Saturday, December 8, 2018

Holiday Hiatus

 This is just a quick official notice stating that I'm going to be taking the next few weeks off posting and stuff.
I'll probably start up again after Christmas or new years', but till then I hope you guys enjoy your holidays! :)

Sunday, December 2, 2018


Now that 2018 is officially on it's last month, IT'S TIME TO PROPERLY CELEBRATE THE DEATH OF THE YEAR!

... Bit jerky, but with an upper limit of only 24 frames, I think I did pretty good job!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Mud Hill Twins

 Hello. Not much today I'm afraid, but considering how busy and stressed I've been this week, that doesn't surprise me.
Ah well..
Least I managed to do a cool space background without much difficulty!
That's always nice. :)

So I guess I'll be taking the next day or so relaxing while I wait for my spirit to catch up with me...
On that note, you guys all have a good week now! <3

Saturday, November 17, 2018


Hey, guys. We're about half-way through November now, it seems...
Didn't realize how fast this year was going. It'll be December next time I look at a calendar again, wont it?
ANYWAY... Here's a little Phossy pic I upgraded this afternoon! <3

This is pretty much the only thing I drew this week.
 Ah well...some weeks are just like that, I guess.

Saturday, November 10, 2018


HEYO! Another week has officially died, and with it everything we meant to do but didn't get around to...
But no worries; the next week is just around the corner, so we can try our best all over again!

Just Vincent having a good time~
He's so fluffy and cute, despite him being a penguin hybrid monstrosity. <3

Saturday, November 3, 2018

The old bedroom...

Wouldja' look at that? Another UV picture with a detailed background!

Nothing like Home Sweet Home, eh Ruby?
... No wonder you tried to get out of there as fast as you could...

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Wet Sapphire...

And here's yet ANOTHER UV picture I've managed to draw!
Wow... I've been really productive lately, haven't I?
I mean nothing wrong with my other random sketches, but BOY is it nice drawing some UV for a change! :)

Just a little Sapphire scene; waiting for her ride back home after a rather unsatisfying day at the beach.
Cold, wet, probably hungry, kinda tired, and less than thrilled to be hanging out in a chilly breeze... *sigh*.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Ruby and Ollie

 EEY, guess who' been drawing lots UNDERCOVER VAMPAROO this week?

I realized I don't draw the boys from UV that much... This upsets me, because all of them are lovable dorks that deserve my drawing attention!
Midnight, Harland, Reginald, and of course Ollie here...
If only one didn't have to sleep, or take mental breaks, or eat, or stop to occasionally and look outside for a change...
Ah well.
In any case, I'm pleased at all the things I did manage to do this week! :)

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Rex the Fox

Evening, gents!
You all well? All healthy? Happy? Relaxed? Overly-anxious about the coming morning?
Well, that's okay because I've got a little something I wanna show you all! :)

This is Rex, a magical two-tailed fox and adopted son to Midnight.
His friends include a small ax-wielding bear-mouse girl and a flamboyant cockatoo known mostly as "that utter brat with the siren voice" and "Flavio", but apart from them he doesn't often reveal himself to anyone...

Because of Rex's Kitsune genes, he can change his appearance, turn himself and other objects invisible, and while he can't LITERALLY transform his body (because he isn't a true kitsune, not to mention too young) he's got some pretty good illusionist tricks (if his imagination is willing).

Rex's relationship with his 'father' (if you can call Midnight that) is pretty good, as they both like visiting neighboring castles and kingdoms so they can steal the cutlery and move invisible chairs out into the middle of crowded rooms and stuff [much to Ruby's irritation].

And that golden orb 'round his neck? I'm thinking he got that from his father when his mother died; possible the only thing left of her, so he treasures it a lot.
Like, A LOT.
So don't even think about taking it from him!
An experience you probably wont live long enough to regret...

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Honey SweetShroom

Whelp. I'm just going to assume you guys are all here, so let's not beat around the bush and just get on with it...

