage?

Melody: Yup! This may also make us a vulnerable in some places, but with the proper training, even THAT'S not much of a problem!

Midnight: Do you know what's the time?

Jack: Judging by how low the sun is, I would guess nearly sunset.

Midnight looked up at the sky for a few minutes - as if in deep thought. Finally, he looked back at Ruby.

Midnight: You can continue training without me... I need to... do something "important"...!

Jack: Not a good idea, mate. Slash is going to have your head if you leave in the middle of your daily training!

Midnight: I'm sure he won't notice. Even if he does, It's not as if he could really do anything to me.

Jack: You're fearless, and I like that about you. But if you do this more then once, you will get reckless. That's not a good thing.

Midnight: I'm sorry, but I got something important I must get to!

Without waiting for a answer, Midnight dashed off and out of the training grounds in a cloud of dust.

Ruby: ... Do you think Slash saw that?

Melody: With any luck he won't know he's gone. But just in case, I suggest we continue training - just like NOTHING happened!

Ruby continued sword fighting with Melody and Jack. And in the deeper part of the Vampire Village, Midnight sat waiting in the shadows.

Midnight: I hope they can forgive me one day...

Midnight quickly dashed further into the dark dark streets of the village.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ch.11. Do you know which end of the sword to hold on to? - part.1

Ruby, Fang and Midnight entered the Vampire Lord's meeting room and began to wait for the Vampire Lord.

Fang: When do you think he'll show up?

Ruby: From experience, it doesn't take that long.

Just after Ruby finished her sentence, there was a crash of thunder and lightning and the Vampire Lord appeared in a puff of smoke. As usual.

Fang: Do you always make a entrance like that?

Ruby: Don't sound so disrespectful!

Vampire Lord: No, I don't always make a grand appearance... but it is the polite thing to do.

Fang: I guess.

Ruby: You might want to read this letter before we head off for some more training!

Midnight gives the letter to the Vampire Lord. After a few minutes, he looks up from the letter.

Vampire Lord: This is more serious than I thought. If this "Mayor Irontail" really wants to drive us out, we may have no choice...

Midnight: ... No choice in what?

Vampire Lord: It is nothing. You should hurry along to your next training session.

Ruby: Fang, go home.

Fang: But I want to come with you this time!

Ruby: Fang, you are hard to see and you could easily get stepped on. Besides, you would just whine all the time and keep on asking "When are we going to eat?"! So no.

Midnight: Do you think he'll find his way home?

Ruby: If he doesn't, we can always replace him.

Fang: I'm still here!

Ruby: Good. You can start going home now.

Ruby and Midnight headed towards the training grounds. After a few minutes of walking around, Captain Slash spots them and stomps towards them.

Slash: Just the two I'm looking for!

Midnight: Did we do something wrong?

Slash: Yes! You were meant to arrive an hour ago!

Midnight: This is our second time coming! Do you expect us to know who's who, what's what, and wheres where in about A DAY?!


Midnight: Well, yeah! That's how communication works!

Slash: Don't answer back, boy! You will train FOR AN HOUR longer than yesterday as punishment!

Captain Slash whistled and Melody came flying over and saluted to him. Captain Slash stormed off to see to something else.

Melody: What was that all about?

Ruby: Being a little late. We had to report something to the Vampire Lord, so we couldn't get here at lightning speed.

Melody: You got to see the Vampire Lord? And TALK with him?

Ruby: Yeah. Were both on a mission for him, so it's only right for us to report to him after we come back from spying!

Melody: You are so lucky! I tried to get into a mission, but I have a overprotective Father AND a younger sister stopping me from doing so. Do you guys have any siblings?

Ruby: Older twin brothers.

Midnight: Can we stop talking and start training?

Melody: Sorry if I'm just a curious bird - can't be helped!

Ruby: You seem a bit on edge Midnight. What's wrong with you?

Midnight: How do you know if I seem a bit on edge? I'M PERFECTLY NORMAL.

Ruby: Something tells me you don't always act like that.

