Saturday, December 30, 2017

Toothpaste Kangaroo

HELLO! Guess what I literally did for an entire week? Yup! Play Splatoon 2!

So far I've managed to complete story mode, level up to 14, and become a Professional in Salmon Run! Now I just have to level up 9 more times and then I can get my Mini Splatling back! Ah, the joys of grinding for weapons...

ANYWAY...  Managed to whip up a picture in time for the weekly post, so I guess I was a little productive. Not gonna do a New Year's post, though, cause I have a sneaking suspicion I'm going to be a little too busy to think (or care) about that kinda stuff, so  have a toothpaste inspired kangaroo instead!

No, my braces aren't driving me insane, I just though it would be kinda cool to have a greenish-blue and red colour scheme.

... Oh shush. S'not the weirdest thing I've drawn. Besides, you have to admit that this look pretty good! Anyway, hope to see you guys again next year! :)
*here's hoping this year doesn't suck*

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Dino Kid

HI! Christmas is almost here, and all I'm feeling in the air is the HEAVY ANNOYNACE THAT I HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER WHOLE DAY BEFORE I CAN PLAY SPLATOON 2!!!

*deep breath*
...Here, have a chocolate dino boy~

After an entire week of arts' block, it feels great to finally ink and colour something properly, again.

 A Merry and happy day to you all, and may you always remember that anything you get for Christmas this year can be given back next year at the second-hand store! :)

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Harland coming right back at'cha~

 Hello! So, without really meaning to, I might've accidentally drawn our residential cross-dresser again. But that's fine, cuz' out of all the main characters I have, he's probably the most festive and good-willed of the bunch...

... He's also a penguin. That technically fits in with the theme of this month.

And it's moments like these that I realize how much I love my characters. Especially the boys; Midnight being delightfully impish, Ollie with his mad cooking skills and anger issues frustration with being mistaken for a girl 24/7, and Harland just... just being awesome.

 He's sweet, excitable, loves to socialize with everybody, has an INSANE passion for clothing (especially dresses and jewelry) and has this weird fascination for Ruby that for the life of him refuses to shake off.

Aah, he was never the one to take no for an answer. Or a brick in the face.
... Make that a bagful...

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Pictures Galore

 Well, well, well... Wouldja' look at that, folks? Looks like Christmas has come EARLY this year! And no, it wasn't because Santa Clause got hit by some of his gravity-defying reindeer again, or because one of his elves had spiked the eggnog; NO!

It was because I threatened the government to move the holiday to the 9th so we could all unwrap our gifts early and NOT be tortured for weeks and weeks and forget all about the true meaning of the Christmas~ Wasn't that THOUGHTFUL of me?

... Possibly? Well, you're welcome, in any case. Here, have some pictures from your new favorite terrorist!

Aaah... It feels good to post lots of pictures all at once, again.

Whelp... See you all next week! <3

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Christmas Connie (Natural)

Hello! Tis' finally the season to be jolly, so let's kick this month off with something festive from the UV archives!

STARTING OFF with the return of one of the Nutthera girls in appropriate fashion~

I'm really proud on how the clothes came out in this. Especially the skirt. <3

Also, here's hoping I can come up with something Ru' and Harland related before December's over; that's my special goal for the next couple of weeks! 

[Those two should not be dating (and they aren't... WONT, for a good couple of years) but BOY are they so weirdly perfect for each other! Kinda freaky, actually.]

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Blacker Midnight

Heyo! Been sick all week with an annoying cough, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't draw anything new; had to go back and find an old sketch I could tidy up a bit before tonight.

Found this old Midnight doodle and I though it'd be fun if I made him a bit more Melanistic... So I did!

Dunno if I'll keep him this way (all depends on how hard it is to replicate) but he sure does look cool!

And in other news, I just got my braces! Hurts like the blazes right now (not to mention feels really weird), but I'm told it'll get better. After all, I'm gonna be wearin' em for a good year and a half or something; if that's not enough time to get used to them, I'm done for in the arts' department!