This is Honey; an old Mario OC I dug up recently, and about the only thing I've been drawing for the past week.
From what I can remember, she's a spirited young desert-gal that moved into the Mushroom Kingdom to get rich 'n stuff; "Because you never find your fortune at home".
Something like that, anyway. 

ALSO she has a thing with geology I believe.
Knows her rocks, she does our Honey. :)

Saturday, September 29, 2018


Hi, guys.

Once again I spend like an hour trying to remember how the heck to draw fire.
Ah well.
At least it looks epic. 
In a weird... redish, sorta way...

Monday, September 24, 2018

UV's 4th Anniversary

HEY! Quick question...
How many of you guys remember Ruby, Sapphire, and Midnight looking like THIS?

WOW these designs are old... I mean, jus' look at Ruby's hair! I completely forgot it was longer back then!
And Sapphire; back when she had a white streak (instead of yellow), and had that weird golden bracelet thing on her tail. 
Not to mention Midnight with his ninja-black hoodie!
Seriously, as much as I like black hoodies it was near IMPOSSIBLE for me to see him in that thing!
(There was a reason I changed it to green)

But it's kinda cool to see them this way. Back in the days when they were young; just a couple of fun kids I had in my minds' eye, and just waiting to be unleashed!

Now lookit' them. Ruby's got herself an awesome penguin husband and became Europe's #1 witch. Sapphire's got a good Army life, training would-be soldiers how to become literal one-men armies...
And Midnight. OOOH, Midnight... 
You became the king of a small forgettable town, and made it GREAT. You adopted a whole buncha needy kids (because HELL if you were going to get married) and welcomed thousands of weird and wonderful creatures to your kingdom with open arms.
You've got almost a 3rd of the nations' firepower in your basement, up your attic, and scattered all around the gardens and various rooms of your castle.
And somehow ended up becoming chummy with the world's most important king.

I've become severely emotionally attached to you, Midnight boy.
Cheers to another year of all you guys' doing stuff!
And thanks to anyone who's stuck with us for as long as you have -
You're awesome!
Now, if only I actually wrote any of this down...

Saturday, September 22, 2018


 This is literally the only thing I drew this week..

... I have nothing else to say.
Have a nice day.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

September Flues

Hey, you all! Guess what?
I'm sick!

... OKAY so I'm not dreadfully sick. (It's barely a 1 on a 10 meter scale)
 But y'know how my brain acts up whenever I have a stupid flu or whatever and it just REFUSES to be productive? Yeah.
It's doing that.

So I had to accept whatever sketch I could cough up this week and outline it, colour it, and add a sparkly kinda background to it before I truly died, but you know what?
I don't think it came out too bad!
... Sorta?
... Sorta. 

ANYWAY here's the thing.

Yeeeah, I'm taking the next day or so off cuz I'm SICK of feeling perfectly FINE while having my brain act like it's the end of the world or whatever over this tiny flu!

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Winter Sapphire

 Hi guys! Had a good week? Well, mine was mostly filled with newspapers, printing machines, and various periodic elements... Not a bad thing, but I'm gonna need a week to get over my week of weekiness and... weekness. And stuff.

ANYWAY! Have a little reminiscent Sapphire picture!

Speaking of my week, it turns out one of my many weaknesses is always drawing something face on, and occasionally sideways.
Decided to fix that by dedicating a few days to drawing some of my characters from behind.

So much frustration... but I think It's paying off! :)

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Flower Gal

Allo, chaps!
Just a little something I whipped up this afternoon in celebration of spring and the months of endless warmth and hotness we're all about to be subjected to and stuff.
As a polar bear I don't think I'm prepared for this. But as a human I've already accepted the inevitable and am going to enjoy the remaining cool[er] nights I've got left for the year, and possibly appreciate the fact that we've still got functioning air conditioning.
Gotta count you're blessings after all! <3

 ANYWAY here's the picture! :)

Been experimenting with pen and canvas sizes lately... Especially SUPER small outline pens, and slightly larger canvases.
Overall I don't think much has changed, but at least I could draw the flower crown with relative ease.
Can't usually do that without erasing a whole ton of lines, so that was interesting. :)

Saturday, August 25, 2018



It's AppleStorm's weekly SPECTACULAR PICTURE TIME, that's what it is!