Midnight: Can we PLEASE start training?

Melody: Come this way! I need to show you a some sword fighting techniques!

Ruby and Midnight follow Melody.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Ch.10. The Letter - part.4

After the last class was over, Ruby and Fang meet Midnight on the way to Grandma's house.

Ruby: Midnight... What did you do?

Midnight: What do you mean?

Ruby: Don't act the fool with me! You did something, so tell me what it is that you did!

Midnight: ... Well, you know the pink leopard you told me about yesterday?

Ruby: Yeah...What about her?

Midnight: She insulted me...

Ruby: ... Go on?

Midnight: She said I was a walking disaster - master of chaos and things like that.

Ruby: Shouldn't that be a compliment? Seeing that your a thief and all.

Midnight: Then she said I needed to take a bath.

Ruby: Ok, that makes all the difference.


Ruby: So you robbed from her?

Midnight: No... I robbed from her and all the other girls that agreed with her!

Ruby: You WILL give them back their things tomorrow, wont you?

Midnight: Who said ANYTHING about THAT?

Ruby: I did. If you don't give them their stuff back, this whole mission might fall down on top of us! We will NOT risk something like that JUST BECAUSE someone insulted you!

Midnight: But the M.O.S.T. Guild rules say that if you steal something you never give it back!

Fang pops out of Ruby's Backpack at that moment.

Fang: What's M.O.S.T.?

Midnight: Masters Of Silent Theft.

Ruby: Never heard of it before.

Midnight: Its a secret club for thieves. Don't tell ANYONE about it, ok?

Ruby: Cross my heart and hope to turn into a UnMythic.

Fang: Cross my heart and hope to diet!

Midnight: Good enough.

They arrive at Grandma's house a few minutes later. After a snack, they started talking.

Ruby: What's that letter you got there?

Midnight: Don't know. Sapphire gave it to me, so I didn't ask any questions!

Ruby: Read it aloud.

Midnight: "Mayor Irontail. We had a break in a few days ago, and it seems that something of importance has been taken! The plan will have to be delayed for a few days, but soon the Vampires will feel your rage and they will be driven out like the rest of the creatures! Eventually our scientists and researchers will find a way to decrypt the ancient language that the Dragons spoke. If we"...

Ruby: ... Is there more?

Midnight: There's nothing else written here!

Grandma walked in at that moment.

Grandma: Irontail... I believe that was the name of the captain in the War Journal you found!

Ruby: Maybe... But whoever this is, he or she could be dangerous to us.

Grandma: Meanwhile, you should probably give that to the Vampire Lord. I'm sure he'll want to know about that!

Ruby, Fang and Midnight headed onwards to the Vampire Lord's Mansion.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Ch.10. The Letter - part.3

Sapphire walked up and down the halls searching for Fang or Midnight.

Sapphire: (thinking) Well... I now know that Fang and Midnight could be in trouble. I wonder what they did with the War Journal...?

Just then, Mandy came running up to Sapphire.

Mandy: I've been looking all over for you! Where did you go?

Sapphire: I told you before I left - I was going to the library.

Mandy: Well, You never seem to read anything, so I thought you were somewhere else...!

Sapphire: I'll have you know I read!

Mandy: I've never seen you reading a book before.

Sapphire: You never seem to read any books yourself!

Mandy: Well... That's because I read them at home! And you would know that because I'm your best friend!

Sapphire: You're one of my ONLY friends.

Sapphire and Mandy kept on walking. After a while, Sapphire saw Midnight running at top speed.

Sapphire: Hey Mid...

Midnight: Sorry! Can't talk now - running for my life!

Midnight sped past Sapphire and Mandy like a slowish speeding bullet. A few seconds later, Sapphire and Mandy saw a group of girls running after him almost as quickly.

Mandy: Who's he?

Sapphire: A friend.

Mandy: He seems to be pretty popular.

Sapphire: He's only been here for a while... How could he have gained so many admirers in one day? Not many people seemed to know him yesterday...!

Mandy: Maybe he did something unthinkable?