But in all seriousness, I should be good to get back to drawin' UV (or anything else I feel inspired to do at the time) pretty soon!

 ... Riiight as soon as I finish watching Gravity Falls again. Kehehehe~

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Daddy's little Queen

 Hello! I made an attempt at drawing in pastel colours this week, as apposed to horrifically bright or dull ones.
... I think it turned out pretty good, too! Here, check it!

Suffice to say, I had a lot of fun with this! The legwarmers were a nice new challenge to try out, and a skill I'm (probably not) gonna need! Also the bow. That came out pretty good, too.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

UV Sketches (2)

HI! Well, um... Didn't draw anything that much, but THAT'S OKAY cuz' I was at the dentist this week and felt weird for the past two days or so trying to figure out how to eat with FOUR LESS TEETH in my mouth. 

SO. Guess that means I have to show you some more of my secret doodles, instead of sending you all back in disappointment, huh? Okay. Here they are!

The R+H sketch is fairly old - a good month or two at this point - but I thought you guys might appreciate a quick moment from my favorite couple! Oh, and Harland is just being Harland up on the top right; reciting Shakespeare up to Ruby, who does not give two rolls of yarn, despite it being a weekday.

I drew the baseball Sapphire doodle this afternoon - so I was a little productive this week, but wasn't too fussed about outlining it or anythin'. Oh well. Gotta be lazy sometimes, right?

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Sapphire Minarel (design update)

Hiya, kids! Decided it was about time I updated Sapphire's design a little... Nothing wrong with how she originally looked, but I think these little adjustments are needed. Both for my sanity, and her heritage.

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the teenage lady with the thoughts of a well educated sailor and puppy-therapy enthusiast~
*drum roll*


... Yup. That was basically it. More yellow hair, a fluffier tail, vague hyena patterns, and... wait, no. That was legit it.

... Did you know she's into toxicology? Yeah. Also, she quite likes marine life but is too lazy to study about it.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Storm Mage

'Ello, chaps! Fancy meeting you all here on this glorious night! I'd offer you something to drink, but I'm not capable of phasing beverages through my side of the screen to wherever all you crazily delightful people are.

So instead, I shall show you this a-wonderful piece of art! My recent creation!

I dub it, STORM MAGE!

And now I remember why I don't draw grass in great detail. It takes FOREVER. And as we know, forever is a very long time.
... But the lightning sure looks cool, huh? I must admit, I kinda got a little carried away with drawing it, but never-mind; still looks pretty good, if I do say so myself.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

"Seriously, dude."

Huh. Wasn't expecting to finish that UV picture quite that quickly, but hey, I'll take it! Any excuse to upload another something before Saturday is alright in my book!

 "Harland, I know you mean well and are just trying to be friendly to me, but for your own safety, I'd advise not kissing me right now... Seriously, you have no idea where my mouth's been lately..."

"... Where has your-..?"

"None of your bloody business. Now shut up and hand me that book, we've got stuff to do." 

Situation is quite simple - Ruby spent all of the previous night hunting (stalking people and drinking their blood) and might have accidentally sorta overdid it... No sleep, couldn't stomach breakfast (but sure as heck tried), and going through the day feeling like death.

And Harland trying to flirt with her isn't exactly helping, either... If he doesn't keep his distance (or shut up), there's a high chance he'll be going to the blood bank to make a withdraw very shortly.

ANYWAY... I guess I'll be going back to work, then. Enjoy your week (if that is at all possible), and see you around on Saturday Night! I've sketched up another UV picture, but dunno if I'll be able to outline it or not... Haven't done a complex background in a while, but if worst comes to worse, I'll just colour the sketch and add it in the next post as a bonus. 

See ya~

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Eel-like creature mermaid girl thing

HI GUYS! Guess what? I MADE A THING!