Man, I love this girl's outfit! It makes me think she'd be like some firefighting ghost-buster... or maybe a pyromaniac exterminator.
"There's only one way to kill a spider.... WITH FIRE!"
And then she ends up burning the entire house down.
 .... Whilst missing the spider.

... Dang it now I'm attached to her! I mean, curse her for trying to kill an innocent spider, but she sounds like such a delightfully incompetent firebug!
And she might keep getting in trouble with her bosses but they can't get rid of her because shes like a national treasure or something... Maybe saved the world from ghosts that one time and they feel obliged to keep her on because it's good for business...
... Yeah I'mma just leave now. BYE!

Saturday, August 18, 2018


 Why, hello there! Fancy meeting you all here! :)
Been playing a lotta Splatoon this week. Haven't done much of that in a while, so it was definitely a nice change; just explodin' peoples faces in and fighting the fish apocalypse... Y'know, standard stuff.

 Well anyway - I came up with this quick little drawing of Reginald (8yrs old) because... well, because I could, I guess. I don't need a reason to draw my own friggin' characters now, do I?
He's too adorable and stupid to be kept from you guys anyway SO HERE TAKE HIM-

D A N G, I just realized what a nice kilt Reginald has! :)
Curse that BLEEDIN SWORD though...

Saturday, August 11, 2018

G L I T C H ! ! !

Hi, guys! MAN am I happy about this picture... It's the first thing in almost three weeks that I've made that actually looks like I put effort into it! True, it's kinda weird and the background might be a little distorted and over the top, but honestly? I LOVED working on this; I guess finishing it in one afternoon sorta proves that, huh?

Yeeeah, I definitely need a break if I plan on doing any more drawing in the near future...WHELP, see you guys next week, then! :)

Saturday, August 4, 2018

DeathDancer Dailies

We're going to ignore the fact that the title for this post sounds like the name of a newspaper brand  and just move right along to the two pictures I've decided to end up sharing with you guys.
... Also to note that I've been incredibly productive in terms of sketching, doodling, and story-developing, which is pretty impressive seeing my usual attention span, but that's besides the point.

(I would've outlined them if I had the time, patience, or attention, but as it is I've left these two just as I originally made them)

Just some fun little drawings of the DeathDancer Family... Harland dropping Alexis off at high school, and Ruby making sure her boys get to their separate destinations without too much trouble...
Ah, Ruby's such a good mother (despite what literally everyone else would've originally thought)

... That's it tonight. Too lazy to add any other comment or rant or stuff...
 I guess I'll see you guys next week. :)

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Ruby & Orion (Git)

Good morning, good day, good evening, good night! Ah, the joys of being on a huge spinning ball in space~

Managed to draw quite a lot of UV this week; mostly making Ruby and Sapphire wet, I'll be honest, BUT IT'S STILL SOMETHING!

Speaking of which ...

"So... Who's the weird feline thing on Ruby's shoulders?" I hear some of you asking? WELL, that's Orion the Git, hairless cat goblin extraordinaire!
Special talents include collapsing half a mountain by accident and being a public nuisance. But other than that, he's just a hilariously incompetent small cat boy who just doesn't understand why everything he does usually ends up blowing up in his face.

Although Git was pretty bright and had a good future ahead of him in his old goblin clan, he (partly) chose to run away to find his UnMythic father in the hopes of a more free environment.
... And to also save himself from being executed. That too.
He's such a lousy alchemist... <3

He managed to survive long enough to reach Midnight's castle and just kinda asserted himself there, where he became Ruby's slave apprentice... Still clumsy, but at least that's not punishable by death anymore. :)

ANYWAY there's a lot more about this dude that I might try to tell you later, but till then you go off and enjoy your day! Have some fun; and make sure not to under or overwork yourselves or something. Okay? Okay.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

More Phossy Sketches (OverKill)

And while we're on the subject of Phossy, here's some more sketches I prepared earlier!