Just then, Midnight dashed passed them again. And a few seconds later so did the girl mob. Sapphire grabbed the arm of one of the girls.

Sapphire: What's going on?

Juliet (a Tan Deer): That good-for-nothing black cat stole from us! WE WANT OUR ITEMS BACK!!!

Sapphire let go of the girl's arm and she ran after the rest of the girl mob.

Mandy: He STEALS?!

Sapphire: You were right, Mandy. He did something unthinkable!

Mandy: But stealing is wrong! What will happen to him if a teacher finds out?

Sapphire: Most likely the teachers won't find out. Even if they do, I doubt they can catch him. With speed like that, it seems like he can take care of himself!

Mandy: It isn't normal having speed like that! What if he's a Vampire?

Sapphire: A Vampire? You've been reading too many books!

Mandy: Perhaps I have...!

Midnight came rushing back again. This time he was too puffed out to go on and had to stop. Sapphire walked up to Midnight and gave him the letter she found in the R.O.O.S.T. meeting room. Midnight took a deep breath, then started running again.

Mandy: What did you give him?

Sapphire: Something important.

Mandy left it at that. The bell rang so they had to get to the next class.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Ch.10. The Letter - part.2

After Mrs. Fernstream's class, Sapphire wandered around the halls thinking.

Sapphire: (thinking) I'm pretty sure that was Ruby... What does she want with this school? She's obviously been sent here by her Vampire Lord...

Just then, Sapphire's friend Mandy ran up to her.

Mandy (white fox): Hi Sapphire! I heard you were picked to play as Princess Lucy in "Poisoned Love"! That must be a honour!

Sapphire: Yeah, I guess.

Mandy: I also heard there was a fight in Mrs. Fernstream's class as well! Did you see who it was?

Sapphire: Nah, not really. I saw a red kangaroo fighting Richard then running away, but that's about it.

Mandy: Should we report this to Mr. Stonecloud? He did say if we saw anything strange we should tell him!

Sapphire: When did he say this?

Mandy: Yesterday morning in Mrs. Redleaf's class.

Sapphire: ... No. Someone else will tell him.

Mandy: But it isn't right keeping important information from teachers! What if we get into trouble?

Sapphire: We WON'T get into trouble. And besides, all the teachers give us H.O.M.E.W.O.R.K.

Mandy: What?

Sapphire: Hours Of My Energy Wasted On Random Knowledge. They don't deserve to know.

Sapphire and Mandy walk for a while until they crash into Mr. Stonecloud.

Mr. Stonecloud: Watch where you're going!

Sapphire: My apologies, good sir...!

Mr. Stonecloud glared at them and continued walking. Sapphire watched him leave.

Sapphire: I'll see you later Mandy... And if anyone asks where I am, tell them I'm in the main library!

Before Mandy could reply, Sapphire started following Mr. Stonecloud from a distance. She followed him into the library until he stopped at the secure part of the library. He looks around before walking passed the destroyed door. Sapphire followed him down some stairs until she found herself in the R.O.O.S.T. meeting room.

Mr. Stonecloud: Rocket, when on earth will the door be fixed? ANYONE can walk in freely and find out we're in here!

Rocket (brown raccoon): Relax, Mr. Stonecloud! Anyone in their right mind knows not to disobey your order of staying out of this part of the library! Besides, I doubt many people like to read nowadays...!

Mr Stonecloud: Let's hope so...!

Rocket: ... Was there anything you wanted of me, or did you just want to come down here for the fun of it?

Mr. Stonecloud: Of course I came down here for a reason! I wanted to ask you if you have written the letter we needed to send to Mayor Irontail!

Sapphire: (thinking) Mayor Irontail?! I wonder if she's a descendant of Captain Irontail from Jerry Littlefeather's War Journal?!

Rocket: Almost. It will be posted tonight, I guarantee it! Now, would you like to see something interesting?