... Seriously, though, what is this? Don't get me wrong, it looks GOOD, whatever it is, but I have like... no idea what I've made. A fish monster? Eel mermaid? Hybrid sea-creautre?
... Well, it fits in with the theme of the month, in any case. That's a start, right?

 BTW, expect an UV picture in the next week or so, depending on how much stuff I want on my plate. Ruby related. Ah, that youthful ray of sarcastic sunshine. <3

Saturday, October 14, 2017

"I swear, Fang..."

Afternoon, folks! Finally, after... 7 weeks...? Yeah, after seven weeks of delightfully colourful master-pieces, we finally have another Short Story! Unfortunately, I had to move it to be a SNP, but that's besides the point!

"I swear, Fang, if I catch a cold from this, consider yourself dead to me."

"Actually, you don't get colds from getting wet or from the air temperature, you get sick from viruses that-"

"Don't make me put you in the bag, mister."

 Pretty short. Then again, not much else needs to be added. It's already pretty self explanatory, I think... Ruby's going out in a thunderstorm for some *ahem* apparently stupid reason (probably Fang wanted some fresh bread or something), and she's complaining bitterly at why she takes the time to look after the likes of him in the first place.

... I thought it was kinda funny. Needed the practice for rain, in any case. And Ruby sure looks snazzy in that raincoat! 

(I also finally figured out how to draw bags without making them look stupid. I haven't been able to stop adding them into pictures since.)

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Anthropomorphic Fraener

Good evening, gentlemen! Awesome to see you all here on this glorious night! You all well? Yes? No? Depends? Could be worse? Mind my own business...?

Well, whatever you feel, I hope you at least appreciate the fact that I took time out of my week to draw this epic art-piece instead of writing!
(Not a complaint, mind you)

I thought it was about time I drew Fraener again. Been thinking about it for months, now, and after last week's Fang picture, I decided now would be a good a time as any! 

Saturday, September 30, 2017

It's been a while, old chap

Hello! Guess what? Yeah, I wrote about over 1500 words this week in total. Pretty good considering I've barely made 400 words in the past actual YEAR... 
I think we're finally getting somewhere, people!

So, yeah... Didn't really draw that much this week. BUT, thankfully there's always the one guy I can resort to if I'm unprepared!

I needed to draw some Fang-y cuteness. I clearly don't draw enough of this guy... How can I tell?
 The majority of you guys still scream when a spider crawls up your shirt.

(Dang, I really need to draw up a Short Story Picture soon... Been a while since I've done a proper background, and BOY do I have ideas! Curse you brain for not cooperating...)

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Undercover Vamparoo's 3rd Anniversary + NEWS

Heh... Recently took  a look at my calendar, and you'd never guess what I found out.

Undercover Vamparoo's Anniversary. 


Yeah, I know! I was surprised too! A whole three years since I've been posting on this blog!
So I thought it would at least be polite to upload something to celebrate the occasion. A little sketchy, of course, but considering the fact that I just got back from a two-month trip around Europe, I think we can let it slide...

 Yup. The gang just got a little bit bigger. Now besides the original terrible trio, we've now got a chocolate-addicted ball of enthusiastic fury, and a cross-dressing green penguin of AWESOMENESS! 
Seriously, Harland is cool. Honestly can't wait to show more stuff about him, especially with Ruby!

OKAY... now, once you've finished passing around the cake, let's get into a matter I've been meaning to get onto for a literal year now...
I'm gonna see if I can start writing UV chapters again, but I think I need to ditch using AJ screenshots to illustrate my point... Sure, at the start of this blog it was helpful (heck, even fun), but now that takes way to much time to organize and that's generally not what you want when you trying to do a weekly thing... So, this time around, I'm just going to write the bleedin' thing and ignore trying to add pictures and whatnot.

Oh, don't worry! I'll see if I can add sketches to accompany said writing posts, but don't expect anything too fancy, m'kay?