As I've mentioned before, Phossy is one of the few personifications that actually likes eating food; I say eat, but really, how much effort does it take to consume a lollipop?
His human coworkers noticed this habit after a while and now give him a bag of lollipops every week or so; sometimes giving him a few of those bubblegum-centered ones as a bonus!

When not looking after his plants or trying to crack the secrets of his body, he'll usually be staring blankly at the wall or ceiling, or (when he's feeling really restless) be exploring the air-vents.
... Where he'll usually end up falling on someone and has to explain what the heck he was doing in the bleedin' AIR VENTS and has to somehow get back without causing too much attention to himself.

... Another thing about Phossy's body is that he'll turn a sorta yellowy colour if he stands out in the light for too long; not a huge deal, but he's afraid he might burst into flames or explode if he doesn't dump the nearest water bucket on his head or something...
He's over-reacting, but still; gotta give him props for at least trying to keep the public safe.


WELL, guess I'll let you guys go now... I've got some Splat fest stuff in Splatoon2 to do anyway, so without further ado GOODNIGHT and FAREWELL. May we meet again some other time! :)

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Coatless Phossy

Hi guys! Hope you lot are doing okay today. :)
I managed to finish outlining one of my OverKill sketches (finally) so Imma' gonna post it before I forget because I have a real habit of doing that, it seems...

AND WHILE YOU'RE ALL HERE let's talk a little more about my boy Phossy, because otherwise I'm never gonna be able to put this all down and frankly this dude DESERVES some attention before you all wander off into the wild blue yonder or whatever.

This will only take 5 minutes of your day.
Maybe more, depending on how fast you read...

Okay, so for those that don't know or need a refresher, White Phosphorus is a very poisonous, highly flammable and self-igniting molecule that was once quite commonly used in matches around the 1800's.
Long story short, when people finally realized how bleedin' unsafe White Phosphorus was, Phossy went into HUGE state of grief, confusion, and depression, and just kinda hid himself in some abandoned warehouse until Lady Bee found him a few weeks later.

We're going to skip ahead a couple of hundred years and other stuff for the sake of keeping this short, but it's safe to say Phosphorus' never quite got over the shock of turning out to be one of the bigger threats to the human race, and is trying very hard to make it up to them by staying out of the way.

Eventually (after much more killing and deaths and stuff) Phosphorus was desperate enough to practically beg Dr. Antidote to get some sort of official decree to ban him from going into public areas and stuff. And as a result, he now lives in a high security lab under constant watch and guard and happily grows plants and stuff.
... More or less.
I'm still working on it, but that's the gist of it so far.

... On the plus side, the chances of being poisoned by White Phosphorus or getting Phossy Jaw nowadays are pretty much nil, so.. there's that.
Still no common cure, though.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Young Demon Copper

 WOW I've been drawing a lot of demon characters lately, haven't I? First that weird blue crystal one, then last weeks [amazing] fire one, AND NOW THIS!

... Not to mention all the other ones that will never see the light of day BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT!
Just look at this bad cop of a gal~ I'd say shame on her for smoking but I don't think demons have to worry about cancer or death and stuff, soo...

I knew I wasn't gonna top last week's epic drawing by a mile, so I wasn't too fussed on details or quality this week; just had some fun and practice with smoke, cigarettes and shoes. :)

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Fire Fire Burning Right Through the Floor

GREETINGS, peasants! It is I, LORD APPLESTORM, graciously giving you another spectacularly AMAZING ART PIECE from the depths of my MIND!

And this is the part where I point out my love for drawing battle-scarred demon-creatures from the depths of hell and wave you off with an amused and brisk departure, all the while leaving you confused but nonetheless satisfied with your visit.
... Or just confused. I'm cool either way.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Professor L.B. Phosphorus sketches (OverKill)

HI! Sorry, was super lazy these past few days but here's that OverKill sketch dump I promised you a week ago! :)

*Oh, sweet young Phosphorus... How you yearn to be free from this immortal coil, and the endless suffering you keep causing others...*

Professor L.B. Phosphorus (Also known as Phossy) is a reclusive, delicate, highly-explosive and frankly rather dorky Chemical-Scientist that resides in one of the more top-class laboratories along the coast of Quietus City.
(Totally didn't just come up with that on the spot... Nope. Definitely not.)