Mr. Stonecloud and Rocket walked into the next room. Meanwhile, Sapphire quickly went over to the table and grabbed the letter and hid it in her pocket. As quietly as she had gotten there, she hurried out of the room and out of the library. After a while, she ran into Richard and his gang.

Richard: What is it with you kangaroos? Always causing trouble wherever you go!

Sapphire: I cause half as much trouble in a year than you cause in one afternoon I'll have you know!

Richard: You got something to say to me?

Sapphire: Yeah. Stop being like the ocean!

Richard: What have I got in common with the ocean?!

Sapphire: Well, You're both full of salt, you crash about making a lot of noise, AND you could drown a person without realising it!

Sapphire stalked pass Richard and his gang in a stormy fashion. After a while, she decided to search for Fang or Midnight.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Ch.10. The Letter - part.1

The next day, Ruby, Fang and Midnight arrive at Golden Forests School.

Midnight: I wonder which class I should go to today...!

Ruby: I might also go to a different class today. I'm going to avoid Mrs. Redleafs class!

Midnight: What's wrong with her class?

Ruby: She's taking the class on a field trip today.

Midnight: To where?

Ruby: Rainbow Waterfalls...!

Midnight: You mean the place where the Deep Sea Creatures used to live before the UnMythics drove them out?

Ruby: That would be the place... Have you been there before? It gives me shivers thinking that our old water friends used to live there... even if we never knew them.

Midnight: Yeah. Fair enough. Maybe you could visit Mrs. Breeze's class? She teaches spelling, but the chairs are really comfy!

Ruby: Maybe... We'll wait and see!

Ruby and Midnight said goodbye to each other before going to different classes. After a while, Ruby enters a room. The Bunny drama teacher looks up from some books and smiles to Ruby.

Mrs. Fernstream: Welcome dear child! I haven't seen you before, if I'm not mistaken?

Ruby: Yup! First time setting foot in this class. I'm Ruby!

Mrs. Fernstream: And I'm Fernstream. Mrs. Fernstream.

Ruby leans against the wall and waits for other students to enter. After a while, the bell rings and students started rushing in. After a while, Mrs. Fernstream called for attention.

Mrs. Fernstream: Hello class! Today we shall be learning the play of "Poisoned Love"! I need a volunteer to play as the devious Vampire Ella, and I need someone to play as Prince Liam.

Many hands waved around to be picked. Ruby was mystified.

Mrs. Fernstream: Nicky will play as Ella, and Liam as... well, Prince Liam. Next, I need someone to play as the Lord of the Vampires, and someone to play as King George!

Ruby: (thinking) Lord of the Vampires? Isn't it just Vampire Lord? And what sort of class is this?

Mrs. Fernstream: I want Will to be the Lord of the Vampires and Mickey as King George. Then we need someone to play as Princess Lucy.

Many hands shot up and waved around like a sea of trees.

Mrs Fernstream: Hmm... Sapphire will play as Princess Lucy!

Ruby fearfully looked around for Sapphire. Ruby slowly then made her way to the door. Suddenly, Ruby's arm was grabbed - stopping her from leaving.

Richard: Why are you leaving so early?

Ruby: It isn't nice to grip on ones arm so tightly. Why don't you let me go?

Richard: So you can run off and miss the rest of the class? I don't think so...!

Ruby: You don't want to get into a fight with me...!

Richard: A girl like you couldn't even beat up a spider!

Ruby: Fine. But you're the one who asked for this!

Ruby quickly took hold of his arm and pushed him into the floor. She then pulled him back up and kicked him back down to the floor. She looked around, let go of his arm and ran right out of the room. After some time she slowed down to a walk. Fang popped out of her backpack.

Fang: Did he say "A girl like you couldn't even beat up a spider!"?

Ruby: Yeah. But I could beat you up a thousand times over and still feel good.

Fang: That's nice...!

Ruby: No point going back in that class. Better for us to wait until lunchtime, I guess.

Fang: Do you think Sapphire saw that?

Ruby: How could she miss it? It was practically in front of her face.

Ruby and Fang wait until the bell rang, so they could look for Midnight.