Comics? Yeah, those aren't going anywhere anytime soon... I seem to have misplaced my motivation for Fraener's Past right now, but don't worry! Whenever I find it again, I'll see through it to the end. After all, Grandma's in there as well, and she has an even more interesting tale to tell!

Hmm... Whatelsewhatelsewhatelsewhatelse... OH YEAH! Random Short Stories will be... well, random, like before, and of course Picture Posts every Saturday Night. You know the drill. 

Thanks to everyone that's stuck around for as long as they have, and likewise to the new guys that just got here and are wondering what the heck is going on and who are these strange abominations that I call Original Characters!

*Raises cutlass in salute to a non-existing flag*

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Winter's Mage

Hi! We're now officially home in Australia again, and boy does it feel good to be back! Still a bit tired, but thankfully my sleep-schedule is now (mostly) back on the right track, and (unlike last week) I've got something to post!

Yay, posts!

Sure, a little bit... white, I guess. And empty... Actually, the only reason why I took it as far as I did because of how proud I was of the scarf! Plus, I wanted to draw some snow. It had been a while since I'd done that.

Here's the original sketch, for those that are curious.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

UV Sketches

Hi! Remember how I said last week I might post some of my various Undercover Vamparoo sketches? Well... Yeah. Didn't really have much choice in the matter this time, but WHO CARES because you get to see some of my awesome drawings!

Yeah. Just a couple of doodles from various places. Mostly Ruby interacting with the boys, but there's one where Sapphire seems to be, uh... how to say this... 'screeching someone's ear off by telling them how stupid they are'... Yeah, that about sums it up.

And why is Midnight holding a stick of dynamite, some of you more observant readings may ask?

... Good question. But one thing's for certain; it makes more sense than him holding a salad!

[... On a side note, we're now in Singapore! This is the second time I've woken up before dawn and slept in til past lunch-time. This does not bode well for my already horrible sleep-schedule.]

Monday, September 11, 2017

Thunder Griffin

Heya. Sorry for the delay - the internet here in France (or at least at our house) isn't exactly great, so I had trouble loading, like... literally everything.

But it's fine! Here's your weekly dose of cute art from yours truly! A little late, sure, but oh well.

  I'm learning how to draw lightning. Still figuring out some details, but overall I think it looks pretty good so far!

On a side note, I'll see if I can post some of my UV sketches I occasionally tell you guys about. I'm actually quite proud of one or two of 'em, and I'd hate for them to end up being forgotten by me years later...

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Jaron the Boffin

Hiya! I've been drawing a lot of ghosty characters this week; here's one of them, in all his sparkling glory!

His name's Jaron the Boffin. Self-proclaimed piano master, and caretaker (or as well as he's able) of the Gloomy Manor.

... It's a Luigi's Mansion thing. And yes, I'm aware he should have a bigger head. Technically. But hey, if I can draw toads heads like hats, I can make ghosts more 'humanish'.

.. The clothes were a bonus. I was feeling classy at the time. Also the hair. Not quite sure why I gave him a pony-tail, but darn does it look cool! <3

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Fancy Pink Cat dude

 Hey guys! Sketched about two tons this week, so I was almost completely arted out by the time Saturday came 'round...

... Although, by the fact that you've noticed I've posted something new might've given away the fact that I came through in the end. 

Anyway! Here it is, in all its (fabulous) pink glory!


... Yeah, I've got no other comment. Proceed with your day.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

"What'cha doing, cuz?"

Heyo! Did this little piece last week, but I thought some of you guys might be interested... Heck, I even gave it some dialog!

... Yeah, I know! Exciting! Anyway, here it is.

"Heya, cuz!"
"Hello, Sapphire."
"What'cha doing?"
"Mm, Reading."
"Reading what?"
"... Stuff."
"... Are you going to get off me, or...?"
"Nah. Too much work. Besides, your heads comfy."
"Of course."