Anyway. Phossy, being the highly reactive distressed poison that he is, is not exactly the most social thing on the planet. He rarely leaves the lab, and constantly hides in his room away from humans (without much success) doing his own 'solo' research projects.
Mostly testing out the limits of his body and growing plants, if I'm gonna be honest.
He likes his plants he does, my Phossy. <3

Cool abilities that he has include being a sentient nightlight, changing eye-colour (from red to purple, to something in-between or even one red & one purple), exploding, and being able to give someone a slow, disgusting, and painful death!
... Okay, maybe not that last one, but...

He's one of the few monsters that bothers to eat on a daily basis (despite not needing to) and actually rather enjoys sleeping! Sure, he only does it once every month or something, typically after he's had a very stressful day, BUT STILL!

And Phosphorus is one of the only living creatures on the planet that DOESN'T hate Dr. Antidote.
Truly, a rarity among monsters.

I thought It was about time I posted a little about my favorite poison, cuz... Y'know. Phosphorus.
Anywho. Have a good evening, you guys~ Grab a cup of tea, crack a glow stick or three, and enjoy your night! :)
Or morning, or whatever...

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Pepper the Dalmatian

 Hello! Do any of you guys remember this lil' dalmatian gal? For those that don't, this is Pepper; I first drew her and her jerboa friend as vent-art about a year ago when Pippin (our dog) died.
I occasionally draw her on paper, but last Monday I thought it would be fun to try her on digital again. This was the final result.

... I'm not ashamed of this. Not proud, but definitely not ashamed. This is a huge step up compared to last week, so I'll take it! :)

ALSO might post some OverKill sketches in the next few days... Maybe. I dunno. 
... Don't hold your breath.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Blue-Crystal Demon

Hey. Apologies for the lack of enthusiasm on my part, it's just been quite a week for me...
Nothing wrong with it, but for some reason it was just one of those kinda weeks where no matter what I did I couldn't... I just HATED everything I drew. Even this handsome devil of a kid, despite me abosulutely adoring it the first night I started drawing it...
Tried to draw something I liked better today. Couldn't. Gave up in frustration, and accepted the fact that it was either this picture or the weird 70's dragon-mermaid monstrosity I made 2 weeks ago.

Yes. I'm aware this looks awesome. Common sense is telling me that too; I did a good job on the crystals, the shorts I gave him look amazing and his torso looks great... But it's just at the moment my brain is screaming at me to throw this in the trash.

*Shrugs* I'll get over this mood(?) eventually, don't worry. Always do. But I need to shove my tablet on the far side of the chair until I do, cuz' otherwise I'm gonna cry another river of frustration, and frankly I'm getting sick doing that this week.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Dust Doctor

Hi guys! Hope you're all doing okay on this fine day~
Got the idea for this picture while thinking about cool nicknames; for some reason I really liked the name Dust-Doctor, and the thought refused to leave me so I just HAD to do this; the background practically added itself too, so that was cool. :)

... Funny thing happened to me on the way to bed last night. Okay, more like it happened AS I was falling into bed; somehow managed to twist my leg so bad I couldn't get up until this morning.
Nothing too serious; should be back to normal in the next day or so, but DANG the memory of that sickening crik-crik-crickity-CRACK is still ringing in my ears... *Shudders*
*Note to self - Try to not do that ever again*

Anyway! See you all next week, and try not to dislocate any of your important limbs or something! Seriously, would only recommend doing that if you wanted to avoid being social or just really wanted an excuse to stay in bed with a lot of pillows all day...

Monday, May 28, 2018

Clinical Trial sketches (OverKill)

 After drawin' almost three pages of this chap in my notebook, I thought it was about time I tried going digital with him. And after a few weeks, I've selected my favorites into this neat lil' sketch dump for your entertainment!

This here bitter son-of-a-gun is Clinical Trial! Or [as I like to refer to him as] CT, for short.

For those of you who're confused, Clinical Trial is the physical version of (as google puts it) "... a branch of healthcare science that determines the safety and effectiveness of medications, devices, diagnostic products and treatment regimens intended for human use"
 ... Sooo, he's just the human-esch representation of making sure certain chemicals are safe for you to use without any unwanted side-effects...
 Like dying, for example.
 ... He's a pretty important guy, to say the least.

His typical state in life is stressed with a  'done-with-everything' attitude. And despite not needing to eat or sleep, his co-workers all agree that he looks like death. (Mr. Mortality resents this, to say the least)

CT's conscience is pretty heavy too, seeing as he's killed a fair number of people in his various testings and experiments over the years.... He sometimes goes into a state of grief and depression, utterly convinced that he's just as bad as some of the poisons for all horrible mistakes that he's made.
And it doesn't help that even when CT DOES find something that'll help humanity in the long run, it's then considered no longer a part of him, because it's been tested; it's proven itself good enough to work, and therefore... yeeeah.
Pretty depressing, but at least he considers himself more useful than Dr. Antidote. Seriously, CT HATES Dr. Antidote!
It's a wonder he hasn't tried to strangle him yet...

But I love drawing this guy! He's just so beautifully messy and has such a BIG lab-coat and I just love his design overall~

Saturday, May 26, 2018

The DeathDancer Kids

HOOO BOY, I can't believe I actually kept my word! But better just get this over with and post these guys before I forget or something but seriously I'm so proud of these weird abominations of nature, like this is such a weird family Ruby has but it totally makes sense and it's AWESOME!

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what you get when you mix a Vampire Witch Kangaroo with a Green Cross-dressing Penguin of pure awesomeness.

And now some stuff about these adorable little weirdos~
*Buckle up. This is gonna take a while.*

As the first child to Ruby and Harland, Alexis DeathDancer takes fierce responsibility in her role as 'eldest child'. Bold, brutal, and blunt, she's a no-nonsense fighter and will stick up her fists for her little bros at the mere sight of bullying kids, curious passerby's, or horrified teachers...
Alex has this weird Vampire disorder that makes her stronger in sunlight (as apposed to weaker, like Ruby and Vincent) so she pretty much gets up at the crack of dawn to get as much sunlight as she can. And due to her shorter tail and penguin feet, she's really clumsy (much to her irritation). 
She also absolutely idolizes her aunt Sapphire, and wishes she'd stop being so darn busy in the navy so she could visit them and go on epic quests with her and stuff... But she guesses Midnight will have to do until then.
Vincent is the daydreamer of the house, and definitely the most socially-oblivious to just how wrong their family really is... He's mostly penguin; just a lot fluffier, and with a set of fangs. He's also naturally the most 'magical-blooded' out of the three of them, being born a Vampire (instead of being turned into one later on, like Alex).
But despite his cheerful attitude and friendly nature, he's surprisingly antisocial, and would rather just stay indoors curled up with a good picture book of Greek&Roman Myths and a blood-box. Not that any other guy (or girl, for that matter) would want him in their circle of friends anyway, so maybe it's just as well...

And finally, Aeron. The sweet, adorable little fluffy boy who's as quiet and shy as a mouse with the vocabulary of an enthusiastic psychopath. Concerned adults have consulted Ruby on this fact, saying that he often greets other kids by "giving a psychotic grin and saying that he could've murdered them all in their sleep", in which Ruby would wave them away unconcerned and reply that that was just his way of saying hi.
He switches from skirts to shorts on a daily basis, and typically carries around a hand-made toy bear [made by Fang] who Harland has dubbed Mr. Teddy, although Vincent argues over the possibility of it being a Mrs whenever the subject gets brought up...
 Aeron also likes hanging around his mother a lot. This might explain where he gets some of his... odd habits.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Utterly Hilarious...