Just a little scenario I made up in my head. Ruby's reading, Sapphire was wandering around the house being bored, so she stopped by for a second to see what her cousin was doing.
Although, I bet Ruby wishes she would just get off her head... 

Also, this was a good excuse to make Ruby wear something 'house-worthy'.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Uncommon Love

Hi, guys! I finally figured out what to do with Silvester! Y'know, the purple skunk I did a little while ago...? Yes? Good. Yeah, well... I've decided he's dating an owl.

... A Spectacled owl with an English accent, no less!

Meet Phoebe - Literally one of the chillest girls you will ever meet. Also probably one of the most adorable, in my opinion.

... Oh? You're confused by the title? (Assuming you read it)... Actually, probably not considering. Having an owl date a skunk is kinda weird, I'll admit, but it goes a little deeper than that... I might explain it later, but probably not. All you need to know is that this kind of relationship in my world, while not unheard of, is not encouraged.
For more than one reason...

Monday, August 7, 2017

Clement 'Cliff' Swan

Heyo! Sorry for the delay. Completely forgot that I had to post last night, and... yeah. Stuff.

But  better late than never, I guess. Here, have a picture of one of my background teenagers.

I'm calling him Cliff. His real name is Clement,  but I like Cliff more. He's an Aussie swan, by the way. Well, mostly...

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Silvester Skunk

Hey! I drew a purple skunk!

I like him. Don't really know what to do with him, but I like him.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Safely arrived in France

Yup. We arrived safely. Should've probably mentioned it sooner, but jet lag made me feel awful for the first day or so, and I didn't feel motivated to get on the internet until recently.

Oh well. Expect stuff to go as usual here, despite the different time change n' stuff.

Sunday, July 23, 2017


Guess what? I'm going to Europe for two months!

Yeah, I know. Surprising! But don't worry, that (theoretically) shouldn't mess with my current schedule. In fact, it may even give me more time to do stuff!

I'll let you guys know when I've arrived, and whether or not the plane crashed.
Wish us luck! Or don't... I mean, I suppose it'll be too late by the time any of you regulars see this, so... yeah. 
*Here's hoping I don't get plane sick*

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Harland in a dress

Hi, guys! Sorry I haven't been posting Short Stories lately; I've been busy with life and stuff (naturally). That, and I haven't found the inspiration to come up with something that I consider half decent...

But that doesn't mean I haven't been drawing UV at all! Here, check it out!

Harland the penguin has made an appearance again! In a dress, no less. 

I need to start posting more stuff about the UV boys... Even if it's just an art dump of sketches I've done over the week. That could be fun. And it would give me something else to post besides random pictures!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Sleepy Polterpup

Evenin', all! So glad you could join me in this weekly ritual of sharing one of my many random pictures to the small group of people I call the public!

*AHEM*... Anyway. Behold!

Been drawing a lot of Mario related stuff lately; mostly Polterpup and the ghosts from Luigi's Mansion, I'll admit, but still.

I was quite proud on how this sketch came out, so I decided to take it a few steps further - this was the result!
... I guess I needed the practice on animals, anyway.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Irriated Ruby + Milky Q. Update

Hello! Welcome to this weeks' picture post! I'm AppleStorm, you're favorite improving artist/host, and this is what I should've posted last week instead of that less than great purple bird boy dude thing!

I was originally saving this for a short story, but decided against it in the end. Couldn't really think of, like... anything.
... Also, I wasn't in the mood for backgrounds, so... that too.

Still, it ended up pretty good!

ALSO, since I'm feeling generous on this fine night (and to make up for the lack of quality last week), I'm giving you guys two pictures!
... Yes. I'm aware I don't normally do this. Thanks for noticing!

It's a design update for Milky Quartz (Ruby and Sapphire's younger cousin), something I've been meaning to do for a looong time!
And may as well give you a little information about her too, just cuz' it's been rattling in my brain for literal months and it needs to see the light of day!