*I was planning to post an art dump of Ruby's future penguin-hybrid kids and a few idea shenanigans I've thought for them, but I haven't been able to figure out how to draw the youngest child of hers just yet...*
*Maybe next week*
*Or maybe not*
*Probably, though. Vincent is too adorable to be kept a secret~*

HI EVERYONE! Boy oh BOY am I eager to show you guys what I've just done! Sure, it may not be particularly 'up there' in terms of detail, but that doesn't make this any less loved~

 Pretty simple, but I'm actually quite stupidly proud of this. If only because this is the first time I've drawn Ruby and Sapphire interacting since August 2017! WOW, that was a while ago...

I also feel like I made a noticeable difference between these two's designs; Sapphire being a bit more fluffy and dog-like (thanks to her hyena genetics), Ruby's low-key grumpiness... Yup. All there!
Good job, me! It may not be perfect, but you did good. Real good.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Weird Mage

Mornin', guys! You all had a good week? Maybe a bad one? Well, in any case it's over now, so let's kick back and relax with something from my vast art gallery of weirdness!

For something that was supposed to be a simple experimentation on hoods, this turned out quite good! Liked the face, if nothing else. :)

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Snowy Forest of Doom

Sooo, I DID actually draw a lot of OverKill stuff this week, BUT it was all on paper... *Shrugs* Can't control when you do amazing, I guess.

Anyway! I like how the scarf came out in this. Boots, too! Hat's not too bad, either.

... Tryin' to figure out a way to get hyped up about drawing some more UV. Cause' I REALLY love my characters! The grumpy red kangaroo witch, the cross-dressing green penguin of awesomeness, the cheetah king thief and his over-dramatic Scottish wolf body-guard that can kick down steel doors, the kangaroo-hyena hybrid that will punch someone in the face for the sake of peace...
And need I mention Fang?
Seriously, I love them all so much! And I have so many ideas and plans for them but I just can't seem to FOCUS on them!
It's an issue I really need to figure out at one point, If I'm gonna be drawin' comics of 'em and stuff.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Ardere (FanArt)

 HI GUYS yes I'm aware it's not Saturday BUT CHECK IT OUT I DID A THING!

What can I say? I'm a sucker for anyone with freckles and a cool looking t-shirt! <3
[Ardere belongs to Cutepups ╰☆╮]

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Lady Bee (OverKill)

Hiya! Guess what? Yup! More OverKill stuff!

This is Lady Bee! Basically herbal medicine personified into a terrifying Scottish hippie girl who is violently passionate about hiking.
... Yeah, I'm aware she looks pretty human. But she has flowers growing at the back of her hair when it's springtime, and for a few hundred years she had a thistles and stuff growing on her! That's weird, right?

Also, Bee's the beloved wife to the personification of Death (technically the 'Will to Die', but we're still working on that).
... Believe it or not, she's the more threatening one in their relationship.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Dark Fang

WOW. Good week. Like, really good! Not perfect, but... WOW. Motivation for projects you actually want to work on is a good feeling!

I was originally gonna show you something else, but seeing how well this came out (for something that was supposed to be a simple warm-up) I decided to post this instead.

Besides, it's Fang! Who doesn't love this calculated ball of idiotic sandwich-eating genius? :)
(BTW Probably gonna post some more OverKill sketches in the next week or bit. Almost definitely, considering the pace I'm going!)

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Malaria Sketches (OverKill)

Soo, 'been drawing a lot of Malaria these past few days. Was pretty happy with some of them, too!
Thought you guys would appreciate it if I posted some of 'em. :)

Malaria is certainly an... interesting monster, to say the least. She is the *ahem* 'oldest' out of a family of mosquito-diseased brats who love to cause pain and suffering wherever they go (Or death. They're cool, either way), is thought to be mute but probably just doesn't like talking to anyone except family (even then that's iffy) and typically looks like an angry misunderstood teenager.

... Gonna put her through her paces when I can come up with a design for Dr. Antidote. Might be a while, though, cause I haven't decided whether Anti is human or just some form of monster or something IDON'TKNOW all I know is that he's OLD, man! Been there since forever, practically! Has a hard time being told that the 'old ways' just don't work anymore, either.
... Judgemental jerk, too. If things were run HIS way, all the monsters would be locked up and the key thrown into space.
I wish I was exaggerating. Seriously, Antidote is HARSH.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Space Jacket

Evenin' all! You doing well this morning? Lovely afternoon weather, in any case!

Just wanted to play with lighting and shading a bit this week, hence the not particularly clear background and the vague lazy feeling in this picture. But that's fine~

And in other news, I've added Malaria and Nicotine onto the list of OverKill characters! That makes it four diseases and... five(?) poisons in total so far.
Yay, expanding character list!

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Rabies (OverKill)

Hello! Isn't this little guy adorable?

... No? Huh. I though he was! I mean, just look at the sweet charming smile of his! And those beautifully psychotic eyes! Doesn't that make you want to hug him?
*Chuckles* Fine... But in all seriousness, I believe an explanation's in order.

OKAY... So, basically, over the past few weeks, we've been coming up with characters based on poisons to help me remember how to recognize them, including possible symptoms and traits, cures and causes, and even how to make it worse!
These 'Poison Characters' live in a world/city where poisons (whether natural or created) take physical form. I wont go into too much detail, but basically these guys are more often than not insanely dangerous (no kidding) and feared. 
(Although some of them are actually quite pathetically adorable.)

At first I just started with POISONS (Arsenic, Cyanide[s], Phosphorus, Thallium), but then decided to add DISEASES into the mix... Like Rabies, up there!

Rabies (despite his small size) is actually one of the most bloody terrifying monsters in this world. He's unreasonable, unpredictable, paranoid beyond belief, and madder than a cut snake.
He usually just hangs around abandoned streets, scaring the spit out of any and all animals who dare even APPROACH him, and generally causes panic wherever he goes. Doesn't really help that he's near impossible to catch, let alone contain, either!

Has this weird tendency to start cackling, too. Creeps the heck out of Doctor Antidote, to say the least...

Anyway! Might post more stuff about these guys if I get the spark of inspiration at the appropriate time. But until then, goodnight, guys, and sweet dreams~ :)

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Headphoned Kangaroo

Heyo! You guys doing good? Nice. My teeth have stopped hurting (not to mention my mouth) since my last wire change, so I've been enjoying chomping down on all kinda things without the sensation of a needle stabbing my gums! Might try eating cereal again by next week, but we'll see.

This week's a bit more simple than last week's picture, but that's okay! I still like it. :)

I like headphones, but have never been able to figure out how to draw 'em until today.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

SCIENCE at its finest!

BEHOLD, the most amazing little lizard science-boy genius YOU MERE MORTALS SHALL EVER SET YOUR EYES UPON!!!

Yeah, so... Pretty cool, right? Spend like, a good two hours outlining the background alone. Definitely payed off, though! Loved how the computer came out! That random crushed can on the floor isn't too bad, either!

And I loved how lizard-boy's body ended up! The torso, the tail, that glorious hair...
Anyway. See you guys next week! Try not to get yourselves killed or anything! :)

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Cyclops Ghost

Salutations, my brave weather-beaten comrades! How are you faring with your unearthly elemental conditions this present moment? Professionally? Horribly? Barely?
... Excellent! Well, we seem to have half a fairy ring in our front garden at the moment. The fairies probably got blown away from the fierce winds before they could finish the job... Blasted creatures. Don't they have better things to do?
Then again, I hear they're delicious
Been trying to expand my knowledge on the human body and how to draw it in more than one fruitlin way. IT'S BEEN A TIME, to say the least...

Also, how'd you like Felix the Cyclops security ghost with his snazzy vest and turtleneck?

I'm still questioning why I chose purple and orange. I mean, yes, originality, but...
... How do I keep coming up with these abominations?? WHERE DID THEY COME FROM?