Well... She's 14, is one of the few characters I have that isn't snarky and/or sarcastic, is an only child to rich parents, and just so happens to be the only one in my entire cast of 50+ characters that has STRAIGHT HAIR.

... Okay, straightest. But my point still stands!
Anyway, that's it for real. You may leave now.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Purple Bird

Hi! Nice of you lot to drop by here for a minute! You having a good day so far? Or night?
... Morning, perhaps?
(I have no idea what time it is for you; sue me, why don't you?)

Anyway. Here's the picture!

... I'm sick. This was the best I could do under the circumstances.
On the bright side, I think I've figured out a set style for eyes! It only took like, what? Two years?
... Okay, maybe not... But lets not ruin a good story with facts, hm?

Also, it's the first of July today. I just realized that.

... Hey, I never said I was observant!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Reverse Sapphire (2)

I had a bit of trouble coming up with something today (seeing as the previous post almost  completely drained me) but I did it! Maybe not quite as good as I'd have liked it, but I suppose not every picture can be amazing.

And I'm now officially arted out for the next few days.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

UV Short Stories - #2 - "Well, to be fair..."

"I just feel so stupid... I mean, it was right in front of my nose the whole time! Like, seriously! How did I not recognize you?"

"Well, to be fair, it has been over five years since we last saw each other, and I didn't know it was you, either! Well, not until I figured out who your mother was..."

"Yeah, but I've changed a lot since then... You? Hardly at all. You're still the same Ruby I knew back when we were kids; a snobbish know-it-all who had a thing for plants and dragon books."

Ruby suppressed a choke of laughter and playfully punched Sapphire's shoulder.

"Me? Snobbish? Have you taken a look in the mirror lately, mate? I think you'll find you're far worse than I am!"

The blue kangaroo rolled her eyes and gave an irritated growl

"Oh, shut up."

Well... It started off as an experiment, then proceeded onto a possible Saturday night picture, then finally ended up becoming a short story.
If I keep this up, I might even enjoy adding semi complex backgrounds to these pictures! Or hate them even more... I dunno. Kinda fifty-fifty at this point.

Anyway! So, I have NO IDEA what's going on in here. Well, some idea, but not enough to explain it. Take out of this what you will.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Younger Grandma

Hello. Good to see you guys again.

Grandma in her teenage years, training to become a nurse, and before she got that *ahem* bad eye...

Expect a short story this week, as well! Maybe sooner.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Ruby and Fang

Hello, there. Decided that Ruby and Fang needed some more quality time together, so I came up with this!

... Yeah, I had no idea what I was doing with the background... But it sure does look cool, right?
Also, just like to quickly mention that I'm really proud on how the shirt came out in this!

Saturday, June 3, 2017

"Become a Dragon veterinarian, they said..."

Hi. Didn't mean to keep you all waiting for so long! Forests are a pain to draw, especially if you hate drawing backgrounds to begin with, like me...
Anyway, it's here, so take a look!

"'Become a Dragon Veterinarian, they said... It'll be fun, they said'... Yeesh. If we ever get back into civilization, Barak, remind me to burn down the house of whoever thought becoming a 'Dragon Vet' was a good idea. Or in the very least, make them buy me two rounds of apple-flavored coffee... It's been months since I've had one of those, and personally, I'm not a big fan of the cheap Fey version..."

I've been experimenting with possible career choices for the main cast, and for some reason, I liked the idea of Ruby become a Veterinarian - More specifically, a veterinarian for Dragons!

I dunno.. It seemed cool, and it does give her the excuse to travel the big scary world with a license to carry a few dozen knives, illegal items, and a baby Dragon! Well, not that you'd need one, but that's beside the point!

And to clarify, Ruby is like, 25 or something in this picture... And yes, that is dried blood on her shirt. And jacket. And jeans.
... And maybe her backpack... 

... They never said being a vet was pretty!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

UV Short Stories #1 - Ballroom of Lies

Ruby: Now mind, this is a stealth mission, so if I catch any of you goofing off, or more specifically getting drunk or waltzing with strangers, consider yourselves dead to me... Got that?

Sapphire: Heh. You say that, but as soon as one of us actually does it, you'll-

Ruby: I'm serious, Sapphire. This is the most dangerous thing we'll ever do, and no one, not even you're parents-...

Sapphire: Parent.

Harland: Aunt and Uncle.

Ruby: ... not even they know we're here. So if we don't make it back before midnight, the most logical thing they'll do is panic.

Oliver: And that's bad?

Harland: For the plot of this entire scheme? Yes. Otherwise, it's just rational for them to call the police and have a mini heart attack.

Ruby exhaled loudly and dug her heel into the cold cobblestone ground, glaring back at her grinning comrades.

Ruby: But we should be home before they have time for any of that. IF everything goes smoothly... Now c'mon, Milky's probably waiting for us at the front gate with Micheal. And I'm getting cold out here...

Harland: Then you should've worn that extra coat I offered you.

Ruby: And you should've worn an actual suit instead of that moth-eaten outfit you call a ball gown! Seriously, how are you not freezing on top of looking stupid?

Harland put his hands on his hips and puffed out his chest, giving Ruby a smug look.

Harland: First off, I'm a penguin. And penguins (according to my uncle) never get cold. And two, I don't look stupid in this; I look good. Darn good.

Ruby rolled her eyes behind her mask and let out a disgusted sigh.

Ruby: Whatever... Now come on, let's get this good time over with so we can get back to the hotel before any adults notice our absence...


... What? I did say it was a 'Short Story'. I think I advertised well!

Anyway! So, this is just an experimental scene to a possible plot I have been working on for the past month or so. This is nearly a year after Ruby first joined the Golden Forests school, and they're about to enter (potentially) the most dangerous party they've ever been to, in honor of the new royal couple of the mainland!

Why is this dangerous, some of you may ask? Well, let's just say that the new queen isn't what the public believes her to be... In other words, she's Vampic. And Ruby and co know this thanks to some inside sources (mainly the Vampire Lord of EverWinter Village).

I wont spoil too much, because I'm still not entirely sure if I'm going to carry this plot out or not, but I'm really excited for the potential this can give me! I might continue this short story to a second part as well, but we'll see if I'm up to the challenge or not.
I might just make Ruby and Ollie cook together. That could be a fun disaster!

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Rain and Tears

Mm. Hello. Good to see you decided to drop by for a minute or two.

... Prepare for impact.

I've been meaning to draw a rainy setting for a while. Finally got 'round to doing it. Also, jerboas and dalmatians.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

In memory of the most educated demented dachshund in town

Hi... So, I know you guys were expecting me to finish the 'masquerade costume' picture (and believe me, I'm almost done), but... Well, to put it simply, our pet dog died early this morning, and as you can imagine, I'm not really in the mood to post something of that kind tonight.

So instead of a short story of UV, this is a tribute to a dwarf miniature cinnamon dachshund, who was as weird as he was cute and funny... AKA, Pippin.

As much as I would like to write down everything about this mad nutcase of a dog, I'm going to try and keep this short. Just some details I think you guys would like to know.


Pippin was a cheese enthusiast, a sushi and egg lover, a marshmallow addict, and a drinker of many things (such as coffee and tea). He also tended to eat a lot of unattended chocolate when everyone was out of the house; strangely enough, this never killed him, much to our amusement. And he had a habit of eating tissues, although I suppose every dog will do that if given half the chance...

When we do school in the kitchen, he'd scratch at the door, begging to be let out onto the porch (much to our annoyance), and then a few minutes later he'd whine and claw to be let back in. I'd sometimes put my foot in the way to, y'know, stop him scratching at the screen door, but then he'd just claw at my feet gently, or look at me in a depressed manner. That was always funny, and it tickled when he pawed me.

In the afternoon (after school), he'd usually sit on one of his two chairs - the small green one in front of the TV, with his own big puffy tiger-patterned pillow with a fluffy blanket on it, or the big black leather one in the computer corner, where he could keep an eye on all those he didn't trust; this also acted as his bed the majority of the time.

And when it came around Friday night or Saturday lunch, he'd trot around the table, weaving in and out of legs (both human and wooden), waiting for a scrap or two to fall down to him, because clearly that was far better than the dog food that was already in his bowl. (But if we had sushi, we'd save him a piece or two and put it into his dish after we'd all finished. Although he'd then immediately take it out and put it on the tile floor to eat, but I guess none of us minded - he was like a fluffy vacuum)

One of my favorite times with him was when he came for 'stories'; self explanatory, but I'll explain anyway - after dinner and a quick shower, mum will come into our bedroom to read us a book. And Pippin, when he got the memo that it was story time, would stop what he was doing and trot after mum and get up on the bed with us, usually snuggling down on top of the covers and under a light quilt, and we all listened to story. I'd stroke his head and back every now and then, playing with his paws, and generally enjoying a nice quiet night...


And now he's dead.

... Yeah, that wasn't exactly short, but those were some things I wanted to share with you about him. Maybe next year I'll do this again and give you some more information about Pippy - to help remind me of the good times we had with him... Who knows? It might help the pain that's sure to follow us from now on.

And I hope you guys don't mind me taking a week or so to get used to the slightly more empty house before I continue working on UV stories or Fraener's Past... I need some time to recover from the shock and depression.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Sino the Spider + Preview

Here's a little someone I've been wanting to draw for a while now... Let me introduce you to Sino the Spider!

She's one of Fang's friends, and definitely one of the more adorable arachnids in the group! 

And while we're all here, let me show you a preview that I'm going to (hopefully) post in the next few days!

Stop reading this. Look down.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

"You do realize this, right?"

Hello. I've been working on this picture on and off for the past couple of weeks. Finally got round to giving it a proper background, although honestly couldn't figure out what to put in it.

Yeah. See what I mean? Kinda empty. But whatever; I'll come back to this in a few years or something to redraw it. Speaking of which, I should go back and check out some old pictures so I can improve them - should give me a nice change from all the updating on Fraener's Past and UV in general.
Plot can be a fickle thing to work with.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Mortimer the Lemur

Hi! Welcome back! Come and feast your eyes on this fine art piece, masterfully crafted by yours truly, and then go about your daily business and forget all about it.

This fine young chap is Mortimer the lemur! I wanted to give Ollie a school-friend, because... well... he kinda needs it. Seriously, the amount of people that either pick on him, mistake him for a girl, or unknowingly patronize him is a ridiculously high number! So I took pity and decided to give him a guy-friend; AKA, Morty here!

 And we kinda needed a blondie in the group... That was the other reason.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Blue hoodie girl

Howdy! Nice to see you all again! I'm assuming you're here for the weekly picture? Then you've obviously come to the right place!

Bit of a quickie, but I'm pretty proud on how it turned out overall!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Brik the Irken Soldier

Hello! It be Saturday Night once more... And d'you know what that means?

... Absolutely not! It's a picture from the gallery of yours truly <3

I took a sketch from a few weeks back and made it better. I dub him Brik, but it could very well be Zim! Or, like, the millions of other Irken's that look like that...
Seriously, you see one of these annoying little aliens, you've seen 'em all.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Reverse Sapphire

 Evening, all! Glad you decided to drop by for a minute. I guess I better make your visit worthwhile, eh?

I decided to draw Sapphire in her opposite colours. Just for fun. And I guess it was a good pose exercise!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Robin and Scarlet

Hello! It's that time of week again!

I think I'm getting better at birds!